Experimental study on properties and resistance of local mineral pozzolanic concrete against fire and evaluation of its ability to reduce CO2 emissions


1 Department of Civil Engineering, Khorramabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khorramabad, Iran

2 Department of Civil Engineering, Khorramabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khorramabad, Iran & Department of Civil Engineering, University of Guilan, P.O. Box 3756, Rasht, Iran


Finding a way to reduce cement consumption in concrete as the most widely used building materials, thereby reducing CO2 emissions from greenhouses, is a priority. In this paper, a natural pozzolan from Iran with suitable physical and chemical properties to replace part of cement in concrete, its introduction and engineering properties were investigated and its ability to reduce CO2 emissions was evaluated. In the experiments, steel and polypropylene fibers were used separately and hybrids with new mineral pozzolans were used. According to the previous optimizations, mineral pozzolan with a weight fraction of 15% of cement substitute was used in concrete. Experiments showed that concrete samples containing local mineral pozzolans and steel fibers had higher compressive strength. Pozzolanic concrete samples containing a combination of steel fibers and polypropylene had better performance in flexural strength. The strength of the samples was evaluated after exposure to 600 ° C. Samples containing steel fibers showed better compressive strength. Studies have shown; Adding 15% by weight of local mineral exchange pozzolan to cement in concrete can reduce CO2 emissions by 15.20%. Scanning electron microscope studies on samples containing local mineral pozzolan showed that this pozzolan prevented the increase in the amount of portlandite near the aggregates by creating a favorable pozzolanic reaction with portlandite and thus strengthened the boundary transition zone and the bond between the whole and Improves the matrix. The studied mineral pozzolan is effective in making green concrete.


Main Subjects

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