Numerical Investigation of Block Form Effect in Amount of Dissipated Energy of Baffled Apron Spillway Drop by Flow3D


Faculty of Civil Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Roudehen branch, Teharan, Iran


Baffled aprons or Chutes have been in use on irrigation projects for many years. The fact that many of these structures have been built and have performed satisfactorily indicates that they are practical and that in many cases they are an economical answer to the problem of dissipating energy. Baffled chutes are used to dissipate the energy in the flow at a drop and are most often used on channel waste ways or drops. During the past 2 decades, heuristic and metaheuristic optimization techniques have emerged as a promising solution, offering several benefits and possibilities. (Saberi et al., 2021; Sedaghat et al., 2019).


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