Investigating the Effect of Saturated Sand Layer Thickness on the Performance of Deep Soil Mixing Columns and Gravel Columns in Reducing Risks Caused By Liquefaction


Faculty of Civil Engineering, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran


In the present paper, the results of a series of seismic experiments in a 1g environment on a structure located over liquefiable ground with different thicknesses reinforced with GD and DSM techniques were presented. The dynamic response of the reinforced ground system was investigated based on the parameters of settlement, excess pore water pressure ratio, maximum acceleration, behavior of stress-strain of reinforced soil. The time history of the input acceleration was applied harmonically with an acceleration range of 0.2g and at frequencies of 1, 2, and 3 Hz. results of experimental investigations show that the thickness of the liquefiable layer and the frequency of the input motion have a significant impact on the effectiveness of the improvement method and all responses.


اسدزاده خوشه مهر ق، بهادری ب، "ارزیابی عملکرد ستون‌های شنی در کاهش خطرات ناشی از روانگرایی"، پژوهش­نامه زلزله شناسی و مهندسی زلزله، 1388، سال دوازدهم (1-2)، 0-1.

Araei AA, Towhata I, “Impact and cyclic shaking on loose sand properties in laminar box using gap sensors”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2014, 66, 401-414.

Asgari A, Oliaei M, Bagheri M, “Numerical simulation of improvement of a liquefiable soil layer using stone column and pile-pinning techniques”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2013, 51, 77-96.

Bahadori H, Ghalandarzadeh A, Towhata, I, “Effect of non plastic silt on the anisotropic behavior of sand”, Soils and foundations, 2008, 48 (4), 531-545.

Bahmanpour A, Towhata I, Sakr M, Mahmoud M, Yamamoto Y, Yamada S, “The effect of underground columns on the mitigation of liquefaction in shaking table model experiments”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2019, 116, 15-30.

Bayati H, Bagheripour MH, “Shaking table study on liquefaction behaviour of different saturated sands reinforced by stone columns”, Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 2019, 37 (7), 801-815.

Bertalot D, Brennan A, Villalobos F, “Influence of bearing pressure on liquefaction-induced settlement of shallow foundations”, Géotechnique, 2013, 63 (5), 391.

Bouassida M, Porbaha A, “Ultimate bearing capacity of soft clays reinforced by a group of columns: Application to a deep mixing technique”, Soils and Foundations, 2004, 44 (3), 91-101.

Brennan A, Madabhushi S, “Effectiveness of vertical drains in mitigation of liquefaction”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2002, 22 (9-12), 1059-1065.

Brown RE, “Vibroflotation compaction of cohesionless soils”, Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division, 103 (12), 1977, 1437-1451.

DehqanKhalili H, Ghalandarzadeh A, Moradi M, Karimzadeh R, “Effect of distribution patterns of DSM columns on the efficiency of liquefaction mitigation”, Scientia Iranica, 2020, 27 (5), 2198-2208.

Esmaeili M, Gharouni-Nik M, Khajehei H, “Evaluation of deep soil mixing efficiency in stabilizing loose sandy soils using laboratory tests”, Geotechnical Testing Journal, 2014, 37 (5), 817-827.

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Hasheminezhad A, Bahadori H, “Seismic response of shallow foundations over liquefiable soils improved by deep soil mixing columns”, Computers and Geotechnics, 2019, 110, 251-273.

Hasheminezhad A, Bahadori H, “On the deep soil mixing method in the mitigation of liquefaction-induced bearing capacity degradation of shallow foundations”, Geomechanics and Geoengineering, 2020, 1-13.

Iai S, “Similitude for shaking table tests on soil-structure-fluid model in 1g gravitational field”, Soils and Foundations, 1989, 29 (1), 105-118.

Iai S, Koizumi K, “Estimation of earthquake induced excess pore water pressure for gravel drains”, Proc., 7th Japan Earthquake Engineering Symposium, 1986, 679-684.

Kitazum M, “JGS TC Report: Japanese design procedures and recent activities of DMM”, Proc. of the 2nd Int. Conf. on Ground Improvement Geosystems, 925-937.

Kitazume M, Yamazaki H, Tsuchida T, “Recent soil admixture stabilization techniques for port and harbor constructions in Japan-deep mixing method, premix method, light-weight method”, Proceeding of International Seminar on Geotechnics in Kochi, ISGK, 23-40.

Lee CJ, Wei YC, Kuo YC, “Boundary effects of a laminar container in centrifuge shaking table tests”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2012, 34 (1), 37-51.

Lou M, Wang H, Chen X, Zhai Y, “Structure-soil-structure interaction: Literature review”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2011, 31 (12), 1724-1731.

Namikawa T, Koseki J, Suzuki Y, “Finite element analysis of lattice-shaped ground improvement by cement-mixing for liquefaction mitigation”, Soils and Foundations, 2007, 47 (3), 559-576.

Orense R, Morimoto I, Yamamoto YA, Yumiyama T, Yamamoto H, Sugawara K, “Study on wall-type gravel drains as liquefaction countermeasure for underground structures”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2003, 23 (1), 19-39.

Porbaha A, Zen K, Kobayashi M, “Deep mixing technology for liquefaction mitigation”, Journal of infrastructure systems, 1999, 5 (1), 21-34.

Prasad S, Towhata I, Chandradhara G, Nanjundaswamy P, “Shaking table tests in earthquake geotechnical engineering”, Current science, 2004, 1398-1404.

Rayamajhi D, Nguyen TV, Ashford SA, Boulanger RW, Lu J, Elgamal A, Shao L, “Numerical study of shear stress distribution for discrete columns in liquefiable soils”, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 2014, 140 (3), 04013034.

Rayhani MH, El Naggar MH, “Seismic response of sands in centrifuge tests”, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2008, 45 (4), 470-483.

Sadrekarimi A, Ghalandarzadeh A, “Evaluation of gravel drains and compacted sand piles in mitigating liquefaction”, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Ground Improvement, 2005, 9 (3), 91-104.

Seed HB, Booker JR, “Stabilization of potentially liquefiable sand deposits using gravel drains”, Journal of the geotechnical engineering division, 1977, 103 (7), 757-768.

Shahraki M, Rafiee-Dehkharghani R, Behnia K, “Three-dimensional Finite Element modeling of stone column-improved soft saturated ground”, Civil Engineering Infrastructures Journal, 2018, 51 (2), 389-403.

Siddharthan RV, Porbaha A, “Seismic response evaluation of sites improved by deep mixing, Part 2: Verification”, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Ground Improvement, 2008a, 161 (3), 163-169.

Siddharthan RV, Porbaha A, “Seismic response evaluation of sites improved by deep mixing, Part I: Proposed approach”, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Ground Improvement, 2008b, 161 (3), 153-162.

Turan A, Hinchberger SD, El Naggar H, “Design and commissioning of a laminar soil container for use on small shaking tables”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2009, 29 (2), 404-414.

Yang FO, Fan G, Wang K, Yang C, Lyu W, Zhang J, “A large-scale shaking table model test for acceleration and deformation response of geosynthetic encased stone column composite ground”, Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 2021.

Zeng X, Schofield A, “Design and performance of an equivalent-shear-beam container for earthquake centrifuge modelling”, Geotechnique, 1996, 46 (1), 83-102.

Zhou H, Zheng G, Yu XX, Zhang TQ, Liu JJ, “Bearing capacity and failure mechanism of ground improved by deep mixed columns”, Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A, 2018, 19 (4), 266-276.


Main Subjects

اسدزاده خوشه مهر ق، بهادری ب، "ارزیابی عملکرد ستون‌های شنی در کاهش خطرات ناشی از روانگرایی"، پژوهش­نامه زلزله شناسی و مهندسی زلزله، 1388، سال دوازدهم (1-2)، 0-1.
Araei AA, Towhata I, “Impact and cyclic shaking on loose sand properties in laminar box using gap sensors”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2014, 66, 401-414.
Asgari A, Oliaei M, Bagheri M, “Numerical simulation of improvement of a liquefiable soil layer using stone column and pile-pinning techniques”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2013, 51, 77-96.
Bahadori H, Ghalandarzadeh A, Towhata, I, “Effect of non plastic silt on the anisotropic behavior of sand”, Soils and foundations, 2008, 48 (4), 531-545.
Bahmanpour A, Towhata I, Sakr M, Mahmoud M, Yamamoto Y, Yamada S, “The effect of underground columns on the mitigation of liquefaction in shaking table model experiments”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2019, 116, 15-30.
Bayati H, Bagheripour MH, “Shaking table study on liquefaction behaviour of different saturated sands reinforced by stone columns”, Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 2019, 37 (7), 801-815.
Bertalot D, Brennan A, Villalobos F, “Influence of bearing pressure on liquefaction-induced settlement of shallow foundations”, Géotechnique, 2013, 63 (5), 391.
Bouassida M, Porbaha A, “Ultimate bearing capacity of soft clays reinforced by a group of columns: Application to a deep mixing technique”, Soils and Foundations, 2004, 44 (3), 91-101.
Brennan A, Madabhushi S, “Effectiveness of vertical drains in mitigation of liquefaction”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2002, 22 (9-12), 1059-1065.
Brown RE, “Vibroflotation compaction of cohesionless soils”, Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division, 103 (12), 1977, 1437-1451.
DehqanKhalili H, Ghalandarzadeh A, Moradi M, Karimzadeh R, “Effect of distribution patterns of DSM columns on the efficiency of liquefaction mitigation”, Scientia Iranica, 2020, 27 (5), 2198-2208.
Esmaeili M, Gharouni-Nik M, Khajehei H, “Evaluation of deep soil mixing efficiency in stabilizing loose sandy soils using laboratory tests”, Geotechnical Testing Journal, 2014, 37 (5), 817-827.
Farahmand K, Lashkari A, Ghalandarzadeh A, “Firoozkuh sand: introduction of a benchmark for geomechanical studies”, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering, 2016, 40 (2), 133-148.
Fattah M. Y, Al-Neami M. A, Al-Suhaily A. S, “Estimation of bearing capacity of floating group of stone columns”, Engineering science and technology, an international journal, 2017, 20 (3), 1166-1172.
Green R. A, Olgun C. G, Wissmann K. J, “Shear stress redistribution as a mechanism to mitigate the risk of liquefaction”, Geotechnical earthquake engineering and soil dynamics IV, 2008, 1-10.
Hasheminezhad A, Bahadori H, “Seismic response of shallow foundations over liquefiable soils improved by deep soil mixing columns”, Computers and Geotechnics, 2019, 110, 251-273.
Hasheminezhad A, Bahadori H, “On the deep soil mixing method in the mitigation of liquefaction-induced bearing capacity degradation of shallow foundations”, Geomechanics and Geoengineering, 2020, 1-13.
Iai S, “Similitude for shaking table tests on soil-structure-fluid model in 1g gravitational field”, Soils and Foundations, 1989, 29 (1), 105-118.
Iai S, Koizumi K, “Estimation of earthquake induced excess pore water pressure for gravel drains”, Proc., 7th Japan Earthquake Engineering Symposium, 1986, 679-684.
Kitazum M, “JGS TC Report: Japanese design procedures and recent activities of DMM”, Proc. of the 2nd Int. Conf. on Ground Improvement Geosystems, 925-937.
Kitazume M, Yamazaki H, Tsuchida T, “Recent soil admixture stabilization techniques for port and harbor constructions in Japan-deep mixing method, premix method, light-weight method”, Proceeding of International Seminar on Geotechnics in Kochi, ISGK, 23-40.
Lee CJ, Wei YC, Kuo YC, “Boundary effects of a laminar container in centrifuge shaking table tests”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2012, 34 (1), 37-51.
Lou M, Wang H, Chen X, Zhai Y, “Structure-soil-structure interaction: Literature review”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2011, 31 (12), 1724-1731.
Namikawa T, Koseki J, Suzuki Y, “Finite element analysis of lattice-shaped ground improvement by cement-mixing for liquefaction mitigation”, Soils and Foundations, 2007, 47 (3), 559-576.
Orense R, Morimoto I, Yamamoto YA, Yumiyama T, Yamamoto H, Sugawara K, “Study on wall-type gravel drains as liquefaction countermeasure for underground structures”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2003, 23 (1), 19-39.
Porbaha A, Zen K, Kobayashi M, “Deep mixing technology for liquefaction mitigation”, Journal of infrastructure systems, 1999, 5 (1), 21-34.
Prasad S, Towhata I, Chandradhara G, Nanjundaswamy P, “Shaking table tests in earthquake geotechnical engineering”, Current science, 2004, 1398-1404.
Rayamajhi D, Nguyen TV, Ashford SA, Boulanger RW, Lu J, Elgamal A, Shao L, “Numerical study of shear stress distribution for discrete columns in liquefiable soils”, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 2014, 140 (3), 04013034.
Rayhani MH, El Naggar MH, “Seismic response of sands in centrifuge tests”, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2008, 45 (4), 470-483.
Sadrekarimi A, Ghalandarzadeh A, “Evaluation of gravel drains and compacted sand piles in mitigating liquefaction”, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Ground Improvement, 2005, 9 (3), 91-104.
Seed HB, Booker JR, “Stabilization of potentially liquefiable sand deposits using gravel drains”, Journal of the geotechnical engineering division, 1977, 103 (7), 757-768.
Shahraki M, Rafiee-Dehkharghani R, Behnia K, “Three-dimensional Finite Element modeling of stone column-improved soft saturated ground”, Civil Engineering Infrastructures Journal, 2018, 51 (2), 389-403.
Siddharthan RV, Porbaha A, “Seismic response evaluation of sites improved by deep mixing, Part 2: Verification”, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Ground Improvement, 2008a, 161 (3), 163-169.
Siddharthan RV, Porbaha A, “Seismic response evaluation of sites improved by deep mixing, Part I: Proposed approach”, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Ground Improvement, 2008b, 161 (3), 153-162.
Turan A, Hinchberger SD, El Naggar H, “Design and commissioning of a laminar soil container for use on small shaking tables”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2009, 29 (2), 404-414.
Yang FO, Fan G, Wang K, Yang C, Lyu W, Zhang J, “A large-scale shaking table model test for acceleration and deformation response of geosynthetic encased stone column composite ground”, Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 2021.
Zeng X, Schofield A, “Design and performance of an equivalent-shear-beam container for earthquake centrifuge modelling”, Geotechnique, 1996, 46 (1), 83-102.
Zhou H, Zheng G, Yu XX, Zhang TQ, Liu JJ, “Bearing capacity and failure mechanism of ground improved by deep mixed columns”, Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A, 2018, 19 (4), 266-276.