Abedi, Karim
Effects of the Self-Stress Level on the Instability Behavior of the Tensegrity Barrel Vaults [44.3, Issue 76, 2014, Pages 75-87]
Ahooghalandary, Seyed Neyram
The Study Case on the Effect of Connections on the Reduction Factor of Precast Dual Systems [44.3, Issue 76, 2014, Pages 1-15]
Babaei, Mohsen
Reliability Based Resource Allocation for Transportation Network [44.3, Issue 76, 2014, Pages 89-97]
Baradar Khoshfetrat, Ali
The Application of Ozonation Process for the Treatment of Landfill Leachate [44.3, Issue 76, 2014, Pages 39-45]
Behmanesh, Javad
Numerical 2D Vertical Simulation of Wave Propagation Due to Dam Break [44.3, Issue 76, 2014, Pages 47-59]
Ehteshamrad, Shideh
Reliability Based Resource Allocation for Transportation Network [44.3, Issue 76, 2014, Pages 89-97]
Farzam, Masood
Investigation of the Effect of Bond-Slip on Cracking of RC Beams Utilizing Lattice Models [44.3, Issue 76, 2014, Pages 27-37]
Fatehifar, Essmaeil
The Application of Ozonation Process for the Treatment of Landfill Leachate [44.3, Issue 76, 2014, Pages 39-45]
Fatemi Kia, Mohammad Ebrahim
Numerical 2D Vertical Simulation of Wave Propagation Due to Dam Break [44.3, Issue 76, 2014, Pages 47-59]
Goodarzi, Amir Reza
Effect of Pore Fluid Properties and the Increase of Temperature on Geotechnical and Geo-Environmental Parameters of Smectite [44.3, Issue 76, 2014, Pages 17-25]
Kahforoushan, Davood
The Application of Ozonation Process for the Treatment of Landfill Leachate [44.3, Issue 76, 2014, Pages 39-45]
Kalani Sarokolayi, Leila
Foundation Flexibility Effect on Dynamic Response of Concrete Gravity Dams under Correlated Translational and Rotational Components of Ground Motion [44.3, Issue 76, 2014, Pages 99-111]
Madhkhan, Morteza
The Study Case on the Effect of Connections on the Reduction Factor of Precast Dual Systems [44.3, Issue 76, 2014, Pages 1-15]
Mohammadnezhad, Bayram Ali
Numerical 2D Vertical Simulation of Wave Propagation Due to Dam Break [44.3, Issue 76, 2014, Pages 47-59]
Montaseri, Majid
Numerical 2D Vertical Simulation of Wave Propagation Due to Dam Break [44.3, Issue 76, 2014, Pages 47-59]
Navayi Neya, Bahram
Foundation Flexibility Effect on Dynamic Response of Concrete Gravity Dams under Correlated Translational and Rotational Components of Ground Motion [44.3, Issue 76, 2014, Pages 99-111]
Ouhadia, Vahid Reza
Effect of Pore Fluid Properties and the Increase of Temperature on Geotechnical and Geo-Environmental Parameters of Smectite [44.3, Issue 76, 2014, Pages 17-25]
Pourgholi, Mehran
Shape Optimization of Intz Tank Using Genetic Algorithm and Sequential Quadratic Programming [44.3, Issue 76, 2014, Pages 63-73]
Shabani, Maryam
The Application of Ozonation Process for the Treatment of Landfill Leachate [44.3, Issue 76, 2014, Pages 39-45]
Shariat Mohaymany, Afshin
Reliability Based Resource Allocation for Transportation Network [44.3, Issue 76, 2014, Pages 89-97]
Shojaeifar, Hamid
Investigation of the Effect of Bond-Slip on Cracking of RC Beams Utilizing Lattice Models [44.3, Issue 76, 2014, Pages 27-37]
Tarinejad, Reza
Shape Optimization of Intz Tank Using Genetic Algorithm and Sequential Quadratic Programming [44.3, Issue 76, 2014, Pages 63-73]
Tofighi Zahabi, Khaled
Effects of the Self-Stress Level on the Instability Behavior of the Tensegrity Barrel Vaults [44.3, Issue 76, 2014, Pages 75-87]
Zarghami, Mahdi
Shape Optimization of Intz Tank Using Genetic Algorithm and Sequential Quadratic Programming [44.3, Issue 76, 2014, Pages 63-73]
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