Application of Meta Models for Simlulation of Bridge Pier Scouring in Non-Cohesive Soils [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 13-26]
Case study
Evaluation of Vibroflotation and Vibroreplacement Methods with a Case Study [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 71-77]
Clay interlayer
Investigation of Tunnel Deformation in Sandy Ground with Clay Inclined Layers using Geotechnical Centrifuge [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 63-69]
Spatial Estimation of Soil Hydraulic Conductivity Using Multivariate Geostatistical Model
Case Study: Tabriz Subway Domain [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 79-88]
Analysis of Strength and Ductility of High-Strength Concrete Columns with Random Properties [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 1-12]
Compromise programming
Reliability-Based Urban Water Management Using Improved Particle Swarm Optimization
(Case Study: Tabriz City, Iran) [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 39-49]
Investigation of Tunnel Deformation in Sandy Ground with Clay Inclined Layers using Geotechnical Centrifuge [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 63-69]
Dispersion coefficient
Application of Numerical Modeling for Solution of Flow Equations and Estimation of Water Quality Pollutants in Rivers
(Case Study: Karkheh River) [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 51-60]
Analysis of Strength and Ductility of High-Strength Concrete Columns with Random Properties [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 1-12]
FASTER model
Application of Numerical Modeling for Solution of Flow Equations and Estimation of Water Quality Pollutants in Rivers
(Case Study: Karkheh River) [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 51-60]
Application of Meta Models for Simlulation of Bridge Pier Scouring in Non-Cohesive Soils [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 13-26]
Spatial Estimation of Soil Hydraulic Conductivity Using Multivariate Geostatistical Model
Case Study: Tabriz Subway Domain [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 79-88]
Geotechnical centrifuge
Investigation of Tunnel Deformation in Sandy Ground with Clay Inclined Layers using Geotechnical Centrifuge [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 63-69]
Application of Meta Models for Simlulation of Bridge Pier Scouring in Non-Cohesive Soils [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 13-26]
High-strength concrete
Analysis of Strength and Ductility of High-Strength Concrete Columns with Random Properties [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 1-12]
Hydraulic conductivity
Spatial Estimation of Soil Hydraulic Conductivity Using Multivariate Geostatistical Model
Case Study: Tabriz Subway Domain [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 79-88]
Karkheh River
Application of Numerical Modeling for Solution of Flow Equations and Estimation of Water Quality Pollutants in Rivers
(Case Study: Karkheh River) [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 51-60]
Large eddy simulation
Estimation of Granular Grading and Concentration of Sediments on the Bed and at the Outlet of a Sediment Tank by the Aid of an Eulerian-Lagrangian Model [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 27-37]
Monte Carlo
Analysis of Strength and Ductility of High-Strength Concrete Columns with Random Properties [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 1-12]
Multi objective optimization
Reliability-Based Urban Water Management Using Improved Particle Swarm Optimization
(Case Study: Tabriz City, Iran) [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 39-49]
Navier-Stokes equations
Estimation of Granular Grading and Concentration of Sediments on the Bed and at the Outlet of a Sediment Tank by the Aid of an Eulerian-Lagrangian Model [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 27-37]
Non-cohesive soil
Application of Meta Models for Simlulation of Bridge Pier Scouring in Non-Cohesive Soils [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 13-26]
Quality parameters
Application of Numerical Modeling for Solution of Flow Equations and Estimation of Water Quality Pollutants in Rivers
(Case Study: Karkheh River) [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 51-60]
Application of Meta Models for Simlulation of Bridge Pier Scouring in Non-Cohesive Soils [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 13-26]
Application of Meta Models for Simlulation of Bridge Pier Scouring in Non-Cohesive Soils [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 13-26]
Estimation of Granular Grading and Concentration of Sediments on the Bed and at the Outlet of a Sediment Tank by the Aid of an Eulerian-Lagrangian Model [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 27-37]
Sediment tanks
Estimation of Granular Grading and Concentration of Sediments on the Bed and at the Outlet of a Sediment Tank by the Aid of an Eulerian-Lagrangian Model [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 27-37]
Soil stabilization
Evaluation of Vibroflotation and Vibroreplacement Methods with a Case Study [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 71-77]
Spatial estimation
Spatial Estimation of Soil Hydraulic Conductivity Using Multivariate Geostatistical Model
Case Study: Tabriz Subway Domain [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 79-88]
Stone Column
Evaluation of Vibroflotation and Vibroreplacement Methods with a Case Study [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 71-77]
Analysis of Strength and Ductility of High-Strength Concrete Columns with Random Properties [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 1-12]
Tabriz subway domain
Spatial Estimation of Soil Hydraulic Conductivity Using Multivariate Geostatistical Model
Case Study: Tabriz Subway Domain [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 79-88]
Investigation of Tunnel Deformation in Sandy Ground with Clay Inclined Layers using Geotechnical Centrifuge [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 63-69]
Urban water management
Reliability-Based Urban Water Management Using Improved Particle Swarm Optimization
(Case Study: Tabriz City, Iran) [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 39-49]
Evaluation of Vibroflotation and Vibroreplacement Methods with a Case Study [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 71-77]
Evaluation of Vibroflotation and Vibroreplacement Methods with a Case Study [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 71-77]
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