ANSYS- CFX software
Numerical Examination of the Relative Effect of the Channel Width in the Intakes on the Velocity Distribution Curves in the Flow Deviation Location [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 93-102]
Sensitivity Analysis of Stress and Maximum Ballast Vertical Displacement Based on Iran Railway Ballasted Track System Characteristics [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 103-114]
Stabilization and Solidification of Incinerator Bottom Ash using Portland Cement and Silica Fume [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 29-40]
Channel width
Numerical Examination of the Relative Effect of the Channel Width in the Intakes on the Velocity Distribution Curves in the Flow Deviation Location [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 93-102]
Coastal structures
Genetic Programming to Predict Scour Depth at Coastal Structures [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 115-122]
Concrete sleeper
Sensitivity Analysis of Stress and Maximum Ballast Vertical Displacement Based on Iran Railway Ballasted Track System Characteristics [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 103-114]
Seismic Behavior of Anchored Quay Walls Embedded in Liquefiable Sites [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 15-28]
Diffrential evolution algorithm
Optimization of the Geometry of Triangular Labyrinth Spillways, Using Fuzzy-Neural System and Differential Evolution Algorithm [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 81-91]
Drought probability
Stochastic Forecasting of Drought Probabilities (Case Study on Northwest of Iran) [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 51-63]
Dynamic scouring
Estimation of Scour Hole Dimensions Due to Vertical Circular Submerged Jet [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 41-50]
Experimental model
Investigation into Effect of Burial Depth of Offshore Pipelines in Tandem Position on Flow Separation Using the Experimental and Numerical Models [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 1-13]
Finite volume method
Investigation into Effect of Burial Depth of Offshore Pipelines in Tandem Position on Flow Separation Using the Experimental and Numerical Models [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 1-13]
Numerical Examination of the Relative Effect of the Channel Width in the Intakes on the Velocity Distribution Curves in the Flow Deviation Location [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 93-102]
Flow pattern
Investigation into Effect of Burial Depth of Offshore Pipelines in Tandem Position on Flow Separation Using the Experimental and Numerical Models [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 1-13]
Finite Element Model Updating of Damaged Concrete Beams Reinforced with GFRP Bars Using Modal Test Data [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 65-77]
GFRP bars
Finite Element Model Updating of Damaged Concrete Beams Reinforced with GFRP Bars Using Modal Test Data [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 65-77]
Incinerator bottom ash
Stabilization and Solidification of Incinerator Bottom Ash using Portland Cement and Silica Fume [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 29-40]
Numerical Examination of the Relative Effect of the Channel Width in the Intakes on the Velocity Distribution Curves in the Flow Deviation Location [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 93-102]
Jet froude number
Estimation of Scour Hole Dimensions Due to Vertical Circular Submerged Jet [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 41-50]
Labyrinth spillway
Optimization of the Geometry of Triangular Labyrinth Spillways, Using Fuzzy-Neural System and Differential Evolution Algorithm [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 81-91]
Seismic Behavior of Anchored Quay Walls Embedded in Liquefiable Sites [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 15-28]
Modal curvature
Finite Element Model Updating of Damaged Concrete Beams Reinforced with GFRP Bars Using Modal Test Data [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 65-77]
Modal test
Finite Element Model Updating of Damaged Concrete Beams Reinforced with GFRP Bars Using Modal Test Data [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 65-77]
Mode shapes
Finite Element Model Updating of Damaged Concrete Beams Reinforced with GFRP Bars Using Modal Test Data [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 65-77]
Neuro-Fuzzy systems
Optimization of the Geometry of Triangular Labyrinth Spillways, Using Fuzzy-Neural System and Differential Evolution Algorithm [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 81-91]
Estimation of Scour Hole Dimensions Due to Vertical Circular Submerged Jet [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 41-50]
Seismic Behavior of Anchored Quay Walls Embedded in Liquefiable Sites [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 15-28]
Numerical simulation
Investigation into Effect of Burial Depth of Offshore Pipelines in Tandem Position on Flow Separation Using the Experimental and Numerical Models [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 1-13]
Offshore pipelines
Investigation into Effect of Burial Depth of Offshore Pipelines in Tandem Position on Flow Separation Using the Experimental and Numerical Models [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 1-13]
Optimization of the Geometry of Triangular Labyrinth Spillways, Using Fuzzy-Neural System and Differential Evolution Algorithm [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 81-91]
Seismic Behavior of Anchored Quay Walls Embedded in Liquefiable Sites [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 15-28]
Railway mechanics
Sensitivity Analysis of Stress and Maximum Ballast Vertical Displacement Based on Iran Railway Ballasted Track System Characteristics [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 103-114]
Regression-based equations
Genetic Programming to Predict Scour Depth at Coastal Structures [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 115-122]
Scour depth
Genetic Programming to Predict Scour Depth at Coastal Structures [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 115-122]
Sheet pile
Seismic Behavior of Anchored Quay Walls Embedded in Liquefiable Sites [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 15-28]
SPI index
Stochastic Forecasting of Drought Probabilities (Case Study on Northwest of Iran) [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 51-63]
Sensitivity Analysis of Stress and Maximum Ballast Vertical Displacement Based on Iran Railway Ballasted Track System Characteristics [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 103-114]
Stabilization and solidification
Stabilization and Solidification of Incinerator Bottom Ash using Portland Cement and Silica Fume [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 29-40]
Static scouring
Estimation of Scour Hole Dimensions Due to Vertical Circular Submerged Jet [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 41-50]
Sensitivity Analysis of Stress and Maximum Ballast Vertical Displacement Based on Iran Railway Ballasted Track System Characteristics [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 103-114]
Stabilization and Solidification of Incinerator Bottom Ash using Portland Cement and Silica Fume [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 29-40]
Transition probability matrix
Stochastic Forecasting of Drought Probabilities (Case Study on Northwest of Iran) [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 51-63]
Velocity distribution
Numerical Examination of the Relative Effect of the Channel Width in the Intakes on the Velocity Distribution Curves in the Flow Deviation Location [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 93-102]
Vertical jet
Estimation of Scour Hole Dimensions Due to Vertical Circular Submerged Jet [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 41-50]
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