AHP algorithm
Identification and analysis of common claims between consultants and contractors in EPC contracts by AHP method [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 153-160]
Ardabil plain aquifer
Estimation of Natural Recharge of Ardabil Aquifer Using CRD Method [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 115-124]
Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF) Steel Slag
Behavior Comparison of marl and dredged soil stabilized with Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) and Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF) steel slags [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 55-66]
Blast furnace slag
Evaluation of Impact Strength of Heated Slag Geopolymer Concrete [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 87-101]
Climate Change
Extraction of Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves Using Fractal Theory and Evaluation of Climate Change on it (Case Study: Bushehr) [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 103-113]
The effect of FRP use on the Damage Index, Seismic Performance Levels and Ductility of The Bridges Circular Columns by Using IDA and NSP Analyses [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 125-137]
Construction Project Management
Optimization of Contractor Selection Process in Iranian Law of Tenders Utilizing VIKOR Method (Case Study: Water Industries in East Azerbaijan Province) [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 13-30]
Contractor Selection
Optimization of Contractor Selection Process in Iranian Law of Tenders Utilizing VIKOR Method (Case Study: Water Industries in East Azerbaijan Province) [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 13-30]
Correlation analysis
Relationship between Changes in Water Body and Vegetation in the Eastern of Lake Urmia with the Phenomenon of Dust Storms [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 44-54]
CRD method
Estimation of Natural Recharge of Ardabil Aquifer Using CRD Method [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 115-124]
Damage index
The effect of FRP use on the Damage Index, Seismic Performance Levels and Ductility of The Bridges Circular Columns by Using IDA and NSP Analyses [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 125-137]
Drop weight hammer
Evaluation of Impact Strength of Heated Slag Geopolymer Concrete [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 87-101]
Evaluation of Durability Properties of Cement Stabilized Base Mixtures Contains Different Amounts of RAP during Wet and Dry Cycles [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 175-185]
Effective stress parameter
Using Two Intelligent Optimization Algorithms to Estimate the Effective Stress of Unsaturated Soils [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 199-210]
Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) Steel Slag
Behavior Comparison of marl and dredged soil stabilized with Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) and Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF) steel slags [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 55-66]
EPC contracts
Identification and analysis of common claims between consultants and contractors in EPC contracts by AHP method [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 153-160]
Flux-wave approach
Applying High-Resolution Wave Propagation Method in Numerical Modeling of Macroscopic Traffic Flow based on Driver Physiological-Psychological Behavior [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 1-12]
Fractal theory
Extraction of Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves Using Fractal Theory and Evaluation of Climate Change on it (Case Study: Bushehr) [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 103-113]
Fraction of irrigation
Estimation of Natural Recharge of Ardabil Aquifer Using CRD Method [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 115-124]
Fraction of rainfall
Estimation of Natural Recharge of Ardabil Aquifer Using CRD Method [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 115-124]
Geopolymer Concrete
Evaluation of Impact Strength of Heated Slag Geopolymer Concrete [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 87-101]
Global Warming
Extraction of Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves Using Fractal Theory and Evaluation of Climate Change on it (Case Study: Bushehr) [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 103-113]
Goodness-of-fit test
Derivation of the Probability Density Functions for the Local Joint Flexibility Factors in Axially Loaded Two-Planar Tubular DK-Joints of Offshore Structures [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 161-174]
IDF Curves
Extraction of Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves Using Fractal Theory and Evaluation of Climate Change on it (Case Study: Bushehr) [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 103-113]
Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves
Extraction of Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves Using Fractal Theory and Evaluation of Climate Change on it (Case Study: Bushehr) [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 103-113]
Inverse Gaussian model
Derivation of the Probability Density Functions for the Local Joint Flexibility Factors in Axially Loaded Two-Planar Tubular DK-Joints of Offshore Structures [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 161-174]
Lake Urmia
Relationship between Changes in Water Body and Vegetation in the Eastern of Lake Urmia with the Phenomenon of Dust Storms [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 44-54]
LJF factor
Derivation of the Probability Density Functions for the Local Joint Flexibility Factors in Axially Loaded Two-Planar Tubular DK-Joints of Offshore Structures [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 161-174]
Behavior Comparison of marl and dredged soil stabilized with Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) and Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF) steel slags [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 55-66]
Mechanical properties
Studying the Effect of Silica Fume on the Fracture Toughness and Fracture Energy of Self-Compacting Lightweight Concrete [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 139-151]
Extraction of Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves Using Fractal Theory and Evaluation of Climate Change on it (Case Study: Bushehr) [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 103-113]
Monopod bucket foundation
3-D Simulation of Bucket Foundations Used For Offshore Wind Turbines under Monotonic Loading Conditions [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 31-41]
Noor beach
Estimation of Swash Zone Slope in Noor Beach during Cold Season [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 77-85]
Numerical simulation
3-D Simulation of Bucket Foundations Used For Offshore Wind Turbines under Monotonic Loading Conditions [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 31-41]
Offshore wind turbine
3-D Simulation of Bucket Foundations Used For Offshore Wind Turbines under Monotonic Loading Conditions [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 31-41]
Persian Gulf Dredged (PGD) Soil
Behavior Comparison of marl and dredged soil stabilized with Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) and Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF) steel slags [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 55-66]
Physical model
Experimental Study of the Horizontal Thin Layer Effect on the Bearing Capacity of Circular Footings Resting on Sand [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 67-76]
Polyolefin fibers
Evaluation of Impact Strength of Heated Slag Geopolymer Concrete [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 87-101]
Probability density function (PDF)
Derivation of the Probability Density Functions for the Local Joint Flexibility Factors in Axially Loaded Two-Planar Tubular DK-Joints of Offshore Structures [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 161-174]
Evaluation of Durability Properties of Cement Stabilized Base Mixtures Contains Different Amounts of RAP during Wet and Dry Cycles [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 175-185]
Riemann solver
Applying High-Resolution Wave Propagation Method in Numerical Modeling of Macroscopic Traffic Flow based on Driver Physiological-Psychological Behavior [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 1-12]
Second-order macroscopic traffic flow models
Applying High-Resolution Wave Propagation Method in Numerical Modeling of Macroscopic Traffic Flow based on Driver Physiological-Psychological Behavior [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 1-12]
Sediment diameter
Estimation of Swash Zone Slope in Noor Beach during Cold Season [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 77-85]
Estimation of Swash Zone Slope in Noor Beach during Cold Season [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 77-85]
Specific yield
Estimation of Natural Recharge of Ardabil Aquifer Using CRD Method [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 115-124]
Behavior Comparison of marl and dredged soil stabilized with Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) and Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF) steel slags [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 55-66]
Experimental Study of the Horizontal Thin Layer Effect on the Bearing Capacity of Circular Footings Resting on Sand [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 67-76]
Strong Thin Layer
Experimental Study of the Horizontal Thin Layer Effect on the Bearing Capacity of Circular Footings Resting on Sand [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 67-76]
Swash zone
Estimation of Swash Zone Slope in Noor Beach during Cold Season [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 77-85]
Optimization of Contractor Selection Process in Iranian Law of Tenders Utilizing VIKOR Method (Case Study: Water Industries in East Azerbaijan Province) [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 13-30]
Trend Analysis
Relationship between Changes in Water Body and Vegetation in the Eastern of Lake Urmia with the Phenomenon of Dust Storms [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 44-54]
Tubular DK-joint
Derivation of the Probability Density Functions for the Local Joint Flexibility Factors in Axially Loaded Two-Planar Tubular DK-Joints of Offshore Structures [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 161-174]
Ultimate Bearing Capacity
Experimental Study of the Horizontal Thin Layer Effect on the Bearing Capacity of Circular Footings Resting on Sand [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 67-76]
Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS)
Behavior Comparison of marl and dredged soil stabilized with Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) and Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF) steel slags [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 55-66]
Unsaturated soil
Using Two Intelligent Optimization Algorithms to Estimate the Effective Stress of Unsaturated Soils [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 199-210]
VIKOR method
Optimization of Contractor Selection Process in Iranian Law of Tenders Utilizing VIKOR Method (Case Study: Water Industries in East Azerbaijan Province) [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 13-30]
Water body
Relationship between Changes in Water Body and Vegetation in the Eastern of Lake Urmia with the Phenomenon of Dust Storms [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 44-54]
Wave height
Estimation of Swash Zone Slope in Noor Beach during Cold Season [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 77-85]
Wave propagation algorithm
Applying High-Resolution Wave Propagation Method in Numerical Modeling of Macroscopic Traffic Flow based on Driver Physiological-Psychological Behavior [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 1-12]
Weak Thin Layer
Experimental Study of the Horizontal Thin Layer Effect on the Bearing Capacity of Circular Footings Resting on Sand [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 67-76]
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