Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)
A Comparison of Rapid Seismic Vulnerability Assessment Methods for Existing Residential Buildings in Tabriz using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP): Case Study [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 123-137]
Benchmark problems
A Method for Quantifying the Efficiency Degree of Plate Bending Element [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 61-75]
The Effect of Zeolite on Shear Strength of Babolsar Sand Stabilized with Cement [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 89-96]
Clayey soil
Impact of Lime-Slags Combination on the Hydro-Mechanical Behavior of Clayey Soils [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 97-108]
Climate Change
Using the MIROC-ESM Model to Investigate the Hydro-Climatic Conditions of the Small-Scale Watershed under the Impact of Climate Change [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 47-59]
Combined tuned liquid damper (CTLD)
Investigating the Effects of Combined Tuned Liquid Damper (CTLD) on Dynamic Behavior of Offshore Jacket-Type Platforms [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 11-21]
The Effect of Zeolite on Shear Strength of Babolsar Sand Stabilized with Cement [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 89-96]
Concentrically braced frame (CBF)
A Comparison of Rapid Seismic Vulnerability Assessment Methods for Existing Residential Buildings in Tabriz using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP): Case Study [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 123-137]
Constitutive model
Constitutive Modelling of the Mechanical Behavior of Fiber-Reinforced Cemented Sand [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 1-10]
Curing condition
The Impact Resistance of Steel Fiber Reinforcement Concrete under Different Curing Conditions: Experimental and Statistical Analysis [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 109-121]
Direct Shear Box
Physical Modelling of Pull-out Resistance in Sandy Soil by Using Large Shear Box [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 35-45]
Dynamic analysis
Investigating the Effects of Combined Tuned Liquid Damper (CTLD) on Dynamic Behavior of Offshore Jacket-Type Platforms [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 11-21]
Efficiency degree
A Method for Quantifying the Efficiency Degree of Plate Bending Element [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 61-75]
Element evaluation
A Method for Quantifying the Efficiency Degree of Plate Bending Element [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 61-75]
Emission Scenario
Using the MIROC-ESM Model to Investigate the Hydro-Climatic Conditions of the Small-Scale Watershed under the Impact of Climate Change [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 47-59]
Fiber-reinforced cemented sand
Constitutive Modelling of the Mechanical Behavior of Fiber-Reinforced Cemented Sand [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 1-10]
Fiber-reinforcement concrete
The Impact Resistance of Steel Fiber Reinforcement Concrete under Different Curing Conditions: Experimental and Statistical Analysis [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 109-121]
Fifth Assessment Report
Using the MIROC-ESM Model to Investigate the Hydro-Climatic Conditions of the Small-Scale Watershed under the Impact of Climate Change [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 47-59]
Impact resistance
The Impact Resistance of Steel Fiber Reinforcement Concrete under Different Curing Conditions: Experimental and Statistical Analysis [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 109-121]
Mann-Kendall Test
Using the MIROC-ESM Model to Investigate the Hydro-Climatic Conditions of the Small-Scale Watershed under the Impact of Climate Change [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 47-59]
Physical Modelling of Pull-out Resistance in Sandy Soil by Using Large Shear Box [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 35-45]
Near and far fault earthquake
Effect of Near and Far Fault Earthquake on the Shear Wall and Buckling Restrained Braces [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 23-33]
Numerical modeling
Numerical Modeling of Turbid Density Current in Dez Reservoir [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 77-88]
Offshore jacket-type platforms
Investigating the Effects of Combined Tuned Liquid Damper (CTLD) on Dynamic Behavior of Offshore Jacket-Type Platforms [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 11-21]
Passive control
Investigating the Effects of Combined Tuned Liquid Damper (CTLD) on Dynamic Behavior of Offshore Jacket-Type Platforms [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 11-21]
Plate bending element
A Method for Quantifying the Efficiency Degree of Plate Bending Element [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 61-75]
Pullout Capacity
Physical Modelling of Pull-out Resistance in Sandy Soil by Using Large Shear Box [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 35-45]
Quantitative assessment method
A Comparison of Rapid Seismic Vulnerability Assessment Methods for Existing Residential Buildings in Tabriz using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP): Case Study [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 123-137]
Rapid seismic assessment methods
A Comparison of Rapid Seismic Vulnerability Assessment Methods for Existing Residential Buildings in Tabriz using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP): Case Study [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 123-137]
Residential buildings in Tabriz
A Comparison of Rapid Seismic Vulnerability Assessment Methods for Existing Residential Buildings in Tabriz using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP): Case Study [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 123-137]
Numerical Modeling of Turbid Density Current in Dez Reservoir [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 77-88]
Shear Strength
Physical Modelling of Pull-out Resistance in Sandy Soil by Using Large Shear Box [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 35-45]
Shear Strength
The Effect of Zeolite on Shear Strength of Babolsar Sand Stabilized with Cement [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 89-96]
Sluice gates
Numerical Modeling of Turbid Density Current in Dez Reservoir [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 77-88]
Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT)
Using the MIROC-ESM Model to Investigate the Hydro-Climatic Conditions of the Small-Scale Watershed under the Impact of Climate Change [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 47-59]
Soil Nailing
Physical Modelling of Pull-out Resistance in Sandy Soil by Using Large Shear Box [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 35-45]
The Effect of Zeolite on Shear Strength of Babolsar Sand Stabilized with Cement [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 89-96]
Steel fiber
The Impact Resistance of Steel Fiber Reinforcement Concrete under Different Curing Conditions: Experimental and Statistical Analysis [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 109-121]
Strain-stress behavior
Constitutive Modelling of the Mechanical Behavior of Fiber-Reinforced Cemented Sand [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 1-10]
Turbidity current
Numerical Modeling of Turbid Density Current in Dez Reservoir [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 77-88]
Unreinforced masonry buildings
A Comparison of Rapid Seismic Vulnerability Assessment Methods for Existing Residential Buildings in Tabriz using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP): Case Study [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 123-137]
Volumetric strain
Constitutive Modelling of the Mechanical Behavior of Fiber-Reinforced Cemented Sand [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 1-10]
The Effect of Zeolite on Shear Strength of Babolsar Sand Stabilized with Cement [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 89-96]
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