Air pollution
Simulation of Pollution Distribution around the Tabriz Oil Refining Company by using ISCST Model [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 99-106]
Artificial neural network
Modeling of Groundwater Level using ANN–Wavelet Hybrid Model
(Case Study: Sharif Abad Plain) [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 51-63]
Eutrophication Simulation of Mahabad Dam Reservoir by Using CE-QUAL-W2 Two Dimensional Model [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 107-115]
Concrete gravity dam
Comparison of Near-Filed and Far-Filed Earthquakes on Nonlinear Response of Concrete Gravity Dams [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 25-38]
Seismic Evaluation of Steel Frames with Different Connection Conditions of X-braces [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 81-92]
Construction wastes
Laboratory Investigation of Recycled Concrete Aggregates for Use in Subbase Layer of Roads [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 1-11]
Crest height
Numerical Study of Submerged Groynes Impact on Wave Pattern (Case Study: Dahane SAR Sefidrood) [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 13-24]
Cross section of pier
3D Numerical Studying into Combined Models of Pier Shape and Slot in Reducing the Bed Shear Stresses Starter of Scouring around the Bridge Pier [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 39-50]
Cylindrical weir-gate
Experimental Investigation on Discharge Coefficient and Energy Loss amount Changes of a Cylindrical Weir-Gate with Vertical Movement [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 65-78]
Dahane Sar Sefidrood
Numerical Study of Submerged Groynes Impact on Wave Pattern (Case Study: Dahane SAR Sefidrood) [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 13-24]
Discharge coefficient
Experimental Investigation on Discharge Coefficient and Energy Loss amount Changes of a Cylindrical Weir-Gate with Vertical Movement [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 65-78]
Energy loss
Experimental Investigation on Discharge Coefficient and Energy Loss amount Changes of a Cylindrical Weir-Gate with Vertical Movement [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 65-78]
Eutrophication Simulation of Mahabad Dam Reservoir by Using CE-QUAL-W2 Two Dimensional Model [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 107-115]
Far-field earthquakes
Comparison of Near-Filed and Far-Filed Earthquakes on Nonlinear Response of Concrete Gravity Dams [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 25-38]
3D Numerical Studying into Combined Models of Pier Shape and Slot in Reducing the Bed Shear Stresses Starter of Scouring around the Bridge Pier [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 39-50]
Groundwater level
Modeling of Groundwater Level using ANN–Wavelet Hybrid Model
(Case Study: Sharif Abad Plain) [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 51-63]
Simulation of Pollution Distribution around the Tabriz Oil Refining Company by using ISCST Model [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 99-106]
Mahabad dam
Eutrophication Simulation of Mahabad Dam Reservoir by Using CE-QUAL-W2 Two Dimensional Model [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 107-115]
Simulation of Pollution Distribution around the Tabriz Oil Refining Company by using ISCST Model [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 99-106]
Movable cylindrical structure
Experimental Investigation on Discharge Coefficient and Energy Loss amount Changes of a Cylindrical Weir-Gate with Vertical Movement [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 65-78]
Multiple linear regression
Modeling of Groundwater Level using ANN–Wavelet Hybrid Model
(Case Study: Sharif Abad Plain) [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 51-63]
Natural aggregate
Laboratory Investigation of Recycled Concrete Aggregates for Use in Subbase Layer of Roads [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 1-11]
Near-field earthquakes
Comparison of Near-Filed and Far-Filed Earthquakes on Nonlinear Response of Concrete Gravity Dams [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 25-38]
Nonlinear analysis
Seismic Evaluation of Steel Frames with Different Connection Conditions of X-braces [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 81-92]
Nonlinear analysis
Comparison of Near-Filed and Far-Filed Earthquakes on Nonlinear Response of Concrete Gravity Dams [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 25-38]
Laboratory Investigation of Recycled Concrete Aggregates for Use in Subbase Layer of Roads [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 1-11]
Recycled concrete aggregates
Laboratory Investigation of Recycled Concrete Aggregates for Use in Subbase Layer of Roads [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 1-11]
3D Numerical Studying into Combined Models of Pier Shape and Slot in Reducing the Bed Shear Stresses Starter of Scouring around the Bridge Pier [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 39-50]
Seismic analysis
Seismic Evaluation of Steel Frames with Different Connection Conditions of X-braces [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 81-92]
Seismic retrofitting
Seismic Retrofitting of Steel Ordinary Moment Frame Buildings [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 93-98]
Sharif Abad plain
Modeling of Groundwater Level using ANN–Wavelet Hybrid Model
(Case Study: Sharif Abad Plain) [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 51-63]
3D Numerical Studying into Combined Models of Pier Shape and Slot in Reducing the Bed Shear Stresses Starter of Scouring around the Bridge Pier [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 39-50]
Steel frame
Seismic Evaluation of Steel Frames with Different Connection Conditions of X-braces [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 81-92]
Steel moment resisting frame
Seismic Retrofitting of Steel Ordinary Moment Frame Buildings [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 93-98]
Seismic Retrofitting of Steel Ordinary Moment Frame Buildings [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 93-98]
Laboratory Investigation of Recycled Concrete Aggregates for Use in Subbase Layer of Roads [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 1-11]
Submerged and non-submerged groynes
Numerical Study of Submerged Groynes Impact on Wave Pattern (Case Study: Dahane SAR Sefidrood) [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 13-24]
Tabriz Oil Refining Company
Simulation of Pollution Distribution around the Tabriz Oil Refining Company by using ISCST Model [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 99-106]
Turbulence models
3D Numerical Studying into Combined Models of Pier Shape and Slot in Reducing the Bed Shear Stresses Starter of Scouring around the Bridge Pier [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 39-50]
Water Quality
Eutrophication Simulation of Mahabad Dam Reservoir by Using CE-QUAL-W2 Two Dimensional Model [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 107-115]
Wave pattern
Numerical Study of Submerged Groynes Impact on Wave Pattern (Case Study: Dahane SAR Sefidrood) [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 13-24]
Seismic Evaluation of Steel Frames with Different Connection Conditions of X-braces [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 81-92]
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