Absorption isotherm
Removal of Fluoride from Water Using an Activated Alumina Modified with Iron Compounds [43.4, Issue 73, 2014, Pages 13-20]
H2S Removal from Industrial Wastewater Using Biofilm Airlift Suspension reactor [43.4, Issue 73, 2014, Pages 79-86]
Numerical Modeling of Concrete Lining Uplift in Tabriz Plain Canal [43.4, Issue 73, 2014, Pages 21-34]
Cast-in-place Concrete piles
The Analytical and Experimental Study on the Settlement of Cast-in-Situ Concrete Piles in Sand [43.4, Issue 73, 2014, Pages 35-46]
Concrete lining
Numerical Modeling of Concrete Lining Uplift in Tabriz Plain Canal [43.4, Issue 73, 2014, Pages 21-34]
Concrete pavement
Studying the Effect of Gradation and Macro Texture Generating by the Method of Gravel Distribution, on the Skid Resistance of the Concrete Pavements [43.4, Issue 73, 2014, Pages 69-78]
Expansive soils
Numerical Modeling of Concrete Lining Uplift in Tabriz Plain Canal [43.4, Issue 73, 2014, Pages 21-34]
Numerical Modeling of Concrete Lining Uplift in Tabriz Plain Canal [43.4, Issue 73, 2014, Pages 21-34]
Removal of Fluoride from Water Using an Activated Alumina Modified with Iron Compounds [43.4, Issue 73, 2014, Pages 13-20]
Fuzzy reliability
Calculation of Fuzzy Structural Reliability Index Using α-level Optimization Technique [43.4, Issue 73, 2014, Pages 1-12]
Static and Pseudo Static Stability Analysis of Soil Slope Reinforced by Geo-Fabric [43.4, Issue 73, 2014, Pages 87-97]
Studying the Effect of Gradation and Macro Texture Generating by the Method of Gravel Distribution, on the Skid Resistance of the Concrete Pavements [43.4, Issue 73, 2014, Pages 69-78]
Gravel distribution
Studying the Effect of Gradation and Macro Texture Generating by the Method of Gravel Distribution, on the Skid Resistance of the Concrete Pavements [43.4, Issue 73, 2014, Pages 69-78]
Ground motion
Investigation on the Components of 2012 Twin Earthquakes of Azerbaijan along Principal Directions [43.4, Issue 73, 2014, Pages 47-56]
Hydrogen sulfide
H2S Removal from Industrial Wastewater Using Biofilm Airlift Suspension reactor [43.4, Issue 73, 2014, Pages 79-86]
Laboratory study
Validation of River Bank Profiles in Sand-Bed Rivers [43.4, Issue 73, 2014, Pages 59-68]
Modified activated alumina
Removal of Fluoride from Water Using an Activated Alumina Modified with Iron Compounds [43.4, Issue 73, 2014, Pages 13-20]
Modulus of elasticity
The Analytical and Experimental Study on the Settlement of Cast-in-Situ Concrete Piles in Sand [43.4, Issue 73, 2014, Pages 35-46]
Investigation on the Components of 2012 Twin Earthquakes of Azerbaijan along Principal Directions [43.4, Issue 73, 2014, Pages 47-56]
Numerical modeling
Numerical Modeling of Concrete Lining Uplift in Tabriz Plain Canal [43.4, Issue 73, 2014, Pages 21-34]
Pile load test
The Analytical and Experimental Study on the Settlement of Cast-in-Situ Concrete Piles in Sand [43.4, Issue 73, 2014, Pages 35-46]
Principal directions
Investigation on the Components of 2012 Twin Earthquakes of Azerbaijan along Principal Directions [43.4, Issue 73, 2014, Pages 47-56]
Pseudo static
Static and Pseudo Static Stability Analysis of Soil Slope Reinforced by Geo-Fabric [43.4, Issue 73, 2014, Pages 87-97]
Removal of Fluoride from Water Using an Activated Alumina Modified with Iron Compounds [43.4, Issue 73, 2014, Pages 13-20]
River bank profile
Validation of River Bank Profiles in Sand-Bed Rivers [43.4, Issue 73, 2014, Pages 59-68]
The Analytical and Experimental Study on the Settlement of Cast-in-Situ Concrete Piles in Sand [43.4, Issue 73, 2014, Pages 35-46]
Sand-bed river
Validation of River Bank Profiles in Sand-Bed Rivers [43.4, Issue 73, 2014, Pages 59-68]
The Analytical and Experimental Study on the Settlement of Cast-in-Situ Concrete Piles in Sand [43.4, Issue 73, 2014, Pages 35-46]
Skid resistance
Studying the Effect of Gradation and Macro Texture Generating by the Method of Gravel Distribution, on the Skid Resistance of the Concrete Pavements [43.4, Issue 73, 2014, Pages 69-78]
Slope stability
Static and Pseudo Static Stability Analysis of Soil Slope Reinforced by Geo-Fabric [43.4, Issue 73, 2014, Pages 87-97]
Thiobacillus thioparus
H2S Removal from Industrial Wastewater Using Biofilm Airlift Suspension reactor [43.4, Issue 73, 2014, Pages 79-86]
Uncorrelated axes
Investigation on the Components of 2012 Twin Earthquakes of Azerbaijan along Principal Directions [43.4, Issue 73, 2014, Pages 47-56]
Varzeghan-Ahar Earthquakes
Investigation on the Components of 2012 Twin Earthquakes of Azerbaijan along Principal Directions [43.4, Issue 73, 2014, Pages 47-56]
Removal of Fluoride from Water Using an Activated Alumina Modified with Iron Compounds [43.4, Issue 73, 2014, Pages 13-20]
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