Initial Assessment of Cloud and Aerosol Discrimination over the Eastern Regions of Iran Using CALIOP Satellite Data [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 21-33]
Air pollution
Associations between Surface Ozone and Nitrogen Oxides of Ambient Air in Tabriz [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 107-114]
Alternate path analysis
Static Alternate Path Analyses on Tensegrity Systems Considering Effects of Self-Stress Distributions [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 35-46]
Asymmetric theory
Identifying Stop and Go Traffic in Trajectory of Vehicle Platoon Based on Asymmetric Theory [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 59-71]
Bandal-like spur dike
The Effect of the Type of Spur Dike on Bed Topography in a 90 Degree Bend under Submerged Condition [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 73-80]
Blast loading
Numerical Analysis of Dynamic Response of Concrete Gravity Dam under Blast Loading in the Reservoir [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 91-104]
Initial Assessment of Cloud and Aerosol Discrimination over the Eastern Regions of Iran Using CALIOP Satellite Data [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 21-33]
Initial Assessment of Cloud and Aerosol Discrimination over the Eastern Regions of Iran Using CALIOP Satellite Data [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 21-33]
CCHE2D numerical model
Comparison and Simulation of Flow Pattern in a 90 Degree Mild Bend Using CCHE2D and SRH-2D Models [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 11-19]
Cemented Soil
Compressibility of Cement Treated Soft Soils [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 1-9]
Initial Assessment of Cloud and Aerosol Discrimination over the Eastern Regions of Iran Using CALIOP Satellite Data [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 21-33]
Collapse mechanisms
Static Alternate Path Analyses on Tensegrity Systems Considering Effects of Self-Stress Distributions [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 35-46]
Compressibility of Cement Treated Soft Soils [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 1-9]
Evaluation of Mechanical Properties and Durability indices of Concrete containing Wollastonite and Silica-Fume [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 47-57]
Numerical Analysis of Dynamic Response of Concrete Gravity Dam under Blast Loading in the Reservoir [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 91-104]
Driver’s behavior responses
Identifying Stop and Go Traffic in Trajectory of Vehicle Platoon Based on Asymmetric Theory [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 59-71]
Durability indices
Evaluation of Mechanical Properties and Durability indices of Concrete containing Wollastonite and Silica-Fume [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 47-57]
East Part of Iran
Initial Assessment of Cloud and Aerosol Discrimination over the Eastern Regions of Iran Using CALIOP Satellite Data [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 21-33]
Finite element
Numerical Analysis of Dynamic Response of Concrete Gravity Dam under Blast Loading in the Reservoir [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 91-104]
Flow pattern
Comparison and Simulation of Flow Pattern in a 90 Degree Mild Bend Using CCHE2D and SRH-2D Models [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 11-19]
Frame structures
Scaled Charged System Search Algorithm for Optimum Design of Steel Frames [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 81-90]
Gravity dam
Numerical Analysis of Dynamic Response of Concrete Gravity Dam under Blast Loading in the Reservoir [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 91-104]
Impermeable spur dike
The Effect of the Type of Spur Dike on Bed Topography in a 90 Degree Bend under Submerged Condition [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 73-80]
Life cycle stop and go traffic
Identifying Stop and Go Traffic in Trajectory of Vehicle Platoon Based on Asymmetric Theory [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 59-71]
Mechanical properties
Evaluation of Mechanical Properties and Durability indices of Concrete containing Wollastonite and Silica-Fume [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 47-57]
Nitrogen oxides
Associations between Surface Ozone and Nitrogen Oxides of Ambient Air in Tabriz [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 107-114]
Optimal design
Scaled Charged System Search Algorithm for Optimum Design of Steel Frames [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 81-90]
Permeable spur dike
The Effect of the Type of Spur Dike on Bed Topography in a 90 Degree Bend under Submerged Condition [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 73-80]
Reservoir -structure interaction
Numerical Analysis of Dynamic Response of Concrete Gravity Dam under Blast Loading in the Reservoir [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 91-104]
Self-stress distribution
Static Alternate Path Analyses on Tensegrity Systems Considering Effects of Self-Stress Distributions [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 35-46]
Silica- Fume
Evaluation of Mechanical Properties and Durability indices of Concrete containing Wollastonite and Silica-Fume [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 47-57]
SRH-2D numerical model
Comparison and Simulation of Flow Pattern in a 90 Degree Mild Bend Using CCHE2D and SRH-2D Models [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 11-19]
Static stability
Static Alternate Path Analyses on Tensegrity Systems Considering Effects of Self-Stress Distributions [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 35-46]
Surface ozone
Associations between Surface Ozone and Nitrogen Oxides of Ambient Air in Tabriz [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 107-114]
Associations between Surface Ozone and Nitrogen Oxides of Ambient Air in Tabriz [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 107-114]
Tensegrity structures
Static Alternate Path Analyses on Tensegrity Systems Considering Effects of Self-Stress Distributions [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 35-46]
Void ratio
Compressibility of Cement Treated Soft Soils [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 1-9]
Evaluation of Mechanical Properties and Durability indices of Concrete containing Wollastonite and Silica-Fume [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 47-57]
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