Acid red 14
Treatment of Model Wastewater Containing Aromatic Organic Compounds, Dyestuffs, and Heavy Metals by Aerobic Biological Process [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 25-34]
Activated sludge
Treatment of Model Wastewater Containing Aromatic Organic Compounds, Dyestuffs, and Heavy Metals by Aerobic Biological Process [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 25-34]
Adab neighborhood in Sanandaj
Simulation of Shading in Urban Neighborhoods Using GIS (Case study: Sanandaj, Adab neighborhood) [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 49-58]
Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System
Prediction of the Mechanical Properties of Lightweight Basalt Fiber Reinforced Concrete Containing Silica Fume and Fly Ash with an Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy inference system (AFNIS) [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 75-89]
Air bubble screen
The Effect of the an Air-bubble Screen on Flow Pattern and Secondary Flow Strength and Bed Shear Stress in a 90 Degree Mild Bend [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 215-224]
Alternate path method
Comparison of Seismic and Gravity Progressive Collapse in dual systems with special steel moment-resisting frames and braces [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 151-161]
Arching soil
The Effect of Arching Soil on the Stability and Deformation of Deep Urban Excavation [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 191-201]
Artificial neural network
Estimation of Mechanical Properties by Statistical Analysis, Artificial Neural Network and Support Vector Regression "Case Study: Samples Related To Godar-Khosh Reservoir Dam Site" [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 173-190]
Basalt fiber
Prediction of the Mechanical Properties of Lightweight Basalt Fiber Reinforced Concrete Containing Silica Fume and Fly Ash with an Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy inference system (AFNIS) [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 75-89]
Bed shear stress
The Effect of the an Air-bubble Screen on Flow Pattern and Secondary Flow Strength and Bed Shear Stress in a 90 Degree Mild Bend [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 215-224]
Biological improvement
Impact of Biologic Single and Mixed Medium on Mechanical-Hydraulic properties of Dune Sand [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 91-100]
Clay rocks
Estimation of Mechanical Properties by Statistical Analysis, Artificial Neural Network and Support Vector Regression "Case Study: Samples Related To Godar-Khosh Reservoir Dam Site" [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 173-190]
Combined treatment
Treatment of Model Wastewater Containing Aromatic Organic Compounds, Dyestuffs, and Heavy Metals by Aerobic Biological Process [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 25-34]
Concentric brace
Comparison of Seismic and Gravity Progressive Collapse in dual systems with special steel moment-resisting frames and braces [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 151-161]
The Effect of Arching Soil on the Stability and Deformation of Deep Urban Excavation [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 191-201]
Density currents
Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Gabion-Shaped Obstacles on Sedimentation [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 141-150]
Discrete element method simulations
Numerical and Experimental Investigations of the Effect of Gradation and Shape of Particles on the Mechanical Behavior of Granular soils [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 35-48]
Dual system
Comparison of Seismic and Gravity Progressive Collapse in dual systems with special steel moment-resisting frames and braces [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 151-161]
Dynamic analysis
Seismic Modelling of Monopiles under Wave Load in the Sandy Soil [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 59-74]
Earth dam
Investigation of a modeling-based framework for optimizing the cross-section of cored earth dams [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 203-213]
The Effect of Arching Soil on the Stability and Deformation of Deep Urban Excavation [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 191-201]
Modeling Land Changes forest Using by LCM in Fandoqhlo Forest Area [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 127-140]
Farrokhi-Qaen dam
Investigation of a modeling-based framework for optimizing the cross-section of cored earth dams [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 203-213]
Finite Element Analysis
Stability Analysis of Transmission Lines under Simultaneous Ice-Shedding and Wind Loads [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 101-110]
Flow pattern
The Effect of the an Air-bubble Screen on Flow Pattern and Secondary Flow Strength and Bed Shear Stress in a 90 Degree Mild Bend [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 215-224]
Fly Ash
Prediction of the Mechanical Properties of Lightweight Basalt Fiber Reinforced Concrete Containing Silica Fume and Fly Ash with an Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy inference system (AFNIS) [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 75-89]
Focal Mechanism
Seismic Hazard Assessment for the NTF by Slip Tendency Analysis based on the Regional Stress Extracted from the Focal Mechanism of Earthquakes and GPS Observables [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 111-126]
Gaussian process regression (GPR)
Modeling and predicting the rate of scour depth below pipelines using kernel-based methods for steady flows [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 1-12]
Seismic Hazard Assessment for the NTF by Slip Tendency Analysis based on the Regional Stress Extracted from the Focal Mechanism of Earthquakes and GPS Observables [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 111-126]
Kernel-Based Method
Modeling and predicting the rate of scour depth below pipelines using kernel-based methods for steady flows [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 1-12]
Modeling Land Changes forest Using by LCM in Fandoqhlo Forest Area [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 127-140]
Lightweight concrete
Prediction of the Mechanical Properties of Lightweight Basalt Fiber Reinforced Concrete Containing Silica Fume and Fly Ash with an Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy inference system (AFNIS) [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 75-89]
Markov chain
Modeling Land Changes forest Using by LCM in Fandoqhlo Forest Area [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 127-140]
Mechanical properties
Prediction of the Mechanical Properties of Lightweight Basalt Fiber Reinforced Concrete Containing Silica Fume and Fly Ash with an Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy inference system (AFNIS) [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 75-89]
Methylene blue
Treatment of Model Wastewater Containing Aromatic Organic Compounds, Dyestuffs, and Heavy Metals by Aerobic Biological Process [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 25-34]
Modeling Land Changes forest Using by LCM in Fandoqhlo Forest Area [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 127-140]
Modeling Land Changes forest Using by LCM in Fandoqhlo Forest Area [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 127-140]
Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Gabion-Shaped Obstacles on Sedimentation [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 141-150]
Seismic Modelling of Monopiles under Wave Load in the Sandy Soil [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 59-74]
Multiobjective optimization
Efficiency of Particle Swarm Optimization and Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm in Optimal Operation of Agricultural Water Resources [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 163-172]
Non-Dominated Sorting
Efficiency of Particle Swarm Optimization and Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm in Optimal Operation of Agricultural Water Resources [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 163-172]
Nonlinear static analysis
Comparison of Seismic and Gravity Progressive Collapse in dual systems with special steel moment-resisting frames and braces [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 151-161]
North Tabriz Fault
Seismic Hazard Assessment for the NTF by Slip Tendency Analysis based on the Regional Stress Extracted from the Focal Mechanism of Earthquakes and GPS Observables [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 111-126]
Object Oriented
Modeling Land Changes forest Using by LCM in Fandoqhlo Forest Area [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 127-140]
Seismic Modelling of Monopiles under Wave Load in the Sandy Soil [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 59-74]
Pareto front
Efficiency of Particle Swarm Optimization and Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm in Optimal Operation of Agricultural Water Resources [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 163-172]
Particle shape
Numerical and Experimental Investigations of the Effect of Gradation and Shape of Particles on the Mechanical Behavior of Granular soils [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 35-48]
Particle size distribution
Numerical and Experimental Investigations of the Effect of Gradation and Shape of Particles on the Mechanical Behavior of Granular soils [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 35-48]
An Experimental Study on The Effects of Pore-Fluid Parameters on Microstructural Behavior of Clay Core Materials in Embankment Dams [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 13-24]
Impact of Biologic Single and Mixed Medium on Mechanical-Hydraulic properties of Dune Sand [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 91-100]
Modeling and predicting the rate of scour depth below pipelines using kernel-based methods for steady flows [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 1-12]
Investigation of a modeling-based framework for optimizing the cross-section of cored earth dams [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 203-213]
Pore fluid
An Experimental Study on The Effects of Pore-Fluid Parameters on Microstructural Behavior of Clay Core Materials in Embankment Dams [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 13-24]
Investigation of a modeling-based framework for optimizing the cross-section of cored earth dams [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 203-213]
Regional Stress Field
Seismic Hazard Assessment for the NTF by Slip Tendency Analysis based on the Regional Stress Extracted from the Focal Mechanism of Earthquakes and GPS Observables [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 111-126]
Scour depth
Modeling and predicting the rate of scour depth below pipelines using kernel-based methods for steady flows [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 1-12]
Secondary flow strength
The Effect of the an Air-bubble Screen on Flow Pattern and Secondary Flow Strength and Bed Shear Stress in a 90 Degree Mild Bend [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 215-224]
Seismic progressive collapse
Comparison of Seismic and Gravity Progressive Collapse in dual systems with special steel moment-resisting frames and braces [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 151-161]
An Experimental Study on The Effects of Pore-Fluid Parameters on Microstructural Behavior of Clay Core Materials in Embankment Dams [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 13-24]
Simulation of Shading in Urban Neighborhoods Using GIS (Case study: Sanandaj, Adab neighborhood) [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 49-58]
Single and mixed culture
Impact of Biologic Single and Mixed Medium on Mechanical-Hydraulic properties of Dune Sand [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 91-100]
Slip Tendency
Seismic Hazard Assessment for the NTF by Slip Tendency Analysis based on the Regional Stress Extracted from the Focal Mechanism of Earthquakes and GPS Observables [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 111-126]
Soil modeling
The Effect of Arching Soil on the Stability and Deformation of Deep Urban Excavation [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 191-201]
Investigation of a modeling-based framework for optimizing the cross-section of cored earth dams [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 203-213]
Stability analysis
The Effect of Arching Soil on the Stability and Deformation of Deep Urban Excavation [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 191-201]
Stability analysis
Stability Analysis of Transmission Lines under Simultaneous Ice-Shedding and Wind Loads [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 101-110]
Static and dynamic properties
Estimation of Mechanical Properties by Statistical Analysis, Artificial Neural Network and Support Vector Regression "Case Study: Samples Related To Godar-Khosh Reservoir Dam Site" [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 173-190]
Statistical analysis
Estimation of Mechanical Properties by Statistical Analysis, Artificial Neural Network and Support Vector Regression "Case Study: Samples Related To Godar-Khosh Reservoir Dam Site" [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 173-190]
Steady flow
Modeling and predicting the rate of scour depth below pipelines using kernel-based methods for steady flows [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 1-12]
Support Vector Regression
Estimation of Mechanical Properties by Statistical Analysis, Artificial Neural Network and Support Vector Regression "Case Study: Samples Related To Godar-Khosh Reservoir Dam Site" [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 173-190]
Triaxial test
Numerical and Experimental Investigations of the Effect of Gradation and Shape of Particles on the Mechanical Behavior of Granular soils [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 35-48]
Unconfined compression
Impact of Biologic Single and Mixed Medium on Mechanical-Hydraulic properties of Dune Sand [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 91-100]
Water allocation
Efficiency of Particle Swarm Optimization and Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm in Optimal Operation of Agricultural Water Resources [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 163-172]
Water resource management
Efficiency of Particle Swarm Optimization and Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm in Optimal Operation of Agricultural Water Resources [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 163-172]
Wave load and earthquake
Seismic Modelling of Monopiles under Wave Load in the Sandy Soil [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 59-74]
An Experimental Study on The Effects of Pore-Fluid Parameters on Microstructural Behavior of Clay Core Materials in Embankment Dams [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 13-24]
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