Added mass
Effect of Wall Flexibility and Damping Ratio on Dynamic Response of Rectangular Liquid Storage Tanks [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 23-32]
Artificial Neural Networks
Experimental Simulation of Water Level Fluctuations using the Genetic Expression Programming (GEP) [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 69-75]
Combination braces
Study of Seismic Behaviour in Steel Structures by Using of Combination Braces of Steel and SMA [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 11-22]
Concrete adhesive
Fabrication of Flooring Panels Using Recycled Paper De-inking Solid Waste [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 77-83]
Concrete behavior
Investigation of Fresh Concrete Behavior on Slope Lining [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 45-55]
Concrete consistency
Investigation of Fresh Concrete Behavior on Slope Lining [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 45-55]
Damping ratio
Effect of Wall Flexibility and Damping Ratio on Dynamic Response of Rectangular Liquid Storage Tanks [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 23-32]
Fabrication of Flooring Panels Using Recycled Paper De-inking Solid Waste [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 77-83]
Drainage water
Investigation of Saline Drainage Water Reuse Effect on Soil Hydraulic Properties Using Inverse Method (Case Study: Moghan Plain) [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 33-44]
Study of Precision for Structural Responses of Buildings using Advanced Scalar Intensity Measures [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 59-67]
El Centro earthquake
Study of Seismic Behaviour in Steel Structures by Using of Combination Braces of Steel and SMA [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 11-22]
Expression tree
Experimental Simulation of Water Level Fluctuations using the Genetic Expression Programming (GEP) [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 69-75]
Finite element
Effect of Wall Flexibility and Damping Ratio on Dynamic Response of Rectangular Liquid Storage Tanks [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 23-32]
Fire resistance
Fabrication of Flooring Panels Using Recycled Paper De-inking Solid Waste [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 77-83]
Flooring panels
Fabrication of Flooring Panels Using Recycled Paper De-inking Solid Waste [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 77-83]
Genetic expression programming
Experimental Simulation of Water Level Fluctuations using the Genetic Expression Programming (GEP) [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 69-75]
Hydraulic conductivity
Investigation of Saline Drainage Water Reuse Effect on Soil Hydraulic Properties Using Inverse Method (Case Study: Moghan Plain) [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 33-44]
Hydrodynamic forces
Effect of Wall Flexibility and Damping Ratio on Dynamic Response of Rectangular Liquid Storage Tanks [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 23-32]
Investigation of Saline Drainage Water Reuse Effect on Soil Hydraulic Properties Using Inverse Method (Case Study: Moghan Plain) [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 33-44]
Liquid storage tank
Effect of Wall Flexibility and Damping Ratio on Dynamic Response of Rectangular Liquid Storage Tanks [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 23-32]
Mechanical properties
Fabrication of Flooring Panels Using Recycled Paper De-inking Solid Waste [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 77-83]
Micro-genetic algorithm
Optimization of Steel Frames with Non-rismatic Members Using Genetic and Micro- genetic Algorithms [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 1-10]
Mix design
Investigation of Fresh Concrete Behavior on Slope Lining [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 45-55]
Near-source ground motion
Study of Precision for Structural Responses of Buildings using Advanced Scalar Intensity Measures [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 59-67]
Nonlinear dynamic analysis
Study of Seismic Behaviour in Steel Structures by Using of Combination Braces of Steel and SMA [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 11-22]
Non-prismatic sections
Optimization of Steel Frames with Non-rismatic Members Using Genetic and Micro- genetic Algorithms [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 1-10]
Recycled paper
Fabrication of Flooring Panels Using Recycled Paper De-inking Solid Waste [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 77-83]
Scalar intensity measure
Study of Precision for Structural Responses of Buildings using Advanced Scalar Intensity Measures [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 59-67]
Shape memory alloys
Study of Seismic Behaviour in Steel Structures by Using of Combination Braces of Steel and SMA [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 11-22]
Slope lining
Investigation of Fresh Concrete Behavior on Slope Lining [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 45-55]
Slump test
Investigation of Fresh Concrete Behavior on Slope Lining [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 45-55]
Soil moisture characteristic curve
Investigation of Saline Drainage Water Reuse Effect on Soil Hydraulic Properties Using Inverse Method (Case Study: Moghan Plain) [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 33-44]
Solid waste
Fabrication of Flooring Panels Using Recycled Paper De-inking Solid Waste [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 77-83]
Steel frames with Non-prismatic members
Optimization of Steel Frames with Non-rismatic Members Using Genetic and Micro- genetic Algorithms [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 1-10]
Study of Precision for Structural Responses of Buildings using Advanced Scalar Intensity Measures [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 59-67]
Tank flexibility
Effect of Wall Flexibility and Damping Ratio on Dynamic Response of Rectangular Liquid Storage Tanks [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 23-32]
Urmia lake
Experimental Simulation of Water Level Fluctuations using the Genetic Expression Programming (GEP) [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 69-75]
Water-level variation
Experimental Simulation of Water Level Fluctuations using the Genetic Expression Programming (GEP) [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 69-75]
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