Arc GIS Software
Boushehr Liquefaction Hazard Zonation Based On SPT and Result Presentation by Using GIS Plat Form [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 109-119]
Boundary element method
Boundary Element Formulation for Computing Hydrodynamic Pressure on Concrete Gravity Dams: Influence of Reservoir Shape and Bottom Sediment Absorption [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 51-59]
Brittleness index
Prediction of the Rock Brittleness Index Using Nonlinear Multivariable Regression and the CART Regression Tree [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 33-40]
Carbonated Soils
Classification of Carbonated Soils from Geotechnical Point of View (Case study: Marly Soils of Tabriz) [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 61-73]
CCHE2D numerical model
Numerical Study of The Effect of Spur Dike’s Permeability on Erosion and Sedimentation Patterns in a 90° Mild Bend Using the CCHE2D Model [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 41-49]
Cemented Soil
A Failure Criterion for Weak Cemented Soils [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 13-21]
Classification and Regression Tree (CART)
Prediction of the Rock Brittleness Index Using Nonlinear Multivariable Regression and the CART Regression Tree [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 33-40]
Classification of soils
Classification of Carbonated Soils from Geotechnical Point of View (Case study: Marly Soils of Tabriz) [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 61-73]
Concentration profile
Investigation of Installation Consecutive Obstacles on the Characteristics and Controlling of Density Current Body [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 87-95]
Consecutive obstacles
Investigation of Installation Consecutive Obstacles on the Characteristics and Controlling of Density Current Body [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 87-95]
Deep excavation
Assessment of the Effect of Pre-stressing Steel Strut on Displacement of the Diaphragm Wall and the Soil [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 23-31]
Density current body control
Investigation of Installation Consecutive Obstacles on the Characteristics and Controlling of Density Current Body [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 87-95]
Diaphragm wall
Assessment of the Effect of Pre-stressing Steel Strut on Displacement of the Diaphragm Wall and the Soil [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 23-31]
Effect of Drain Geometry on Dynamic Response of Homogeneous Earth Dams [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 99-108]
Dynamic analysis
Effect of Drain Geometry on Dynamic Response of Homogeneous Earth Dams [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 99-108]
Earthfill dam
Effect of Drain Geometry on Dynamic Response of Homogeneous Earth Dams [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 99-108]
A Failure Criterion for Weak Cemented Soils [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 13-21]
Assessment of the Effect of Pre-stressing Steel Strut on Displacement of the Diaphragm Wall and the Soil [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 23-31]
Gravity dam
Boundary Element Formulation for Computing Hydrodynamic Pressure on Concrete Gravity Dams: Influence of Reservoir Shape and Bottom Sediment Absorption [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 51-59]
Griffiths Criterion
A Failure Criterion for Weak Cemented Soils [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 13-21]
Hydrodynamic pressure
Boundary Element Formulation for Computing Hydrodynamic Pressure on Concrete Gravity Dams: Influence of Reservoir Shape and Bottom Sediment Absorption [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 51-59]
Lead Heavy Metal
Solidification of Heavy Metal Contaminant by the Use of Silicate-Coating Polymeric Nano-Capsules [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 1-11]
Boushehr Liquefaction Hazard Zonation Based On SPT and Result Presentation by Using GIS Plat Form [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 109-119]
Classification of Carbonated Soils from Geotechnical Point of View (Case study: Marly Soils of Tabriz) [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 61-73]
A Failure Criterion for Weak Cemented Soils [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 13-21]
Solidification of Heavy Metal Contaminant by the Use of Silicate-Coating Polymeric Nano-Capsules [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 1-11]
Nonlinear multivariable regression
Prediction of the Rock Brittleness Index Using Nonlinear Multivariable Regression and the CART Regression Tree [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 33-40]
Numerical Study of The Effect of Spur Dike’s Permeability on Erosion and Sedimentation Patterns in a 90° Mild Bend Using the CCHE2D Model [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 41-49]
Physical and Mechanical tests for Marls
Classification of Carbonated Soils from Geotechnical Point of View (Case study: Marly Soils of Tabriz) [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 61-73]
Polymeric Nano-capsules
Solidification of Heavy Metal Contaminant by the Use of Silicate-Coating Polymeric Nano-Capsules [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 1-11]
Assessment of the Effect of Pre-stressing Steel Strut on Displacement of the Diaphragm Wall and the Soil [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 23-31]
Prediction of the Rock Brittleness Index Using Nonlinear Multivariable Regression and the CART Regression Tree [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 33-40]
Solidification of Heavy Metal Contaminant by the Use of Silicate-Coating Polymeric Nano-Capsules [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 1-11]
Shear Strength
A Failure Criterion for Weak Cemented Soils [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 13-21]
Soil Structure
A Failure Criterion for Weak Cemented Soils [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 13-21]
Solidification of Heavy Metal Contaminant by the Use of Silicate-Coating Polymeric Nano-Capsules [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 1-11]
Spur dike
Numerical Study of The Effect of Spur Dike’s Permeability on Erosion and Sedimentation Patterns in a 90° Mild Bend Using the CCHE2D Model [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 41-49]
Standard Penetration Test (SPT)
Boushehr Liquefaction Hazard Zonation Based On SPT and Result Presentation by Using GIS Plat Form [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 109-119]
Statistical parameters
Flowfield Investigation around Straight and T-Shaped Spur Dikes Using Spectral Analysis and Stochastic Parameters [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 75-86]
Straight spur dike
Flowfield Investigation around Straight and T-Shaped Spur Dikes Using Spectral Analysis and Stochastic Parameters [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 75-86]
Assessment of the Effect of Pre-stressing Steel Strut on Displacement of the Diaphragm Wall and the Soil [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 23-31]
Tabriz Marl
Classification of Carbonated Soils from Geotechnical Point of View (Case study: Marly Soils of Tabriz) [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 61-73]
T-shaped spur dike
Flowfield Investigation around Straight and T-Shaped Spur Dikes Using Spectral Analysis and Stochastic Parameters [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 75-86]
Turbulent flow
Flowfield Investigation around Straight and T-Shaped Spur Dikes Using Spectral Analysis and Stochastic Parameters [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 75-86]
Velocity profile
Investigation of Installation Consecutive Obstacles on the Characteristics and Controlling of Density Current Body [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 87-95]
Boushehr Liquefaction Hazard Zonation Based On SPT and Result Presentation by Using GIS Plat Form [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 109-119]
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