Temperature Optimization of Small Smart Residential Buildings Using Fuzzy Inference Rules Considering User Comfort


1 Department of Civil Engineering, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran

2 Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran


The present article is a model for the optimal management of energy consumption of smart residential buildings by considering the emotional characteristics to ensure the comfort of residents. In order to smarten the indoor temperature based on emotional components (clothing, outdoor temperature, age, body mass index (BMI1), humidity and number of residents) by expert system and questionnaire, temperature has been determined as a basis. Mogles et al, in an article entitled Designing Behavioral Interactions of Energy Changes for a Computational Model, investigated creating a structure to fit various types of models and using the simulation model as a tool for evaluation, which affects consumption decisions. According to the results, the presented model can predict the energy saving behavior much better than the existing stochastic models and correctly estimate the effect of the accepted technologies. Also, the analytical model can become a decision-making system in accordance with the change of energy behavior (Mogles et al., 2018).


Main Subjects

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