Accordion force limiting device
Stability Analysis of Double Layer Barrel Vaults Equipped with Accordion Force Limiting Device [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 73-82]
ACO Algorithm
Performance Analysis of PSO Algorithm for Setting the Hazen Williams Coefficients of Water Distribution Network Models [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 141-152]
Ahar water distribution network
Performance Analysis of PSO Algorithm for Setting the Hazen Williams Coefficients of Water Distribution Network Models [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 141-152]
Base isolation
Dynamic Behavior Evaluation of FPS Isolated Liquid Storage Tanks Subjected to Pulse-like Excitations [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 51-61]
Bearing capacity
Effects of Waste Plastic Strips (PET) on Improvement of Fine-grained Soil [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 127-139]
Stability Analysis of Double Layer Barrel Vaults Equipped with Accordion Force Limiting Device [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 73-82]
Using of Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor Containing Kaldness Media in Treatment of Produced Water [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 41-49]
Concrete gravity dam
Developing a New Semi- Analytical Method for Solving Elastodynamic Problems in the Frequency Domain [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 21-28]
Confined concrete
Investigating the Effect of Copper Mine Tailing on the Stress-Strain Behavior of Confined Concrete [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 11-19]
Copper mine tailing
Investigating the Effect of Copper Mine Tailing on the Stress-Strain Behavior of Confined Concrete [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 11-19]
Diagonal coefficient matrix
Developing a New Semi- Analytical Method for Solving Elastodynamic Problems in the Frequency Domain [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 21-28]
Double layer barrel vault
Stability Analysis of Double Layer Barrel Vaults Equipped with Accordion Force Limiting Device [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 73-82]
Iran Accelerograph Data Contraction Using Wavelet Analysis [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 29-39]
Earthquake hazard analysis
Evaluation of the Need for Seismic Microzonation in Bonab County based on Regional Considerations and Probabilistic Earthquake Hazard Analysis from the Vicinity of Urmia Lake toward the Hillsides of Sahand Mountain [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 107-126]
Elastodynamic problems
Developing a New Semi- Analytical Method for Solving Elastodynamic Problems in the Frequency Domain [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 21-28]
Iran Accelerograph Data Contraction Using Wavelet Analysis [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 29-39]
Environmental geotechnic
Effects of Waste Plastic Strips (PET) on Improvement of Fine-grained Soil [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 127-139]
Evaluation of the Need for Seismic Microzonation in Bonab County based on Regional Considerations and Probabilistic Earthquake Hazard Analysis from the Vicinity of Urmia Lake toward the Hillsides of Sahand Mountain [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 107-126]
FE analysis
Stability Analysis of Double Layer Barrel Vaults Equipped with Accordion Force Limiting Device [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 73-82]
Filling Ratio
Using of Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor Containing Kaldness Media in Treatment of Produced Water [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 41-49]
Fine-grained soil
Effects of Waste Plastic Strips (PET) on Improvement of Fine-grained Soil [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 127-139]
Frequency domain
Developing a New Semi- Analytical Method for Solving Elastodynamic Problems in the Frequency Domain [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 21-28]
Friction pendulum system
Dynamic Behavior Evaluation of FPS Isolated Liquid Storage Tanks Subjected to Pulse-like Excitations [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 51-61]
Fuzzy inference
Fuzzy Wastewater Quality Index (FWWQI) for Environmental Quality Assessment of Industrial Wastewater, a Case Study for South Pars Special Economic and Energy Zone [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 153-160]
Green concrete
Investigating the Effect of Copper Mine Tailing on the Stress-Strain Behavior of Confined Concrete [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 11-19]
Hazen Williams Coefficients
Performance Analysis of PSO Algorithm for Setting the Hazen Williams Coefficients of Water Distribution Network Models [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 141-152]
Effects of Waste Plastic Strips (PET) on Improvement of Fine-grained Soil [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 127-139]
Evaluation of the Need for Seismic Microzonation in Bonab County based on Regional Considerations and Probabilistic Earthquake Hazard Analysis from the Vicinity of Urmia Lake toward the Hillsides of Sahand Mountain [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 107-126]
Landscape metrics
Investigating the Effects of Land Use/Land Cover Composition on River Water Quality [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 83-93]
Landscape Structure
Investigating the Effects of Land Use/Land Cover Composition on River Water Quality [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 83-93]
A Laboratory Study on Rainfall-Induced Landslides [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 1-10]
Land use
Investigating the Effects of Land Use/Land Cover Composition on River Water Quality [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 83-93]
Layout Optimization
Layout Optimization of Outrigger Braced System in Steel Tall Structures Using Meta- Heuristic Algorithms [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 95-105]
Liquid storage tanks
Dynamic Behavior Evaluation of FPS Isolated Liquid Storage Tanks Subjected to Pulse-like Excitations [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 51-61]
Using of Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor Containing Kaldness Media in Treatment of Produced Water [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 41-49]
Multivariate linear regression
Investigating the Effects of Land Use/Land Cover Composition on River Water Quality [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 83-93]
Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient
River Flow Simulation by Integrating Numerical Methods and Satellite Images [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 63-72]
Near-fault earthquake
Dynamic Behavior Evaluation of FPS Isolated Liquid Storage Tanks Subjected to Pulse-like Excitations [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 51-61]
Physical Modeling
A Laboratory Study on Rainfall-Induced Landslides [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 1-10]
Iran Accelerograph Data Contraction Using Wavelet Analysis [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 29-39]
Probabilistic method
Evaluation of the Need for Seismic Microzonation in Bonab County based on Regional Considerations and Probabilistic Earthquake Hazard Analysis from the Vicinity of Urmia Lake toward the Hillsides of Sahand Mountain [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 107-126]
Produced Water
Using of Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor Containing Kaldness Media in Treatment of Produced Water [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 41-49]
PSO Algorithm
Performance Analysis of PSO Algorithm for Setting the Hazen Williams Coefficients of Water Distribution Network Models [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 141-152]
Pulse-like excitation
Dynamic Behavior Evaluation of FPS Isolated Liquid Storage Tanks Subjected to Pulse-like Excitations [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 51-61]
A Laboratory Study on Rainfall-Induced Landslides [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 1-10]
Retention time
Using of Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor Containing Kaldness Media in Treatment of Produced Water [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 41-49]
River Bend
River Flow Simulation by Integrating Numerical Methods and Satellite Images [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 63-72]
River flow simulation
River Flow Simulation by Integrating Numerical Methods and Satellite Images [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 63-72]
Rivers water quality
Investigating the Effects of Land Use/Land Cover Composition on River Water Quality [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 83-93]
Satellite images
River Flow Simulation by Integrating Numerical Methods and Satellite Images [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 63-72]
Seismic microzonation
Evaluation of the Need for Seismic Microzonation in Bonab County based on Regional Considerations and Probabilistic Earthquake Hazard Analysis from the Vicinity of Urmia Lake toward the Hillsides of Sahand Mountain [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 107-126]
Slope stability
A Laboratory Study on Rainfall-Induced Landslides [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 1-10]
Stability analysis
Stability Analysis of Double Layer Barrel Vaults Equipped with Accordion Force Limiting Device [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 73-82]
Stress-strain behavior
Investigating the Effect of Copper Mine Tailing on the Stress-Strain Behavior of Confined Concrete [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 11-19]
Unsaturated Soils
A Laboratory Study on Rainfall-Induced Landslides [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 1-10]
Waste plastic strip (PET)
Effects of Waste Plastic Strips (PET) on Improvement of Fine-grained Soil [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 127-139]
Fuzzy Wastewater Quality Index (FWWQI) for Environmental Quality Assessment of Industrial Wastewater, a Case Study for South Pars Special Economic and Energy Zone [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 153-160]
Water Pollutants
Fuzzy Wastewater Quality Index (FWWQI) for Environmental Quality Assessment of Industrial Wastewater, a Case Study for South Pars Special Economic and Energy Zone [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 153-160]
Water Quality Index WQI
Fuzzy Wastewater Quality Index (FWWQI) for Environmental Quality Assessment of Industrial Wastewater, a Case Study for South Pars Special Economic and Energy Zone [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 153-160]
Wavelet analysis
Iran Accelerograph Data Contraction Using Wavelet Analysis [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 29-39]
Evaluation of the Need for Seismic Microzonation in Bonab County based on Regional Considerations and Probabilistic Earthquake Hazard Analysis from the Vicinity of Urmia Lake toward the Hillsides of Sahand Mountain [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 107-126]
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