Damage Detection in Bolted Connections of Power Transmission Towers Using Machine Learning-Based Methods (Bagging Trees)


Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran


There have been many studies regarding the health monitoring and detection of transmission towers, among which we can refer to the article by Yen et al. in 2009, who investigated damage detection in transmission towers with a limited number of sensors those modal parameters were obtained from the measured environmental vibration data. In their research, mode shape and frequency were used to identify the system. Also, stiffness reduction was also suggested to damage detection. Structural health monitoring by using features such as natural frequencies and mode shapes has attracted the attention of a number of researchers. Damage detection in power transmission towers using these features and using soft computing methods was also considered by Skarbek et al. in 2014. They have investigated frequency damage indicators by simple processing and using neural network for power transmission tower. In 2019, Zhao et al obtained the natural frequency of the 110 kV power transmission tower using the sub-random space method and found that the detected natural frequency is dependent on the wind speed. However, the current article tries to damage detection in the connections due to the lack of access to real data and experimental data and based on numerical modeling of a limited number of possible damages that occurred in the legs of the splice connection of power transmission tower.


Main Subjects

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