Comparison of Liquid Limit Obtained From Casagrande Cup Method and Cone Penetrometer for Sand and Clay Mixed Soils


1 Department of Civil Engineering, Semnan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Semnan, Iran

2 2Department of Civil Engineering, Semnan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Semnan, Iran


The behavior of the cohesive soil depends on many factors. Atterberg limits play an important role in the evaluation and classification of clays. In this paper, the relationship between the Liquid limit of the cone penetrometer methods and Casagrande cup of sand and clay mixed soils has been evaluated. The main purpose of this study is to compare the Liquid limit values obtained from the hard-base Casagrande device with the cone penetration method and to present the relationship between the Liquid limit values obtained from the two methods in terms of the percentage of sand in the mixed soil.


Main Subjects

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