Shear Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams Containing Wavy Steel Fibers [42.2, Issue 67, 2012, Pages 41-51]
Estimation of Up-Lift Force on Hydraulic Structures in Non-Darcian Conditions [42.2, Issue 67, 2012, Pages 77-83]
Boundary element method
Dynamic Interaction Analysis between the Spillway and Foundation of Shirvan-Barzu Dam Using BEM [42.2, Issue 67, 2012, Pages 1-14]
Shear Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams Containing Wavy Steel Fibers [42.2, Issue 67, 2012, Pages 41-51]
Critical state
Constitutive Sand Model under Undrained Monotonic Loading by Considering Sratio [42.2, Issue 67, 2012, Pages 53-63]
Application of Lead-Rubber Isolators as Shear Dampers [42.2, Issue 67, 2012, Pages 15-26]
Discrete singular convolution
Estimation of Up-Lift Force on Hydraulic Structures in Non-Darcian Conditions [42.2, Issue 67, 2012, Pages 77-83]
Fiber reinforced concrete
Shear Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams Containing Wavy Steel Fibers [42.2, Issue 67, 2012, Pages 41-51]
Finite volume
Estimation of Up-Lift Force on Hydraulic Structures in Non-Darcian Conditions [42.2, Issue 67, 2012, Pages 77-83]
Foundation structure interaction
Dynamic Interaction Analysis between the Spillway and Foundation of Shirvan-Barzu Dam Using BEM [42.2, Issue 67, 2012, Pages 1-14]
Frequency domain
Dynamic Interaction Analysis between the Spillway and Foundation of Shirvan-Barzu Dam Using BEM [42.2, Issue 67, 2012, Pages 1-14]
Lead-rubber isolator
Application of Lead-Rubber Isolators as Shear Dampers [42.2, Issue 67, 2012, Pages 15-26]
Monotonic undrained loading
Constitutive Sand Model under Undrained Monotonic Loading by Considering Sratio [42.2, Issue 67, 2012, Pages 53-63]
Morning glory spillway
Dynamic Interaction Analysis between the Spillway and Foundation of Shirvan-Barzu Dam Using BEM [42.2, Issue 67, 2012, Pages 1-14]
Numerical analysis
Numerical Analysis for Prediction of Shallow Foundation Settlement Based on Plate Load Test Results [42.2, Issue 67, 2012, Pages 67-75]
Passive control
Application of Lead-Rubber Isolators as Shear Dampers [42.2, Issue 67, 2012, Pages 15-26]
Plate Load Test
Numerical Analysis for Prediction of Shallow Foundation Settlement Based on Plate Load Test Results [42.2, Issue 67, 2012, Pages 67-75]
Redistribution of stress
Shear Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams Containing Wavy Steel Fibers [42.2, Issue 67, 2012, Pages 41-51]
Constitutive Sand Model under Undrained Monotonic Loading by Considering Sratio [42.2, Issue 67, 2012, Pages 53-63]
Numerical Analysis for Prediction of Shallow Foundation Settlement Based on Plate Load Test Results [42.2, Issue 67, 2012, Pages 67-75]
SFRC beams
Shear Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams Containing Wavy Steel Fibers [42.2, Issue 67, 2012, Pages 41-51]
Shaking table
Application of Lead-Rubber Isolators as Shear Dampers [42.2, Issue 67, 2012, Pages 15-26]
Shallow foundation
Numerical Analysis for Prediction of Shallow Foundation Settlement Based on Plate Load Test Results [42.2, Issue 67, 2012, Pages 67-75]
Shear behavior
Shear Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams Containing Wavy Steel Fibers [42.2, Issue 67, 2012, Pages 41-51]
Single-layer barrel vaults
Investigation into the Stability Behavior of Single-Layer Barrel Vault Space Structures [42.2, Issue 67, 2012, Pages 27-39]
Space structures
Investigation into the Stability Behavior of Single-Layer Barrel Vault Space Structures [42.2, Issue 67, 2012, Pages 27-39]
Investigation into the Stability Behavior of Single-Layer Barrel Vault Space Structures [42.2, Issue 67, 2012, Pages 27-39]
State parameter
Constitutive Sand Model under Undrained Monotonic Loading by Considering Sratio [42.2, Issue 67, 2012, Pages 53-63]
Steel fiber
Shear Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams Containing Wavy Steel Fibers [42.2, Issue 67, 2012, Pages 41-51]
Stress ratio
Constitutive Sand Model under Undrained Monotonic Loading by Considering Sratio [42.2, Issue 67, 2012, Pages 53-63]
Sub grade reaction modulus
Numerical Analysis for Prediction of Shallow Foundation Settlement Based on Plate Load Test Results [42.2, Issue 67, 2012, Pages 67-75]
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