Studying the Behavior of Central Gusset Plate Connections on Inverted V-Braces [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 95-106]
Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (ADV)
Experimental Investigation of Scour Upstream of a Square Orifice under Constant Head [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 61-71]
Active confinement
The Effect of Active Confinement and shear key Elements on the Flexural Behavior of Concrete Filled Steel Tube (CFST) [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 47-60]
Air pollution
Forecasting Concentrations of Gaseous Air Pollutants Using Artificial Neural Networks in Tabriz [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 87-94]
Apparent shear force
Numerical Study on the Effects of the Floodplain Width on Flow Field and Interaction between the Main Channel and Floodplains in Prismatic Compound Channels [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 15-24]
Artificial neural network
Forecasting Concentrations of Gaseous Air Pollutants Using Artificial Neural Networks in Tabriz [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 87-94]
Boundary shear stress
Numerical Study on the Effects of the Floodplain Width on Flow Field and Interaction between the Main Channel and Floodplains in Prismatic Compound Channels [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 15-24]
Bridge pier
Estimation of Bridge Pier Scour Using Statistical Methods and Intelligent Algorithms [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 1-13]
Combination method
Estimation of Bridge Pier Scour Using Statistical Methods and Intelligent Algorithms [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 1-13]
Concrete filled steel tube
The Effect of Active Confinement and shear key Elements on the Flexural Behavior of Concrete Filled Steel Tube (CFST) [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 47-60]
Concrete shear wall
Utilizing Pretension SMAs with Memory Effect Characteristics in Concrete Structure [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 25-33]
Core test
The In Situ Strength Assessment of Polymer Self Compacting Concrete in Rc Beams [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 35-46]
Damage index
Seismic Damage Forecasting for Steel Moment Frames using Neural Networks [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 75-86]
Depth-averaged velocity
Numerical Study on the Effects of the Floodplain Width on Flow Field and Interaction between the Main Channel and Floodplains in Prismatic Compound Channels [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 15-24]
Flexural bahaviour
The Effect of Active Confinement and shear key Elements on the Flexural Behavior of Concrete Filled Steel Tube (CFST) [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 47-60]
Forecasting Concentrations of Gaseous Air Pollutants Using Artificial Neural Networks in Tabriz [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 87-94]
Fresh concrete
The Effect of Active Confinement and shear key Elements on the Flexural Behavior of Concrete Filled Steel Tube (CFST) [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 47-60]
Gusset plate
Studying the Behavior of Central Gusset Plate Connections on Inverted V-Braces [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 95-106]
Hysteretic behavior
Studying the Behavior of Central Gusset Plate Connections on Inverted V-Braces [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 95-106]
In situ tests
The In Situ Strength Assessment of Polymer Self Compacting Concrete in Rc Beams [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 35-46]
Neural network
Seismic Damage Forecasting for Steel Moment Frames using Neural Networks [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 75-86]
Nonlinear dynamic analysis
Seismic Damage Forecasting for Steel Moment Frames using Neural Networks [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 75-86]
Numerical study
Numerical Study on the Effects of the Floodplain Width on Flow Field and Interaction between the Main Channel and Floodplains in Prismatic Compound Channels [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 15-24]
Utilizing Pretension SMAs with Memory Effect Characteristics in Concrete Structure [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 25-33]
Prismatic compound channels
Numerical Study on the Effects of the Floodplain Width on Flow Field and Interaction between the Main Channel and Floodplains in Prismatic Compound Channels [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 15-24]
PVC pipe wastes
The In Situ Strength Assessment of Polymer Self Compacting Concrete in Rc Beams [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 35-46]
Removal of sediment mechanism
Experimental Investigation of Scour Upstream of a Square Orifice under Constant Head [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 61-71]
Scour depth
Estimation of Bridge Pier Scour Using Statistical Methods and Intelligent Algorithms [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 1-13]
Scour hole
Experimental Investigation of Scour Upstream of a Square Orifice under Constant Head [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 61-71]
Self-compacting concrete
The In Situ Strength Assessment of Polymer Self Compacting Concrete in Rc Beams [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 35-46]
Shape memory alloys
Utilizing Pretension SMAs with Memory Effect Characteristics in Concrete Structure [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 25-33]
Shape memory effect
Utilizing Pretension SMAs with Memory Effect Characteristics in Concrete Structure [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 25-33]
Shear key
The Effect of Active Confinement and shear key Elements on the Flexural Behavior of Concrete Filled Steel Tube (CFST) [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 47-60]
Square orifice
Experimental Investigation of Scour Upstream of a Square Orifice under Constant Head [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 61-71]
Steel moment frame
Seismic Damage Forecasting for Steel Moment Frames using Neural Networks [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 75-86]
Estimation of Bridge Pier Scour Using Statistical Methods and Intelligent Algorithms [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 1-13]
Ultimate flexural capacity
The Effect of Active Confinement and shear key Elements on the Flexural Behavior of Concrete Filled Steel Tube (CFST) [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 47-60]
The In Situ Strength Assessment of Polymer Self Compacting Concrete in Rc Beams [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 35-46]
Vortex action
Experimental Investigation of Scour Upstream of a Square Orifice under Constant Head [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 61-71]
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