Accidents Severity
Modelling and Analyzing the Severity of two-lane Highway Crashes Using the Spatial Data mining, Case Study: Old Corridor of Qazvin-Loshan [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 81-95]
Air pollution
Investigation and Evaluation of Pollutants from Passenger Cars in Iran [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 97-108]
Analytical Model
Analytical Modeling of Precast Concrete Grouted Beam- column Joints under Cyclic Load [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 131-140]
Artificial neural network
Estimation of Prediction Intervals for ANN- Based Rainfall- Runoff Modeling [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 57-67]
Artificial neural network
Spatial Distribution of The Carbon Monoxid Using Common and Modern Interpolation Methods (Case study of Tehran) [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 141-152]
Bayes’ Theorem
Electrical Current Flow Modeling Using Meshless Method in Homogeneous Concrete [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 1-10]
Cadmium Elimination Feasibility Study Using Bentonite Modified Green Concrete [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 153-160]
Best-worst method
Developing Multiple Criteria Decision-Making Model based on the Best-Worst-VIKOR Method for Evaluation of Civil Projects Contractors; Case Study of Civil Projects in Southern Khorasan Province [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 11-22]
Methanogenic Activity in Biogas Production High-Solids and Liquid Anaerobic Co-Digestion of Municipal Solid Waste and Sewage Sludge [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 109-117]
Estimation of Prediction Intervals for ANN- Based Rainfall- Runoff Modeling [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 57-67]
Buckling capacity
Investigation on the Buckling Behavior of GFRP Thin-walled Cylindrical Shells under External Pressure [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 69-79]
Cadmium Elimination Feasibility Study Using Bentonite Modified Green Concrete [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 153-160]
Carbon monoxide
Spatial Distribution of The Carbon Monoxid Using Common and Modern Interpolation Methods (Case study of Tehran) [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 141-152]
Chevron steel brace
Investigating Effect of Chevron Bracing on Coefficient of Behavior and Ductility Ratio of Reinforcement Concrete Structures [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 161-170]
Classification and Regression Tree
Modelling and Analyzing the Severity of two-lane Highway Crashes Using the Spatial Data mining, Case Study: Old Corridor of Qazvin-Loshan [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 81-95]
Methanogenic Activity in Biogas Production High-Solids and Liquid Anaerobic Co-Digestion of Municipal Solid Waste and Sewage Sludge [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 109-117]
Coefficient of Behavior
Investigating Effect of Chevron Bracing on Coefficient of Behavior and Ductility Ratio of Reinforcement Concrete Structures [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 161-170]
Electrical Current Flow Modeling Using Meshless Method in Homogeneous Concrete [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 1-10]
Cadmium Elimination Feasibility Study Using Bentonite Modified Green Concrete [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 153-160]
Concrete Frame
Investigating Effect of Chevron Bracing on Coefficient of Behavior and Ductility Ratio of Reinforcement Concrete Structures [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 161-170]
Concrete mixing green
Cadmium Elimination Feasibility Study Using Bentonite Modified Green Concrete [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 153-160]
Contractors’ evaluation criteria
Developing Multiple Criteria Decision-Making Model based on the Best-Worst-VIKOR Method for Evaluation of Civil Projects Contractors; Case Study of Civil Projects in Southern Khorasan Province [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 11-22]
Contractors’ ranking
Developing Multiple Criteria Decision-Making Model based on the Best-Worst-VIKOR Method for Evaluation of Civil Projects Contractors; Case Study of Civil Projects in Southern Khorasan Province [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 11-22]
Cylindrical tanks
Investigation on the Buckling Behavior of GFRP Thin-walled Cylindrical Shells under External Pressure [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 69-79]
Data Mining
Modelling and Analyzing the Severity of two-lane Highway Crashes Using the Spatial Data mining, Case Study: Old Corridor of Qazvin-Loshan [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 81-95]
Experimental Strengthening of Deficient RC Beams with Advanced HPFRCC Composite Layers Reinforced with PP Fibers [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 45-55]
Electrical Potential
Electrical Current Flow Modeling Using Meshless Method in Homogeneous Concrete [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 1-10]
Optimum Design of Water Distribution Networks Utilizing Optimization Krill Herd Algorithm [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 31-43]
Experimental investigation
Experimental Strengthening of Deficient RC Beams with Advanced HPFRCC Composite Layers Reinforced with PP Fibers [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 45-55]
Experimental verification
Analytical Modeling of Precast Concrete Grouted Beam- column Joints under Cyclic Load [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 131-140]
External pressure
Investigation on the Buckling Behavior of GFRP Thin-walled Cylindrical Shells under External Pressure [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 69-79]
Flexural Behavior
Experimental Strengthening of Deficient RC Beams with Advanced HPFRCC Composite Layers Reinforced with PP Fibers [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 45-55]
Frame structure
Analytical Modeling of Precast Concrete Grouted Beam- column Joints under Cyclic Load [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 131-140]
Full depth reclamation (FDR)
Modeling of Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) of Full-Depth Reclaimed Base Materials Stabilized with Portland Cement Using Evolutionary Polynomial Regression [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 171-184]
Fuzzy Takagi-Sugeno
Spatial Distribution of The Carbon Monoxid Using Common and Modern Interpolation Methods (Case study of Tehran) [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 141-152]
FVIKOR method
Developing Multiple Criteria Decision-Making Model based on the Best-Worst-VIKOR Method for Evaluation of Civil Projects Contractors; Case Study of Civil Projects in Southern Khorasan Province [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 11-22]
Gas-supply projects
Developing Multiple Criteria Decision-Making Model based on the Best-Worst-VIKOR Method for Evaluation of Civil Projects Contractors; Case Study of Civil Projects in Southern Khorasan Province [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 11-22]
Geometric parameter
Investigation on the Buckling Behavior of GFRP Thin-walled Cylindrical Shells under External Pressure [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 69-79]
GFRP materials
Investigation on the Buckling Behavior of GFRP Thin-walled Cylindrical Shells under External Pressure [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 69-79]
High-solids anaerobic digestion
Methanogenic Activity in Biogas Production High-Solids and Liquid Anaerobic Co-Digestion of Municipal Solid Waste and Sewage Sludge [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 109-117]
Horizontal Curves
Modelling and Analyzing the Severity of two-lane Highway Crashes Using the Spatial Data mining, Case Study: Old Corridor of Qazvin-Loshan [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 81-95]
Experimental Strengthening of Deficient RC Beams with Advanced HPFRCC Composite Layers Reinforced with PP Fibers [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 45-55]
Hydraulic constraints
Optimum Design of Water Distribution Networks Utilizing Optimization Krill Herd Algorithm [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 31-43]
Industrial sewage
Cadmium Elimination Feasibility Study Using Bentonite Modified Green Concrete [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 153-160]
Lighvanchai River
Estimation of Prediction Intervals for ANN- Based Rainfall- Runoff Modeling [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 57-67]
Optimum Design of Water Distribution Networks Utilizing Optimization Krill Herd Algorithm [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 31-43]
Meshless method
Electrical Current Flow Modeling Using Meshless Method in Homogeneous Concrete [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 1-10]
Metaheuristic algorithm
Optimum Design of Water Distribution Networks Utilizing Optimization Krill Herd Algorithm [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 31-43]
Modeling of Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) of Full-Depth Reclaimed Base Materials Stabilized with Portland Cement Using Evolutionary Polynomial Regression [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 171-184]
Multi-station Calibration of Snowmelt Runoff Model (SRM) Using Remote Sensing Tools in Aji-Chay Basin, Iran [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 119-130]
Municipal solid waste
Methanogenic Activity in Biogas Production High-Solids and Liquid Anaerobic Co-Digestion of Municipal Solid Waste and Sewage Sludge [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 109-117]
Newman- Keuls Test
Investigation and Evaluation of Pollutants from Passenger Cars in Iran [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 97-108]
Portland cement
Modeling of Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) of Full-Depth Reclaimed Base Materials Stabilized with Portland Cement Using Evolutionary Polynomial Regression [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 171-184]
Power Plant
Effect of Replacing Current Power Plant in Tabriz Oil Refinery with Combined Heat and Power System (CHP) on Energy Consumption [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 23-29]
Precast concrete
Analytical Modeling of Precast Concrete Grouted Beam- column Joints under Cyclic Load [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 131-140]
Prediction interval
Estimation of Prediction Intervals for ANN- Based Rainfall- Runoff Modeling [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 57-67]
Estimation of Prediction Intervals for ANN- Based Rainfall- Runoff Modeling [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 57-67]
Multi-station Calibration of Snowmelt Runoff Model (SRM) Using Remote Sensing Tools in Aji-Chay Basin, Iran [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 119-130]
Sewage sludge
Methanogenic Activity in Biogas Production High-Solids and Liquid Anaerobic Co-Digestion of Municipal Solid Waste and Sewage Sludge [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 109-117]
Snowmelt runoff simulation
Multi-station Calibration of Snowmelt Runoff Model (SRM) Using Remote Sensing Tools in Aji-Chay Basin, Iran [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 119-130]
Spatial Analysis
Modelling and Analyzing the Severity of two-lane Highway Crashes Using the Spatial Data mining, Case Study: Old Corridor of Qazvin-Loshan [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 81-95]
Multi-station Calibration of Snowmelt Runoff Model (SRM) Using Remote Sensing Tools in Aji-Chay Basin, Iran [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 119-130]
Investigating Effect of Chevron Bracing on Coefficient of Behavior and Ductility Ratio of Reinforcement Concrete Structures [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 161-170]
Experimental Strengthening of Deficient RC Beams with Advanced HPFRCC Composite Layers Reinforced with PP Fibers [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 45-55]
Tabriz Oil Refinery
Effect of Replacing Current Power Plant in Tabriz Oil Refinery with Combined Heat and Power System (CHP) on Energy Consumption [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 23-29]
Effect of Replacing Current Power Plant in Tabriz Oil Refinery with Combined Heat and Power System (CHP) on Energy Consumption [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 23-29]
Modeling of Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) of Full-Depth Reclaimed Base Materials Stabilized with Portland Cement Using Evolutionary Polynomial Regression [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 171-184]
West Nishnabotna River
Estimation of Prediction Intervals for ANN- Based Rainfall- Runoff Modeling [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 57-67]
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