Microstructural Examination of Effects of Organic Crude Oil Pollutant on the Geotechnical Properties and Geo-Environmental of Marl Soil of Mishan Formation


University of Hormozgan, Faculty of Engineering, Bandar Abbas, Iran


The expansion of oil-dependent industries has caused a growing rate of oil extraction and increasing oil- and its derivatives-contaminated water and soil. The impacts and damages caused by oil pollution on human resources, water, and the environment have been very complicated. Oil and its derivates leakages into the soil can change its physical and mechanical properties. Oil-contaminated lands are thought of as the main challenge to the environment. Fuel and oil-reserve sites are common oil leak sites that may penetrate the soil. However, most Bandar Abbas refineries are situated on marl soil beds. Marl is composed of clay, and calcium carbonates of varying degrees of 20-65%, which, having been hardened, are converted into marl soil, thus becoming physically stiff and impermeable. Marl soil has high stiffness and shear strength under dry conditions, as these properties experience lower rates under wet conditions. The volatile behavior of the marl soil in water and organic pollutants makes it problematic when used in geotechnical projects. Thus, the present research takes a microstructural approach to investigate the geotechnical properties and environmental geotechnics of the marl soil contaminated with varying degrees of crude oil.


Main Subjects

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