AERMOD dispersion model
Investigation of Emissions and Dispersion of Pollutants from Cars in Tabriz City [49.3, Issue 96, 2019, Pages 23-34]
Buckling load
Dynamic Relaxation Method for Calculating Buckling Load of Frames [49.3, Issue 96, 2019, Pages 65-74]
Evaluation of the Effects of Reinforced or Stabilized Coarse Surface Layer on Bearing Capacity of Soft Clays [49.3, Issue 96, 2019, Pages 97-106]
Complex potential function
Analysis of Stress around Tunnel by Conformal Mapping [49.3, Issue 96, 2019, Pages 45-52]
Analysis of Stress around Tunnel by Conformal Mapping [49.3, Issue 96, 2019, Pages 45-52]
Ductility demand
Yield Strength Reduction Factor and Inelastic Displacement Ratio Based on Earthquake Ground Motions Recorded in Iran [49.3, Issue 96, 2019, Pages 9-22]
Dynamic Relaxation (DR)
Dynamic Relaxation Method for Calculating Buckling Load of Frames [49.3, Issue 96, 2019, Pages 65-74]
Fatal crashes
Prediction and Investigation of Road Traffic Accident Severity Factors using Support Vector Machine Algorithm [49.3, Issue 96, 2019, Pages 35-43]
Frame structures
Dynamic Relaxation Method for Calculating Buckling Load of Frames [49.3, Issue 96, 2019, Pages 65-74]
Evaluation of the Effects of Reinforced or Stabilized Coarse Surface Layer on Bearing Capacity of Soft Clays [49.3, Issue 96, 2019, Pages 97-106]
Evaluation of the Effects of Reinforced or Stabilized Coarse Surface Layer on Bearing Capacity of Soft Clays [49.3, Issue 96, 2019, Pages 97-106]
Inelastic displacement ratio
Yield Strength Reduction Factor and Inelastic Displacement Ratio Based on Earthquake Ground Motions Recorded in Iran [49.3, Issue 96, 2019, Pages 9-22]
Inflow/outflow boundary condition
Improved Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics for Free Surface Flow over Sharp-Crested Weir [49.3, Issue 96, 2019, Pages 85-95]
Inverse transformation
Analysis of Stress around Tunnel by Conformal Mapping [49.3, Issue 96, 2019, Pages 45-52]
IVE model
Investigation of Emissions and Dispersion of Pollutants from Cars in Tabriz City [49.3, Issue 96, 2019, Pages 23-34]
Kernel algorithm
Prediction and Investigation of Road Traffic Accident Severity Factors using Support Vector Machine Algorithm [49.3, Issue 96, 2019, Pages 35-43]
Lagrangian method
Improved Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics for Free Surface Flow over Sharp-Crested Weir [49.3, Issue 96, 2019, Pages 85-95]
Analysis of Stress around Tunnel by Conformal Mapping [49.3, Issue 96, 2019, Pages 45-52]
Mobile source
Investigation of Emissions and Dispersion of Pollutants from Cars in Tabriz City [49.3, Issue 96, 2019, Pages 23-34]
Navier–Stokes equations
Improved Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics for Free Surface Flow over Sharp-Crested Weir [49.3, Issue 96, 2019, Pages 85-95]
The Effect of Using Montmorillonite on Reducing Radon in Soil [49.3, Issue 96, 2019, Pages 1-7]
Road safety
Prediction and Investigation of Road Traffic Accident Severity Factors using Support Vector Machine Algorithm [49.3, Issue 96, 2019, Pages 35-43]
Evaluation of the Effects of Reinforced or Stabilized Coarse Surface Layer on Bearing Capacity of Soft Clays [49.3, Issue 96, 2019, Pages 97-106]
Severity of crashes
Prediction and Investigation of Road Traffic Accident Severity Factors using Support Vector Machine Algorithm [49.3, Issue 96, 2019, Pages 35-43]
Sliding mode control theory
Control of Structures with Nonlinear Smart Base Isolation System [49.3, Issue 96, 2019, Pages 75-83]
Smart base isolation
Control of Structures with Nonlinear Smart Base Isolation System [49.3, Issue 96, 2019, Pages 75-83]
Soft clays
Evaluation of the Effects of Reinforced or Stabilized Coarse Surface Layer on Bearing Capacity of Soft Clays [49.3, Issue 96, 2019, Pages 97-106]
Soft-soil and rock sites
Yield Strength Reduction Factor and Inelastic Displacement Ratio Based on Earthquake Ground Motions Recorded in Iran [49.3, Issue 96, 2019, Pages 9-22]
Evaluation of the Effects of Reinforced or Stabilized Coarse Surface Layer on Bearing Capacity of Soft Clays [49.3, Issue 96, 2019, Pages 97-106]
Support vector model
Prediction and Investigation of Road Traffic Accident Severity Factors using Support Vector Machine Algorithm [49.3, Issue 96, 2019, Pages 35-43]
Three dimensional building
Control of Structures with Nonlinear Smart Base Isolation System [49.3, Issue 96, 2019, Pages 75-83]
Analysis of Stress around Tunnel by Conformal Mapping [49.3, Issue 96, 2019, Pages 45-52]
Vector operation
Dynamic Relaxation Method for Calculating Buckling Load of Frames [49.3, Issue 96, 2019, Pages 65-74]
Investigation of Emissions and Dispersion of Pollutants from Cars in Tabriz City [49.3, Issue 96, 2019, Pages 23-34]
Yield strength reduction factor
Yield Strength Reduction Factor and Inelastic Displacement Ratio Based on Earthquake Ground Motions Recorded in Iran [49.3, Issue 96, 2019, Pages 9-22]
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