Studying the Behavior of Central Gusset Plate Connections on Inverted V-Braces [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 95-106]
The Soil Parameters Effects on the Optimum Face Pressure of Mechanized Tunnels in Cohesive Soils [47.3, Issue 88, 2017, Pages 33-45]
Valid simulation of bond-slip behavior between concrete and reinforcement [50.4, Issue 101, 2021, Pages 73-82]
Investigation of the Simultaneous Effects of Seismic and Explosive Loading in RC Frames [(Articles in Press)]
Evaluation of the nonlinear response of a single pile embedded in sand using numerical simulation [(Articles in Press)]
Abaqus Software
Numerical modeling of dynamic response and effect of near and far field earthquake of urban railway Station near to fault region (case study: line 2 urban railway Stations) [53.3, Issue 112, 2023, Pages 106-116]
Abolabas reservoir
Development of Reservoir Hydropower Generation Modelling by a New Approach [46.3, Issue 84, 2016, Pages 89-99]
Absorption isotherm
Removal of Fluoride from Water Using an Activated Alumina Modified with Iron Compounds [43.4, Issue 73, 2014, Pages 13-20]
Probably Contamination Seepage Through Abutment of the Tailing Dam of Sungun Cu-Mo Mine Using of Geotechnical Characteristics and Groundwater Hydrogeochemical Evidences [47.3, Issue 88, 2017, Pages 105-113]
Assessing the Simultaneous Effects of Horizontal and Vertical Components of Earthquakes on the Double Layer Barrel Vaults [45.2, Issue 79, 2015, Pages 35-45]
Accidents Severity
Modelling and Analyzing the Severity of two-lane Highway Crashes Using the Spatial Data mining, Case Study: Old Corridor of Qazvin-Loshan [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 81-95]
Accordion force limiting device
Stability Analysis of Double Layer Barrel Vaults Equipped with Accordion Force Limiting Device [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 73-82]
Acid mine drainage
The Effect of Single-Layer Cover System to Control Acid Mine Drainage in Tailings Dam [47.4, Issue 89, 2018, Pages 99-112]
Acid red 14
Treatment of Model Wastewater Containing Aromatic Organic Compounds, Dyestuffs, and Heavy Metals by Aerobic Biological Process [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 25-34]
ACO Algorithm
Performance Analysis of PSO Algorithm for Setting the Hazen Williams Coefficients of Water Distribution Network Models [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 141-152]
Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (ADV)
Experimental Investigation of Scour Upstream of a Square Orifice under Constant Head [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 61-71]
Acoustic Velocimeter Doppler
Investigating the Effect of Wastewater Concentration on the Fall Velocity of Cohesive Sediments in Water Transfer Systems [48.2, Issue 91, 2018, Pages 17-26]
Activated alumina
Determine the Optimal ZLD Process for Reuse of Reverse Osmosis Effluent [46.3, Issue 84, 2016, Pages 63-74]
Activated sludge
Treatment of Model Wastewater Containing Aromatic Organic Compounds, Dyestuffs, and Heavy Metals by Aerobic Biological Process [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 25-34]
Activated sludge process
Determination of Kinetic Coefficients on Shiraz Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant by Batch Reactor [47.2, Issue 87, 2017, Pages 63-73]
Activated Sludge Unit
Use of Stochastic Differential Equations in Investigating the Uncertainties Related to the Operation of the Activated Sludge Wastewater Treatment Plant [54.2, Issue 115, 2024, Pages 123-136]
Active and Semi-Active Control
Endurance Time Method for Seismic Assessment of Isolated Bridges Equipped with Active and Semi Active Control Systems [51.3, Issue 104, 2021, Pages 113-124]
Active condition
Determination of Value and Point of Application of Seismic Total Thrust on Rigid Retaining Walls with Layered Backfill [43.2, Issue 71, 2013, Pages 39-51]
Active confinement
The Effect of Active Confinement and shear key Elements on the Flexural Behavior of Concrete Filled Steel Tube (CFST) [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 47-60]
Active control
Active Control of Structures Equipped By Active Mass Damper Using Block Pulse Functions [45.3, Issue 80, 2015, Pages 87-94]
Active control
Sliding Mode Control Method Combined with Bang-Bang Control for Structures under Earthquake Excitation [53.3, Issue 112, 2023, Pages 60-68]
Active earth pressure
Investigation of Lateral Earth Pressure Distribution Against a Rigid Retaining Wall Under Uniform Surcharge in Single and Two-Layer Soil Through Small- Scale Physical Modeling [52.2, Issue 107, 2022, Pages 89-105]
Active Fault
Mechanical Interaction among Large Earthquakes in Eastern part of Iran [53.4, Issue 113, 2024, Pages 164-178]
Active mass damper
Active Control of Structures Equipped By Active Mass Damper Using Block Pulse Functions [45.3, Issue 80, 2015, Pages 87-94]
Active Tendons
Optimally placement of active tendons with consideration of various uncertainties [(Articles in Press)]
Actuator failure
Robust Analysis of the Designed Controller Based on the Critically Damped Condition [54.2, Issue 115, 2024, Pages 35-51]
Actuator Faults
Optimally placement of active tendons with consideration of various uncertainties [(Articles in Press)]
Adab neighborhood in Sanandaj
Simulation of Shading in Urban Neighborhoods Using GIS (Case study: Sanandaj, Adab neighborhood) [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 49-58]
Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System
Lake Water Level Forecasting using Wavelet-ANFIS and System Dynamic Model [52.3, Issue 108, 2022, Pages 105-115]
Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System
Prediction of the Mechanical Properties of Lightweight Basalt Fiber Reinforced Concrete Containing Silica Fume and Fly Ash with an Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy inference system (AFNIS) [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 75-89]
Added mass
Effect of Wall Flexibility and Damping Ratio on Dynamic Response of Rectangular Liquid Storage Tanks [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 23-32]
Added mass
Dynamic Response of a Floating Transverse Beam due to Slamming with Considering Wagner Theory [(Articles in Press)]
Advection-dispersion equation
Identification of Multiple Pollutant Sources in Rivers in One-Dimensional Domain under Real Conditions [51.1, Issue 102, 2021, Pages 15-26]
Advective-diffusion Equation
Two-Dimensional Simulation of Sediment Transport Prediction in Dam Reservoirs Using the Combination of a Numerical Model and GIS
(Case Study: Aydoghmoosh Dam Reservoir) [42.4, Issue 69, 2013, Pages 59-65]
Advective-diffusion Equation
Two-Dimensional Simulation of Sediment Transport Prediction in Dam Reservoirs Using the Combination of a Numerical Model and GIS
(Case Study: Aydoghmoosh Dam Reservoir) [42.4, Issue 69, 2013, Pages 67-74]
Dispersion Modeling of Air Pollutants from the Ilam Cement Factory Stack [44.1, Issue 74, 2014, Pages 107-116]
AERMOD dispersion model
Investigation of Emission and Dispersion of PM2.5 Pollutant Emitted from BRT Buses in Tabriz City [50.4, Issue 101, 2021, Pages 33-43]
AERMOD dispersion model
Investigation of Emissions and Dispersion of Pollutants from Cars in Tabriz City [49.3, Issue 96, 2019, Pages 23-34]
Aerobic treatment
Comparison of MBBR and SBAR in Treating Toxic Formaldehyde Wastewater [44.1, Issue 74, 2014, Pages 99-106]
Initial Assessment of Cloud and Aerosol Discrimination over the Eastern Regions of Iran Using CALIOP Satellite Data [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 21-33]
Tunnel Form as an Ideal System for RC Constructions under Multiple Earthquakes [47.4, Issue 89, 2018, Pages 61-74]
Aggregate gradation
The Effect of Aggregate Gradation on Performance of Asphalt Mixture [45.4, Issue 81, 2016, Pages 45-57]
Aggregate Pull out Test
Field and Laboratory Study of the Effect of Type of Emulsion Bitumen and Chip Seal Aggregate Size Applied on Roller Concrete Pavement [51.1, Issue 102, 2021, Pages 35-46]
Aharchay watershed
Determining the impact of climate change and human activities on the runoff of Ahrchay Basin using Budyko's statistical method [(Articles in Press)]
Ahar water distribution network
Evaluating Ahar Water Distribution Network Performance after Excessive High-Rise Building Constructions [48.1, Issue 90, 2018, Pages 89-100]
Ahar water distribution network
Performance Analysis of PSO Algorithm for Setting the Hazen Williams Coefficients of Water Distribution Network Models [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 141-152]
AHP algorithm
Identification and analysis of common claims between consultants and contractors in EPC contracts by AHP method [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 153-160]
Ahvaz steel plant
An experimental investigation of the effect of replacing light grains of pumice and scoria with natural sand on the properties of cement-slag mortars [(Articles in Press)]
Air bubble screen
The Effect of the an Air-bubble Screen on Flow Pattern and Secondary Flow Strength and Bed Shear Stress in a 90 Degree Mild Bend [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 215-224]
Air pollution
Dispersion Modeling of Air Pollutants from the Ilam Cement Factory Stack [44.1, Issue 74, 2014, Pages 107-116]
Air pollution
Simulation of Pollution Distribution around the Tabriz Oil Refining Company by using ISCST Model [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 99-106]
Air pollution
Forecasting Concentrations of Gaseous Air Pollutants Using Artificial Neural Networks in Tabriz [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 87-94]
Air pollution
Associations between Surface Ozone and Nitrogen Oxides of Ambient Air in Tabriz [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 107-114]
Air pollution
Evaluation of Operations, Fuel Consumption, and Emission at Signalized Intersections Replaced by U-Turns along Six-Lane Highways [50.4, Issue 101, 2021, Pages 11-23]
Air pollution
Investigation of Emission and Dispersion of PM2.5 Pollutant Emitted from BRT Buses in Tabriz City [50.4, Issue 101, 2021, Pages 33-43]
Air pollution
Investigation and Evaluation of Pollutants from Passenger Cars in Iran [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 97-108]
Air-water flow
Estimation of Dynamic Pressure in Two-Phase Air-Water Flow Using ANN and ANFIS [48.2, Issue 91, 2018, Pages 71-80]
Alavian dam
Forecasting Reservoir Inflow and Employing the Combined Genetics-Particle Swarming Optimization Approach for Alaviyan Reservoir Operation [(Articles in Press)]
Alavian Dam reservoir
Multi-step Modeling of Inflow to Dam Reservoir with Improve Alavian Dam Reservoir Management [(Articles in Press)]
Alavian reservoir
Evaluation of Alavian Reservoir Operation Performance under the Condition of Future Climate Change [45.2, Issue 79, 2015, Pages 59-72]
Allowable strain
Experimental and Finite Element Investigations of FRP Stirrups Effects on Cyclic Behavior of Concrete Joints [43.2, Issue 71, 2013, Pages 11-23]
Alternate load path method
Effect of Composite Floors on Progressive Collapse Control in the Steel Moment Frame Structures [52.1, Issue 106, 2022, Pages 27-39]
Alternate path analysis
Static Alternate Path Analyses on Tensegrity Systems Considering Effects of Self-Stress Distributions [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 35-46]
Alternate path method
Comparison of Seismic and Gravity Progressive Collapse in dual systems with special steel moment-resisting frames and braces [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 151-161]
Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Use of Clay Brick Waste as an Alumina-Silicate Base and Different Fillers for Geopolymer Brick Production [53.3, Issue 112, 2023, Pages 192-205]
Anaerobic baffled reactor
The Investigation of Hydrodynamic Characteristics of a Lab Scale Anaerobic Baffled Reactor [46.1, Issue 82, 2016, Pages 85-91]
Analysis time history
Developing Fragility Curves for Precast Concrete Structures [46.3, Issue 84, 2016, Pages 51-61]
Analytical approach
Application of the Stress-Strain Curve of Rock Mass to Estimate the Convergence of Deep Circular Tunnels [47.4, Issue 89, 2018, Pages 1-13]
Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)
A Comparison of Rapid Seismic Vulnerability Assessment Methods for Existing Residential Buildings in Tabriz using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP): Case Study [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 123-137]
Analytical method
Dynamic Response of a Floating Transverse Beam due to Slamming with Considering Wagner Theory [(Articles in Press)]
Analytical Methods
Determination of Face Pressure in EPB Tunneling Applying Empirical, Analytical and Numerical Methods (Case Study: Tabriz Underground Railway) [49.4, Issue 97, 2020, Pages 21-32]
Analytical Model
Determine of Modified Analytical Model of Hydraulic Performance of Ram-Pumps [47.3, Issue 88, 2017, Pages 69-80]
Analytical Model
Analytical Modeling of Precast Concrete Grouted Beam- column Joints under Cyclic Load [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 131-140]
Analytic Hierarchy Process
Study of Spent Caustic Wastewater Treatment Methods in Petrochemical Plants and Simulation of Optimum Process [50.3, Issue 100, 2020, Pages 59-67]
Application of Meta Models for Simlulation of Bridge Pier Scouring in Non-Cohesive Soils [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 13-26]
Simulation of Open Channel Flow Resistance with Movable Bed Using Artificial Neural Network [45.3, Issue 80, 2015, Pages 13-24]
Application of Fuzzy Logic and Wavelet Transform In Estimation of Ground Water Level Using ENSO Indexes [50.1, Issue 98, 2020, Pages 9-19]
Multistep Modeling of Hydroclimatic Phenomena Using Wavelet-Neural Network Seasonal Model [52.2, Issue 107, 2022, Pages 139-150]
Predicting Waste Generation Rate in Tabriz Using Artificial Intelligence (ANN and SVM) Methods and Wavelet Preprocessing for a Long Time [53.2, Issue 111, 2023, Pages 136-146]
Multi-step Modeling of Inflow to Dam Reservoir with Improve Alavian Dam Reservoir Management [(Articles in Press)]
ANN and ANFIS models
Estimation of Dynamic Pressure in Two-Phase Air-Water Flow Using ANN and ANFIS [48.2, Issue 91, 2018, Pages 71-80]
Application of ARMA model in downscaling and climate change impact assessment in annual time-scal [51.3, Issue 104, 2021, Pages 31-39]
Annular Flume
Investigating the Effect of Wastewater Concentration on the Fall Velocity of Cohesive Sediments in Water Transfer Systems [48.2, Issue 91, 2018, Pages 17-26]
An Investigation on the Seismic Stability of Persian Brick Arches [42.1, Issue 66, 2012, Pages 49-55]
Finite Element Modelling of Smart Adaptive Composite Beam [52.3, Issue 108, 2022, Pages 185-193]
ANSYS- CFX software
Numerical Examination of the Relative Effect of the Channel Width in the Intakes on the Velocity Distribution Curves in the Flow Deviation Location [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 93-102]
Ant colony optimization
Evaluating Ahar Water Distribution Network Performance after Excessive High-Rise Building Constructions [48.1, Issue 90, 2018, Pages 89-100]
Apparent shear force
Numerical Study on the Effects of the Floodplain Width on Flow Field and Interaction between the Main Channel and Floodplains in Prismatic Compound Channels [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 15-24]
APSO algorithm
Estimation of Dynamic Pressure in Two-Phase Air-Water Flow Using ANN and ANFIS [48.2, Issue 91, 2018, Pages 71-80]
Propagation of BTEX Compounds of Gasoline in Saturated and Unsaturated Soil [46.3, Issue 84, 2016, Pages 1-15]
Spatial Assessment of Risky and Safe Sites for Solid Waste Landfills (Case study: Isfahan Province, Iran) [54.2, Issue 115, 2024, Pages 25-34]
Arc GIS Software
Boushehr Liquefaction Hazard Zonation Based On SPT and Result Presentation by Using GIS Plat Form [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 109-119]
Arching effect
Investigation of Lateral Earth Pressure Distribution Against a Rigid Retaining Wall Under Uniform Surcharge in Single and Two-Layer Soil Through Small- Scale Physical Modeling [52.2, Issue 107, 2022, Pages 89-105]
Arching soil
The Effect of Arching Soil on the Stability and Deformation of Deep Urban Excavation [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 191-201]
ARCH nonlinear models
Rainfall Forecast by Integrated Model ARMA-ARCH for West of Urmia Lake Catchment basin [49.2, Issue 95, 2019, Pages 85-94]
Ardabil plain aquifer
Estimation of Natural Groundwater Recharge using WTF Method (Case Study: Ardabil Plain Aquifer) [48.1, Issue 90, 2018, Pages 43-52]
Ardabil plain aquifer
Estimation of Natural Recharge of Ardabil Aquifer Using CRD Method [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 115-124]
Application of ARMA model in downscaling and climate change impact assessment in annual time-scal [51.3, Issue 104, 2021, Pages 31-39]
ARMA-ARCH integrated model
Rainfall Forecast by Integrated Model ARMA-ARCH for West of Urmia Lake Catchment basin [49.2, Issue 95, 2019, Pages 85-94]
ARMA linear model
Rainfall Forecast by Integrated Model ARMA-ARCH for West of Urmia Lake Catchment basin [49.2, Issue 95, 2019, Pages 85-94]
Armor layer
Reliability analysis of rubble-mound breakwaters against the failure due to the hydraulic instability of the armor layer [(Articles in Press)]
Aromatic compounds
The Application of Ozonation Process for the Treatment of Landfill Leachate [44.3, Issue 76, 2014, Pages 39-45]
Aromatic pollutant
Biodegradation of Benzene and Toluene by Streptomyces Species Isolated From the Soil of Tabriz Refinery, Eastern-Azerbaijan and Investigation of the Kinetic Model [52.1, Issue 106, 2022, Pages 121-130]
Hybrid Soil Washing Process with Ozonation in a Sequencing Batch Reactor to Remediate Arsenic-Contaminated Soil and Petroleum Compounds [54.2, Issue 115, 2024, Pages 111-121]
Artificial intelligence
Multi-Station Nitrate Prediction via Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Tools [47.4, Issue 89, 2018, Pages 27-36]
Artificial neural network
Modeling of Groundwater Level using ANN–Wavelet Hybrid Model
(Case Study: Sharif Abad Plain) [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 51-63]
Artificial neural network
Forecasting Concentrations of Gaseous Air Pollutants Using Artificial Neural Networks in Tabriz [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 87-94]
Artificial neural network
Supervised Intelligent Committee Machine Method for Groundwater Level Prediction [46.3, Issue 84, 2016, Pages 101-112]
Artificial neural network
Evaluation of the Janbu Modulus Number in clayey soils with using shear wave velocity (Case study: Tabriz City) [49.4, Issue 97, 2020, Pages 105-115]
Artificial neural network
A Model to Determine the Share Amount of Effective Factors
On Contractual Claims of Contractors Using Radial Basis Function [51.1, Issue 102, 2021, Pages 73-84]
Artificial neural network
Estimation of Prediction Intervals for ANN- Based Rainfall- Runoff Modeling [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 57-67]
Artificial neural network
Spatial Distribution of The Carbon Monoxid Using Common and Modern Interpolation Methods (Case study of Tehran) [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 141-152]
Artificial neural network
Prediction of Hydraulic Shock Wastewater in Unexpected Events using a Combination of Wavelet Operator and Artificial Intelligence Network Algorithm [52.3, Issue 108, 2022, Pages 175-184]
Artificial neural network
Estimation of Mechanical Properties by Statistical Analysis, Artificial Neural Network and Support Vector Regression "Case Study: Samples Related To Godar-Khosh Reservoir Dam Site" [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 173-190]
Artificial Neural Networks
Experimental Simulation of Water Level Fluctuations using the Genetic Expression Programming (GEP) [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 69-75]
Artificial neural networks (ANNs)
Estimating Fracture Eenergy of Concrete Using Artificial Neural Networks [42.1, Issue 66, 2012, Pages 1-8]
Aspen Hysys
Study of Spent Caustic Wastewater Treatment Methods in Petrochemical Plants and Simulation of Optimum Process [50.3, Issue 100, 2020, Pages 59-67]
Asphalt binder
Evaluation of Moisture Sensitivity of Asphalt Mixtures Incorporating Carbon NanoTube [48.2, Issue 91, 2018, Pages 47-57]
Asphalt cement
Evaluation of Aging Phenomenon in Asphalt Mixtures [43.1, Issue 70, 2013, Pages 71-77]
Asphalt mixture
Evaluation of Aging Phenomenon in Asphalt Mixtures [43.1, Issue 70, 2013, Pages 71-77]
Asphalt mixture
Evaluation of Moisture Sensitivity of Asphalt Mixtures Incorporating Carbon NanoTube [48.2, Issue 91, 2018, Pages 47-57]
Evaluating and Prioritizing the Risks of Water and Wastewater Projects with a Hybrid Approach Using PROMETHEE Multi-Criteria Decision-Making and GAIA [(Articles in Press)]
Assessment Matrix
Environmental Impact Assessment of Tabriz's Municipal Solid Waste Disposal Site Using Rapid Impact Assessment Matrix (RIAM) and Leopold Matrix [47.2, Issue 87, 2017, Pages 77-87]
Asset management
Prioritize Repair of Wastewater Network Using Asset Management Approach (A Case Study: Region Two of Isfahan Wastewater Network) [53.2, Issue 111, 2023, Pages 108-118]
Asymmetric theory
Identifying Stop and Go Traffic in Trajectory of Vehicle Platoon Based on Asymmetric Theory [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 59-71]
Atmospheric Analysis
Atmospheric Analysis of Dust Storms in Central Asia Region using remote sensing [(Articles in Press)]
Atmospheric Boundary Layer
Numerical Simulation of the CO2 Emission in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Environment around the Iranian Aluminum Company and the Presentation of the Most Appropriate Green Space Pattern [48.1, Issue 90, 2018, Pages 53-65]
Attenuated SH-wave
Amplification Pattern of Orthotropic Gaussian-Shaped Valley [(Articles in Press)]
Atterberg limits
Investigation of the Effect of Microsilica on the Variations of Strength, Atterberg Limits and Permeability in Cement-Stabilized Clay [52.2, Issue 107, 2022, Pages 57-63]
Autogenous self-healing
Autogenous Self- Healing of High Strength Concretes [52.1, Issue 106, 2022, Pages 13-25]
Automatic pavement evaluation
Comparative analysis of wavelet decomposition levels in order to full-automated classification of asphalt pavement distresses texture [(Articles in Press)]
Average shear modulus
Investigating the Effect of Saturated Sand Layer Thickness on the Performance of Deep Soil Mixing Columns and Gravel Columns in Reducing Risks Caused By Liquefaction [54.1, Issue 114, 2024, Pages 99-114]
Axial compression
Investigation of the Performance of CFRP and GFRP Wraps on Improving the Nonlinear Static Behavior of Tubular X-Joints [53.2, Issue 111, 2023, Pages 189-200]
Axial force
The Experimental Examination of Gravity Load Effect on Cyclic Behavior of Steel-moment Resisting Frames [52.3, Issue 108, 2022, Pages 151-159]
Axial strength
Experimental Investigation about the Behavior of Retrofitted Plain Concrete Columns using a Novel Hybrid Steel-FRP Confinement [48.1, Issue 90, 2018, Pages 77-88]
Babolsar Sand
An Experimental Study on the Combined Effect of Reinforcement and Stabilization on the Shear Behavior of Babolsar Sand [49.4, Issue 97, 2020, Pages 83-91]
Babolsar Sand
The Application of Recycled Tire Polymer Fibers for Shear Strength Improvement of Babolsar Sand [53.2, Issue 111, 2023, Pages 31-43]
Back Analysis
Back Analysis of Tabarakabad Embankment Dam Using Monitoring and Numerical Model Results [48.4, Issue 93, 2019, Pages 51-62]
Back prop neural network
Simulation of Open Channel Flow Resistance with Movable Bed Using Artificial Neural Network [45.3, Issue 80, 2015, Pages 13-24]
Evaluation of Nano Silica Performance on Biological Stabilization of Two Types of Sandy Soils (Poorly Granulated and Silty) [52.1, Issue 106, 2022, Pages 203-215]
Bacterial solution
Evaluation of Success in Microbial Bio-Improvement of Motor Oil Contaminated Sandy Soils [52.1, Issue 106, 2022, Pages 41-53]
Simulate the Effect of Configuration and Number of Baffles in the Hydraulic Efficiency of Chlorine Contact Tanks [52.2, Issue 107, 2022, Pages 179-188]
Sensitivity Analysis of Stress and Maximum Ballast Vertical Displacement Based on Iran Railway Ballasted Track System Characteristics [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 103-114]
Ballasted railway track
Numerical Investigation of Effect of Improved Shoulder with Concrete Asphalt whit Emphasis on Lateral Resistance Increasing of Ballasted Track [45.2, Issue 79, 2015, Pages 107-112]
Bandal-like spur dike
The Effect of the Type of Spur Dike on Bed Topography in a 90 Degree Bend under Submerged Condition [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 73-80]
Banded basements
Geotechnical Investigations to Detect Basement Defects at Imam Mosque in Isfahan using Ground- Penetrating Radar [50.1, Issue 98, 2020, Pages 95-105]
Bang-Bang Algorithm
Sliding Mode Control Method Combined with Bang-Bang Control for Structures under Earthquake Excitation [53.3, Issue 112, 2023, Pages 60-68]
Banks erosion
The Effect of Triangular Vanes in a 90 Degree Mild Bend on Bed Topography [45.3, Issue 80, 2015, Pages 1-11]
Determine the Optimal ZLD Process for Reuse of Reverse Osmosis Effluent [46.3, Issue 84, 2016, Pages 63-74]
Barrel vault
Effect of brick arrangement on the load-bearing capacity of a semi-circular brick masonry barrel vault: experimental study and micro-modeling [(Articles in Press)]
Investigation of the Effect of Different Factors on The Dissolution Rate and Single-Site Compressive Strength of Gypsum- Containing Materials (Case study: Marash Zanjan Dam) [53.3, Issue 112, 2023, Pages 206-214]
Bar slip
Experimental Seismic Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Columns with Plain Bars under Cyclic Lateral Loading [43.2, Issue 71, 2013, Pages 53-67]
Basal Spacing
Impact of Carbonate and Carbonate Elimination on the Efficiency of Pb Removal from Carbonated Kaolinite in Electrokinetics Process with Special Attention to the XRD Analysis [50.2, Issue 99, 2020, Pages 1-11]
Basalt fiber
Prediction of the Mechanical Properties of Lightweight Basalt Fiber Reinforced Concrete Containing Silica Fume and Fly Ash with an Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy inference system (AFNIS) [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 75-89]
Base isolation
Dynamic Behavior Evaluation of FPS Isolated Liquid Storage Tanks Subjected to Pulse-like Excitations [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 51-61]
Base isolation
Assessment of seismic behaviour of steel frame structures with Pendulum Tuned mass Dampers and base isolator using 3D analysis [(Articles in Press)]
Base shear
Seismic Demand Estimation of Steel Moment Resisting Frames in Near Field of Fault [45.2, Issue 79, 2015, Pages 73-86]
Base shear
Effects of Floating Wave Barriers with Square Cross Sections on the Wave-induced Forces Exerted to an Offshore Jacket Structure [51.3, Issue 104, 2021, Pages 1-10]
Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF) Steel Slag
Behavior Comparison of marl and dredged soil stabilized with Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) and Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF) steel slags [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 55-66]
H2S Removal from Industrial Wastewater Using Biofilm Airlift Suspension reactor [43.4, Issue 73, 2014, Pages 79-86]
Batch reactor
Determination of Kinetic Coefficients on Shiraz Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant by Batch Reactor [47.2, Issue 87, 2017, Pages 63-73]
Bayesian belief network
Long-Term Prediction of Domestic Water Demand Using Bayesian Belief Networks [52.2, Issue 107, 2022, Pages 47-56]
Bayes’ Theorem
Electrical Current Flow Modeling Using Meshless Method in Homogeneous Concrete [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 1-10]
Shear Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams Containing Wavy Steel Fibers [42.2, Issue 67, 2012, Pages 41-51]
Beam-Column subassemblage
Numerical evolution of Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Subassemblages under Progressive Collapse [51.1, Issue 102, 2021, Pages 47-58]
Beam to column connection
Introducing of a Typical Beam-to-Column Connection and Comparison of Its Behavior with Conventional Connections [48.2, Issue 91, 2018, Pages 1-15]
Beam-to-column connection
The Effect of Strips Width of Elliptic Slit Damper on the Seismic Performance of Beam-to-Column Connection [47.3, Issue 88, 2017, Pages 95-104]
Bearing capacity
Effect of Fuzziness in Layer Boundaries on the Bearing Capacity of Footing on Two-layered Clays [48.4, Issue 93, 2019, Pages 13-23]
Bearing capacity
A Numerical Study on the Bearing Capacity of Neighboring Shallow Foundations on Sand [48.4, Issue 93, 2019, Pages 25-33]
Bearing capacity
Experimental Study on Bearing Capacity of Shallow Footings Based on Sand in Saturated and Unsaturated conditions [50.2, Issue 99, 2020, Pages 23-32]
Bearing capacity
Effects of Waste Plastic Strips (PET) on Improvement of Fine-grained Soil [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 127-139]
Bearing capacity
Experimental Investigation on the Behavior of Bucket Foundations Rested on Liquefiable Soils [51.1, Issue 102, 2021, Pages 125-136]
Bearing capacity
Estimation of Bearing Capacity of Bored Piles Using CPT and SPT Direct Results and Compared with Static Pile Load Tests- The Case Study [52.2, Issue 107, 2022, Pages 163-178]
Bearing capacity
Bearing Capacity Factor Nc of Strip Footings on a Single Layer, using Integrated Limit Analysis with Finite Element [53.2, Issue 111, 2023, Pages 147-156]
Bearing capacity
Laboratory Modeling of a Spread Footing on Sand Reinforced by Strips of Carbon Fiber Reinforcement [(Articles in Press)]
Bearing capacity
Experimental evaluation of the behavior of geogrid-reinforced sand placed on top of twin holes [(Articles in Press)]
Bed shear stress
The Effect of the an Air-bubble Screen on Flow Pattern and Secondary Flow Strength and Bed Shear Stress in a 90 Degree Mild Bend [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 215-224]
Bed sill
Evaluation the Performance of Bed Sill, Collar and Their Combination in Scour Protection of Cylindrical Bridge Pier [47.4, Issue 89, 2018, Pages 113-121]
Behavior coefficient
Investigation of the behavior factor of Reinforced Concrete Moment Frame with concrete Voided slab constructed by Spherical and Cubic Balls [52.3, Issue 108, 2022, Pages 1-7]
Behavior factor
Comparison of Performance-based Seismic Behavior Parameters of Buckling Restrained Braced Frames for Near and Far Fault Earthquakes [47.3, Issue 88, 2017, Pages 23-32]
Benchmark problems
A Method for Quantifying the Efficiency Degree of Plate Bending Element [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 61-75]
Bending failure
Effect of Soil Relative Density on the Seismic Behavior of the Pile in Liquefiable Soil [46.1, Issue 82, 2016, Pages 25-36]
Bendway weirs
Experimental Study on the Effects of Bendway Weirs Length on Sediment Process and Water Level in a Meandering River [43.1, Issue 70, 2013, Pages 51-60]
The Comparison of Plastic and Permeability Behavior of Bentonite in the Presence of Organic and Heavy Metal Contaminants [46.4, Issue 85, 2017, Pages 25-36]
Evaluation of Interaction Process of Fly Ash and Clayey Soils with High Plasticity Index from Micro- Structural Point of View [49.4, Issue 97, 2020, Pages 1-14]
Cadmium Elimination Feasibility Study Using Bentonite Modified Green Concrete [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 153-160]
Comparison of Liquid Limit Obtained From Casagrande Cup Method and Cone Penetrometer for Sand and Clay Mixed Soils [54.1, Issue 114, 2024, Pages 190-200]
Bentonite-enhanced sand mixture
Laboratory Investigation of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Characteristics of Bentonite-Enhanced Sand Mixtures as Landfill Liner Material [45.2, Issue 79, 2015, Pages 13-23]
Best-worst method
Developing Multiple Criteria Decision-Making Model based on the Best-Worst-VIKOR Method for Evaluation of Civil Projects Contractors; Case Study of Civil Projects in Southern Khorasan Province [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 11-22]
Binary logit model
The Analysis of Effective Factors for the Use of Shared Bicycles Using the Binary Logit Model (Case Study of Tehran) [53.3, Issue 112, 2023, Pages 134-150]
Investigation of the Effect of Biological Modification on Increasing the Resistance of Alkaline Silty Soils in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions Against Water and Wind Erosion (Case study: Miqan desert) [53.2, Issue 111, 2023, Pages 119-135]
Performance Evaluation and Comparison of Facultative Ponds in Series and Parallel for Wastewater Treatment (Case study: Delijan WWTP) [53.3, Issue 112, 2023, Pages 10-22]
Biodegradation of Benzene and Toluene by Streptomyces Species Isolated From the Soil of Tabriz Refinery, Eastern-Azerbaijan and Investigation of the Kinetic Model [52.1, Issue 106, 2022, Pages 121-130]
Methanogenic Activity in Biogas Production High-Solids and Liquid Anaerobic Co-Digestion of Municipal Solid Waste and Sewage Sludge [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 109-117]
Biological improvement
Impact of Biologic Single and Mixed Medium on Mechanical-Hydraulic properties of Dune Sand [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 91-100]
Biological improvement of sandy soil
The Effect of Bio-Micro Piles on the Improvement of Sandy Soil [53.2, Issue 111, 2023, Pages 157-167]
Biological method
Evaluation of Success in Microbial Bio-Improvement of Motor Oil Contaminated Sandy Soils [52.1, Issue 106, 2022, Pages 41-53]
Biological solution
The Effect of Bio-Micro Piles on the Improvement of Sandy Soil [53.2, Issue 111, 2023, Pages 157-167]
Bio micro piles
The Effect of Bio-Micro Piles on the Improvement of Sandy Soil [53.2, Issue 111, 2023, Pages 157-167]
A Simple Method to Calculate Seepage from the Foundation of Earth Dam with Combination of Cut off Wall and Blanket [44.2, Issue 75, 2014, Pages 87-93]
Blast furnace slag
Evaluation of Impact Strength of Heated Slag Geopolymer Concrete [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 87-101]
Blast loading
Numerical Analysis of Dynamic Response of Concrete Gravity Dam under Blast Loading in the Reservoir [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 91-104]
Blast loading
Investigation of hoop stresses of fluid storage RC tanks under explosion by consideration of liquid surface movements [(Articles in Press)]
Blast loading
Investigation of the Simultaneous Effects of Seismic and Explosive Loading in RC Frames [(Articles in Press)]
Estimation of Up-Lift Force on Hydraulic Structures in Non-Darcian Conditions [42.2, Issue 67, 2012, Pages 77-83]
Blockage Probability
Analyses of Slenderness Coefficient Effect of Floating Wood on CPK Weir Blockage in individual Test System [49.4, Issue 97, 2020, Pages 47-58]
Block form
Numerical Investigation of Block Form Effect in Amount of Dissipated Energy of Baffled Apron Spillway Drop by Flow3D [54.1, Issue 114, 2024, Pages 56-62]
Block pulse functions
Active Control of Structures Equipped By Active Mass Damper Using Block Pulse Functions [45.3, Issue 80, 2015, Pages 87-94]
Study on Lifted-up Length of Rail in Modified Winkler Model [42.1, Issue 66, 2012, Pages 21-28]
Bond-link element
Valid simulation of bond-slip behavior between concrete and reinforcement [50.4, Issue 101, 2021, Pages 73-82]
Valid simulation of bond-slip behavior between concrete and reinforcement [50.4, Issue 101, 2021, Pages 73-82]
Bond-slip relationship
Investigation of the Effect of Bond-Slip on Cracking of RC Beams Utilizing Lattice Models [44.3, Issue 76, 2014, Pages 27-37]
Bond strength
Investigation into Compatibility between Repair Material and Substrate Concrete [43.1, Issue 70, 2013, Pages 1-13]
Bond strength
Splice length in Concrete Beams Reinforced with FRP Bars [44.1, Issue 74, 2014, Pages 41-54]
Estimation of Prediction Intervals for ANN- Based Rainfall- Runoff Modeling [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 57-67]
Bottom outlet gates
The Effect of Dam Bottom Outlet Gates on Venting of Turbidity Current (Case Study: Sefid-Rud Dam) [44.1, Issue 74, 2014, Pages 25-40]
Boundary Element
Extension of Algorithm for Support Non-Uniform Record Using Time Domain 3D Boundary Elements Method [49.2, Issue 95, 2019, Pages 47-57]
Boundary element method
Dynamic Interaction Analysis between the Spillway and Foundation of Shirvan-Barzu Dam Using BEM [42.2, Issue 67, 2012, Pages 1-14]
Boundary element method
Boundary Element Formulation for Computing Hydrodynamic Pressure on Concrete Gravity Dams: Influence of Reservoir Shape and Bottom Sediment Absorption [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 51-59]
Boundary element method
The influence of volumetric inclined waves propagation on the kinematic response of rigid strip footings resting on a semi-infinite soil mass using boundary element method [(Articles in Press)]
Boundary shear stress
Numerical Study on the Effects of the Floodplain Width on Flow Field and Interaction between the Main Channel and Floodplains in Prismatic Compound Channels [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 15-24]
Boundary shear stress
Experimental Study of the Effects of Skew Angle on Flow Field in Skewed Compound Channels with Inclined Floodplains [53.2, Issue 111, 2023, Pages 96-107]
Box plot
Evaluation of Alavian Reservoir Operation Performance under the Condition of Future Climate Change [45.2, Issue 79, 2015, Pages 59-72]
Braced Frame
Experimental and analytical study on ductility of steel ring filled with compressive plastic, situated in concentric bracing system [50.2, Issue 99, 2020, Pages 41-49]
Brick arrangement
Effect of brick arrangement on the load-bearing capacity of a semi-circular brick masonry barrel vault: experimental study and micro-modeling [(Articles in Press)]
Bridge pier
The Efficiency of Gene Expression Programming Method to Estimate the Scour Depth in Cohesive and Non-Cohesive Soil Beds at the Bridge Piers [44.2, Issue 75, 2014, Pages 21-33]
Bridge pier
Estimation of Bridge Pier Scour Using Statistical Methods and Intelligent Algorithms [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 1-13]
Bridge piers
Evaluation the Performance of Bed Sill, Collar and Their Combination in Scour Protection of Cylindrical Bridge Pier [47.4, Issue 89, 2018, Pages 113-121]
Brittleness index
Prediction of the Rock Brittleness Index Using Nonlinear Multivariable Regression and the CART Regression Tree [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 33-40]
Brownian Motion
Use of Stochastic Differential Equations in Investigating the Uncertainties Related to the Operation of the Activated Sludge Wastewater Treatment Plant [54.2, Issue 115, 2024, Pages 123-136]
BRT bus
Investigation of Emission and Dispersion of PM2.5 Pollutant Emitted from BRT Buses in Tabriz City [50.4, Issue 101, 2021, Pages 33-43]
Unsteady state modeling of BTEX dispersion from an Industrial Incinerator using splitting method [49.2, Issue 95, 2019, Pages 13-21]
Study of the Emission of Volatile Organic Compounds from Gas Station in Tabriz City [52.3, Issue 108, 2022, Pages 77-92]
BTEX compounds
Propagation of BTEX Compounds of Gasoline in Saturated and Unsaturated Soil [46.3, Issue 84, 2016, Pages 1-15]
Bucket foundation
Experimental Investigation on the Behavior of Bucket Foundations Rested on Liquefiable Soils [51.1, Issue 102, 2021, Pages 125-136]
Stability Analysis of Double Layer Barrel Vaults Equipped with Accordion Force Limiting Device [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 73-82]
Buckling Behavior
Study on Buckling Behavior of Cylindrical Steel Tanks Subjected to Oblique Body Imperfection under Uniform External Pressure [50.1, Issue 98, 2020, Pages 21-32]
Buckling capacity
Investigation on the Buckling Behavior of GFRP Thin-walled Cylindrical Shells under External Pressure [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 69-79]
Buckling instability
Effect of Soil Relative Density on the Seismic Behavior of the Pile in Liquefiable Soil [46.1, Issue 82, 2016, Pages 25-36]
Buckling load
Dynamic Relaxation Method for Calculating Buckling Load of Frames [49.3, Issue 96, 2019, Pages 65-74]
Buckling-restrained brace
Investigating the Effects of Geometric Parameters of Buckling Restrained Braces on the Cyclic Behavior of Buckling Restrained Braced Frames [52.3, Issue 108, 2022, Pages 141-150]
Buckling restrained braced frame
Experimental Study and Finite Elements of BRBF For AISC 341-16 [54.2, Issue 115, 2024, Pages 96-109]
Buckling-restrained bracing frame
Investigating the Effects of Geometric Parameters of Buckling Restrained Braces on the Cyclic Behavior of Buckling Restrained Braced Frames [52.3, Issue 108, 2022, Pages 141-150]
Budyko model
Determining the impact of climate change and human activities on the runoff of Ahrchay Basin using Budyko's statistical method [(Articles in Press)]
Country’s Catchment Water Stress Management by Large Industries Proper Locating Considering Climate Change [53.2, Issue 111, 2023, Pages 17-30]
Building Information Modeling (BIM), Building Information Modeling capabilities, Iranian construction projects, Roughs&rsquo
Application of Roughs’ theory in Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Methods to assess the applications of building information modeling in Iran's construction projects [(Articles in Press)]
Cable dome
Investigation into the Collapse Behavior of a Cable Dome with Hybrid Form and Improvement of the behavior with Force Limiting Devices [53.2, Issue 111, 2023, Pages 1-16]
Initial Assessment of Cloud and Aerosol Discrimination over the Eastern Regions of Iran Using CALIOP Satellite Data [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 21-33]
Cadmium Elimination Feasibility Study Using Bentonite Modified Green Concrete [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 153-160]
Initial Assessment of Cloud and Aerosol Discrimination over the Eastern Regions of Iran Using CALIOP Satellite Data [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 21-33]
An Application of GIS Spatial Analysis and Decision Making Systems for Modelling and Predicating of Urban Water Consuming Pattern in Tabriz [53.2, Issue 111, 2023, Pages 180-188]
Numerical Modeling of Concrete Lining Uplift in Tabriz Plain Canal [43.4, Issue 73, 2014, Pages 21-34]
Capacity curve
Numerical Modeling of RCS Frames and Effect of Joint Behavior on the Overall Response [44.2, Issue 75, 2014, Pages 11-19]
Carbonated Soils
Classification of Carbonated Soils from Geotechnical Point of View (Case study: Marly Soils of Tabriz) [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 61-73]
Carbon Dioxide Gas
Numerical Simulation of the CO2 Emission in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Environment around the Iranian Aluminum Company and the Presentation of the Most Appropriate Green Space Pattern [48.1, Issue 90, 2018, Pages 53-65]
Carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP)
Strengthening of RC Beams with Prestressed NSM CFRP Laminates [52.2, Issue 107, 2022, Pages 129-138]
Carbon fiber reinforcement strips
Laboratory Modeling of a Spread Footing on Sand Reinforced by Strips of Carbon Fiber Reinforcement [(Articles in Press)]
Carbon monoxide
Spatial Distribution of The Carbon Monoxid Using Common and Modern Interpolation Methods (Case study of Tehran) [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 141-152]
Carbon Nanotube
Evaluation of Moisture Sensitivity of Asphalt Mixtures Incorporating Carbon NanoTube [48.2, Issue 91, 2018, Pages 47-57]
Comparison of Liquid Limit Obtained From Casagrande Cup Method and Cone Penetrometer for Sand and Clay Mixed Soils [54.1, Issue 114, 2024, Pages 190-200]
Case study
Evaluation of Vibroflotation and Vibroreplacement Methods with a Case Study [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 71-77]
Case study
Learning from Experience of Cost Imposed to Nemat-Abad Dam Project due to Construction Delay [52.2, Issue 107, 2022, Pages 65-78]
Castellated Beams
Numerical Investigation on the Behavior of Castelated Plate Girders [48.2, Issue 91, 2018, Pages 93-98]
Cast-in-place Concrete piles
The Analytical and Experimental Study on the Settlement of Cast-in-Situ Concrete Piles in Sand [43.4, Issue 73, 2014, Pages 35-46]
Cast-in-place Concrete piles
Experimenta Lstudy of Behavior of Piled Raft Foundations under Vertical Loading in Sand [51.3, Issue 104, 2021, Pages 87-101]
Evaluation the Impacts of Causeway Remedial Actions on Urmia Lake Ecosystem Using Computational Fluid Dynamics and Spatial Analysis Method [51.3, Issue 104, 2021, Pages 41-53]
Causeway embankment
Assessment of Stability and Settlement of the Urmia Lake Causeway Embankment [44.2, Issue 75, 2014, Pages 59-68]
Investigation of cavitation in location of change slope Surk Dam spillway using hydraulic lab modeling [50.2, Issue 99, 2020, Pages 33-40]
CCHE2D numerical model
Comparison and Simulation of Flow Pattern in a 90 Degree Mild Bend Using CCHE2D and SRH-2D Models [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 11-19]
CCHE2D numerical model
Numerical Study of The Effect of Spur Dike’s Permeability on Erosion and Sedimentation Patterns in a 90° Mild Bend Using the CCHE2D Model [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 41-49]
Cellular Beams
Numerical Investigation on the Behavior of Castelated Plate Girders [48.2, Issue 91, 2018, Pages 93-98]
Dispersion Modeling of Air Pollutants from the Ilam Cement Factory Stack [44.1, Issue 74, 2014, Pages 107-116]
Stabilization and Solidification of Incinerator Bottom Ash using Portland Cement and Silica Fume [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 29-40]
The Effect of Zeolite on Shear Strength of Babolsar Sand Stabilized with Cement [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 89-96]
Evaluation of the Effects of Reinforced or Stabilized Coarse Surface Layer on Bearing Capacity of Soft Clays [49.3, Issue 96, 2019, Pages 97-106]
Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Cement and Zeolite-Stabilized Sand using Monotonic Simple Shear Test [52.2, Issue 107, 2022, Pages 15-25]
Investigation of the Effect of Microsilica on the Variations of Strength, Atterberg Limits and Permeability in Cement-Stabilized Clay [52.2, Issue 107, 2022, Pages 57-63]
Cemented Soil
Compressibility of Cement Treated Soft Soils [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 1-9]
Cemented Soil
A Failure Criterion for Weak Cemented Soils [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 13-21]
Cemented Soil
Thermo-mechanical behavior of uncemented and cemented sand-bentonite mixtures in elevated temperatures [50.2, Issue 99, 2020, Pages 51-59]
Cement-slag mortar
An experimental investigation of the effect of replacing light grains of pumice and scoria with natural sand on the properties of cement-slag mortars [(Articles in Press)]
Central Asia region
Atmospheric Analysis of Dust Storms in Central Asia Region using remote sensing [(Articles in Press)]
Centralized opening
Effect of Centralized and Distributed Opening on the Behavioral
Parameters of Stiffened Steel Shear Panels [45.3, Issue 80, 2015, Pages 97-105]
Eutrophication Simulation of Mahabad Dam Reservoir by Using CE-QUAL-W2 Two Dimensional Model [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 107-115]
CFT columns
Fire Resistance of Stiffened Circular Concrete-Filled Steel Tubular (CFT) Columns [43.2, Issue 71, 2013, Pages 24-37]
CFT steel section
Numerical Investigation of Ring Shaped Steel Plate Shear Wall with Concrete Filled Steel Box Colum as a Vertical Boundary Element [51.3, Issue 104, 2021, Pages 19-30]
Chalous River Estuary
Investigation of Relationships between Landsat8 and Sentinel2 Sensors and Field Data on the Water Quality Parameters Estimation in Chalous River Estuary [53.3, Issue 112, 2023, Pages 83-92]
Channel width
Numerical Examination of the Relative Effect of the Channel Width in the Intakes on the Velocity Distribution Curves in the Flow Deviation Location [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 93-102]
Chaos theory
Phase Space Reconstruction and Fractal Dimension Using of Delay Time and Embedding Dimension [43.1, Issue 70, 2013, Pages 15-21]
Chaos theory
Study of Chaotic Nature of Daily Water Level Fluctuations in
Urmia Lake [42.1, Issue 66, 2012, Pages 9-20]
Chemical tests
Validation of Dispersion Tests in Soils with Low Plasticity and Low Dispersion Potential (A Case Study on Parts of Iran Regions) [45.3, Issue 80, 2015, Pages 51-63]
Chemical treatment
The Application of Ozonation Process for the Treatment of Landfill Leachate [44.3, Issue 76, 2014, Pages 39-45]
Chevron steel brace
Investigating Effect of Chevron Bracing on Coefficient of Behavior and Ductility Ratio of Reinforcement Concrete Structures [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 161-170]
Chip angle
Investigation of the Effect of Chips Orientation on the Shear Strength of Sand-Rubber Chips Mixture [54.1, Issue 114, 2024, Pages 131-141]
Chip Seal
Field and Laboratory Study of the Effect of Type of Emulsion Bitumen and Chip Seal Aggregate Size Applied on Roller Concrete Pavement [51.1, Issue 102, 2021, Pages 35-46]
Simulate the Effect of Configuration and Number of Baffles in the Hydraulic Efficiency of Chlorine Contact Tanks [52.2, Issue 107, 2022, Pages 179-188]
Choked flow
Experimental Investigation of Energy Dissipation in the Sudden Choked Flow with Free Surfaces [48.2, Issue 91, 2018, Pages 101-108]
Circular tunnel
Application of the Stress-Strain Curve of Rock Mass to Estimate the Convergence of Deep Circular Tunnels [47.4, Issue 89, 2018, Pages 1-13]
Classification and Regression Tree
Modelling and Analyzing the Severity of two-lane Highway Crashes Using the Spatial Data mining, Case Study: Old Corridor of Qazvin-Loshan [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 81-95]
Classification and Regression Tree (CART)
Prediction of the Rock Brittleness Index Using Nonlinear Multivariable Regression and the CART Regression Tree [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 33-40]
Classification of soils
Classification of Carbonated Soils from Geotechnical Point of View (Case study: Marly Soils of Tabriz) [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 61-73]
Investigation of the Effect of Microsilica on the Variations of Strength, Atterberg Limits and Permeability in Cement-Stabilized Clay [52.2, Issue 107, 2022, Pages 57-63]
Impact of Temperature and Type of Clay Double Layer Cation on Adsorption of Copper Heavy Metal Contaminant [53.4, Issue 113, 2024, Pages 1-12]
Using Electro-peroxone Process to Remediate stabilized clay [(Articles in Press)]
Clay brick waste
Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Use of Clay Brick Waste as an Alumina-Silicate Base and Different Fillers for Geopolymer Brick Production [53.3, Issue 112, 2023, Pages 192-205]
Clayey Sand
Influence of Gas Oil Contamination on Geotechnical Properties of Clayey Sand [52.1, Issue 106, 2022, Pages 217-226]
Clayey soil
Impact of Lime-Slags Combination on the Hydro-Mechanical Behavior of Clayey Soils [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 97-108]
Clay interlayer
Investigation of Tunnel Deformation in Sandy Ground with Clay Inclined Layers using Geotechnical Centrifuge [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 63-69]
Clay minerals
Impact of Heavy Metal Contaminants on Coefficient of Variations of Compression Index, Expansion Index and Permeability Coefficient of Bentonite from Micro-Structural Point of View [45.4, Issue 81, 2016, Pages 7-17]
Clay rocks
Estimation of Mechanical Properties by Statistical Analysis, Artificial Neural Network and Support Vector Regression "Case Study: Samples Related To Godar-Khosh Reservoir Dam Site" [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 173-190]
Clay soils
Evaluation of the Janbu Modulus Number in clayey soils with using shear wave velocity (Case study: Tabriz City) [49.4, Issue 97, 2020, Pages 105-115]
Climate Change
Evaluation of Alavian Reservoir Operation Performance under the Condition of Future Climate Change [45.2, Issue 79, 2015, Pages 59-72]
Climate Change
Using the MIROC-ESM Model to Investigate the Hydro-Climatic Conditions of the Small-Scale Watershed under the Impact of Climate Change [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 47-59]
Climate Change
Application of ARMA model in downscaling and climate change impact assessment in annual time-scal [51.3, Issue 104, 2021, Pages 31-39]
Climate Change
Extraction of Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves Using Fractal Theory and Evaluation of Climate Change on it (Case Study: Bushehr) [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 103-113]
Climate Change
Country’s Catchment Water Stress Management by Large Industries Proper Locating Considering Climate Change [53.2, Issue 111, 2023, Pages 17-30]
Climate Change
Determining the impact of climate change and human activities on the runoff of Ahrchay Basin using Budyko's statistical method [(Articles in Press)]
Initial Assessment of Cloud and Aerosol Discrimination over the Eastern Regions of Iran Using CALIOP Satellite Data [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 21-33]
Coarse cement particles
Autogenous Self- Healing of High Strength Concretes [52.1, Issue 106, 2022, Pages 13-25]
Coarse grain
Proposed a New and Practical Equation for Examine a Coarse Grain Friction Angle by Utlized the Results of SPT [50.3, Issue 100, 2020, Pages 83-89]
Coarse porous media
Comparison of Different Structures of a Proposed Equivalent Pipe Network Model for Analysis of 2D Nonlinear Flow through Isotropic Coarse Porous Media [46.4, Issue 85, 2017, Pages 1-13]
Coastal structures
Genetic Programming to Predict Scour Depth at Coastal Structures [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 115-122]
Determination of Face Pressure in EPB Tunneling Applying Empirical, Analytical and Numerical Methods (Case Study: Tabriz Underground Railway) [49.4, Issue 97, 2020, Pages 21-32]
The Application of Ozonation Process for the Treatment of Landfill Leachate [44.3, Issue 76, 2014, Pages 39-45]
Using of Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor Containing Kaldness Media in Treatment of Produced Water [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 41-49]
Methanogenic Activity in Biogas Production High-Solids and Liquid Anaerobic Co-Digestion of Municipal Solid Waste and Sewage Sludge [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 109-117]
Coefficient of Behavior
Investigating Effect of Chevron Bracing on Coefficient of Behavior and Ductility Ratio of Reinforcement Concrete Structures [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 161-170]
Coefficient of secondary compression (Cα)
Analysis of Creep Behavior of Sandy Clay Soil under 1D Consolidation Test [45.3, Issue 80, 2015, Pages 65-74]
Coefficient of variation
The Effect of Change in Composition Ratios on the Robustness of Self-Consolidating Concrete [51.3, Issue 104, 2021, Pages 103-111]
Coefficient of variations (CoV)
Impact of Heavy Metal Contaminants on Coefficient of Variations of Compression Index, Expansion Index and Permeability Coefficient of Bentonite from Micro-Structural Point of View [45.4, Issue 81, 2016, Pages 7-17]
Spatial Estimation of Soil Hydraulic Conductivity Using Multivariate Geostatistical Model
Case Study: Tabriz Subway Domain [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 79-88]
Cold-Formed Steel Structure
A Numerical Study on Seismic Behavior of K-Braced Cold Formed Steel Frames [47.3, Issue 88, 2017, Pages 47-58]
Collapse index
The Effect of Mastic Polyurethane B on the Mechanical Properties of Collapsible Soils [44.1, Issue 74, 2014, Pages 55-63]
Collapse mechanisms
Static Alternate Path Analyses on Tensegrity Systems Considering Effects of Self-Stress Distributions [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 35-46]
Collapse Reliability
Estimation of Structural Collapse Reliability via Response Surface Method and a Hybrid of Neuro-Fuzzy Networks with Meta-heuristic Algorithms [52.2, Issue 107, 2022, Pages 27-45]
Collapsible soil
The Effect of Mastic Polyurethane B on the Mechanical Properties of Collapsible Soils [44.1, Issue 74, 2014, Pages 55-63]
Colloidal silica
Evaluation of Effective Strength Parameters and Micro Structural Variations of Silty Sands Stabilized with Nano Colloidal Silica [46.4, Issue 85, 2017, Pages 77-88]
The Application of Ozonation Process for the Treatment of Landfill Leachate [44.3, Issue 76, 2014, Pages 39-45]
Analysis of Strength and Ductility of High-Strength Concrete Columns with Random Properties [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 1-12]
Combination braces
Study of Seismic Behaviour in Steel Structures by Using of Combination Braces of Steel and SMA [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 11-22]
Combination method
Estimation of Bridge Pier Scour Using Statistical Methods and Intelligent Algorithms [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 1-13]
Combination method
Evaluation the Performance of Bed Sill, Collar and Their Combination in Scour Protection of Cylindrical Bridge Pier [47.4, Issue 89, 2018, Pages 113-121]
Combined treatment
Treatment of Model Wastewater Containing Aromatic Organic Compounds, Dyestuffs, and Heavy Metals by Aerobic Biological Process [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 25-34]
Combined tuned liquid damper (CTLD)
Investigating the Effects of Combined Tuned Liquid Damper (CTLD) on Dynamic Behavior of Offshore Jacket-Type Platforms [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 11-21]
Combined yielding dampers
Cyclic Behavior of Hybrid Honeycomb-and-Flexural Yielding Dampers in Chevron CBFs [54.2, Issue 115, 2024, Pages 13-24]
Compacted clay
Effect of Temperature on the Hydraulic Conductivity of Compacted Clayey Soil and Geosynthetic Clay Liner (GCL) [52.2, Issue 107, 2022, Pages 121-128]
The Effect of Zeolite on Shear Strength of Babolsar Sand Stabilized with Cement [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 89-96]
Compatibility test
Investigation into Compatibility between Repair Material and Substrate Concrete [43.1, Issue 70, 2013, Pages 1-13]
Complexity measure
Change Detection of Hydrological Processes Using Wavelet-Entropy Complexity Measure Case Study: Urmia Lake [45.3, Issue 80, 2015, Pages 75-86]
Complex potential function
Analysis of Stress around Tunnel by Conformal Mapping [49.3, Issue 96, 2019, Pages 45-52]
Composite floor
Effect of Composite Floors on Progressive Collapse Control in the Steel Moment Frame Structures [52.1, Issue 106, 2022, Pages 27-39]
Composite materials
Improvement of the soil clay at the liner of the landfill to reduce cracking using fiber and nano chemical materials [(Articles in Press)]
Compound channel
Investigation of Changing the Width of Flood Plains and Discharges on Secondary Flow in Prismatic Compound Channel [45.2, Issue 79, 2015, Pages 47-58]
Compressibility of Cement Treated Soft Soils [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 1-9]
Compressive loading
Study of Ultrasonic Pulse Wave Velocity in Plain Concrete Using Different Water to Cement Ratio at Different Stress Level [50.3, Issue 100, 2020, Pages 37-43]
Compressive srength
Effects of Nano-Silica on Mechanical Properties and Durability of Concrete [42.1, Issue 66, 2012, Pages 35-45]
Compromise programming
Reliability-Based Urban Water Management Using Improved Particle Swarm Optimization
(Case Study: Tabriz City, Iran) [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 39-49]
Computational fluid dynamics
Investigation of Effects of the Geometry on Rate of Energy Dissipation of the Flow over the Stepped Spillway using Fuzzy Inference Systems [45.3, Issue 80, 2015, Pages 25-39]
Computational mechanics
Finite Element Modelling of Smart Adaptive Composite Beam [52.3, Issue 108, 2022, Pages 185-193]
Evaluation of Effective Strength Parameters and Micro Structural Variations of Silty Sands Stabilized with Nano Colloidal Silica [46.4, Issue 85, 2017, Pages 77-88]
Concentration profile
Investigation of Installation Consecutive Obstacles on the Characteristics and Controlling of Density Current Body [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 87-95]
Concentrically braced frame (CBF)
A Comparison of Rapid Seismic Vulnerability Assessment Methods for Existing Residential Buildings in Tabriz using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP): Case Study [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 123-137]
Concentric brace
Comparison of Seismic and Gravity Progressive Collapse in dual systems with special steel moment-resisting frames and braces [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 151-161]
Concentric tube dampers
Performance of Pipe Dampers in Pipe and Center under Cyclic Load in Energy Dissipation [53.2, Issue 111, 2023, Pages 44-49]
Study and Comparison of Concrete Containing Crumb Rubber and Rubber Powder with Silica Fume [42.4, Issue 69, 2013, Pages 25-33]
Shear Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams Containing Wavy Steel Fibers [42.2, Issue 67, 2012, Pages 41-51]
Evaluating the Setting Process of fresh Concrete Containing Rice Husk Ash using Ultrasonic Method [44.2, Issue 75, 2014, Pages 35-45]
Estimating Fracture Eenergy of Concrete Using Artificial Neural Networks [42.1, Issue 66, 2012, Pages 1-8]
Effects of Nano-Silica on Mechanical Properties and Durability of Concrete [42.1, Issue 66, 2012, Pages 35-45]
Long-Time Investigation of Chloride Permeation in Metakaolin Concrete in Splash Zone in Qeshm Island [46.3, Issue 84, 2016, Pages 31-38]
Evaluation of Mechanical Properties and Durability indices of Concrete containing Wollastonite and Silica-Fume [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 47-57]
Electrical Current Flow Modeling Using Meshless Method in Homogeneous Concrete [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 1-10]
Cadmium Elimination Feasibility Study Using Bentonite Modified Green Concrete [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 153-160]
Estimation of compressive strength and amount of water penetration in concretes with additives using friction transfer methods and cylindrical chamber [(Articles in Press)]
Service life prediction and life cycle assessment of pozzolanic concretes [(Articles in Press)]
Concrete adhesive
Fabrication of Flooring Panels Using Recycled Paper De-inking Solid Waste [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 77-83]
Concrete arch dam
The Effects of In-Situ Stresses, Discontinuities and Appropriate Rock Foundation Boundary Conditions in the Analysis of Concrete Arch Dams [42.4, Issue 69, 2013, Pages 1-14]
Concrete asphalt
Numerical Investigation of Effect of Improved Shoulder with Concrete Asphalt whit Emphasis on Lateral Resistance Increasing of Ballasted Track [45.2, Issue 79, 2015, Pages 107-112]
Concrete behavior
Investigation of Fresh Concrete Behavior on Slope Lining [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 45-55]
Concrete consistency
Investigation of Fresh Concrete Behavior on Slope Lining [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 45-55]
Concrete durability
Study of Corrosion in Reinforced Concretes with Different Water to Cement Ratios at Splash zone [43.1, Issue 70, 2013, Pages 63-69]
Concrete durability
Study of Corrosion in Reinforced Concretes with Different Water to Cement Ratios at Splash zone [42.1, Issue 66, 2012, Pages 57-63]
Concrete filled steel tube
The Effect of Active Confinement and shear key Elements on the Flexural Behavior of Concrete Filled Steel Tube (CFST) [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 47-60]
Concrete Frame
Investigating Effect of Chevron Bracing on Coefficient of Behavior and Ductility Ratio of Reinforcement Concrete Structures [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 161-170]
Concrete gravity dam
Comparison of Near-Filed and Far-Filed Earthquakes on Nonlinear Response of Concrete Gravity Dams [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 25-38]
Concrete gravity dam
Developing a New Semi- Analytical Method for Solving Elastodynamic Problems in the Frequency Domain [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 21-28]
Concrete lining
Numerical Modeling of Concrete Lining Uplift in Tabriz Plain Canal [43.4, Issue 73, 2014, Pages 21-34]
Concrete mixing green
Cadmium Elimination Feasibility Study Using Bentonite Modified Green Concrete [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 153-160]
Concrete moment frame
Investigation of the behavior factor of Reinforced Concrete Moment Frame with concrete Voided slab constructed by Spherical and Cubic Balls [52.3, Issue 108, 2022, Pages 1-7]
Concrete pavement
Studying the Effect of Gradation and Macro Texture Generating by the Method of Gravel Distribution, on the Skid Resistance of the Concrete Pavements [43.4, Issue 73, 2014, Pages 69-78]
Concrete piles
Evaluation of the Frictional Behavior of Pile in Sandy Soil Using
Loading Test [46.3, Issue 84, 2016, Pages 39-50]
Concrete Precast Structure
Developing Fragility Curves for Precast Concrete Structures [46.3, Issue 84, 2016, Pages 51-61]
Concrete repair
Investigation into Compatibility between Repair Material and Substrate Concrete [43.1, Issue 70, 2013, Pages 1-13]
Concrete shear wall
Utilizing Pretension SMAs with Memory Effect Characteristics in Concrete Structure [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 25-33]
Concrete sleeper
Sensitivity Analysis of Stress and Maximum Ballast Vertical Displacement Based on Iran Railway Ballasted Track System Characteristics [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 103-114]
Concrete strength
Improved Compressive, Tensile and Flexural Strength of Non-Reinforced Specimens and Reinforced Beams Including Zeolite [48.4, Issue 93, 2019, Pages 103-113]
Cone penetration
Comparison of Liquid Limit Obtained From Casagrande Cup Method and Cone Penetrometer for Sand and Clay Mixed Soils [54.1, Issue 114, 2024, Pages 190-200]
Cone Penetration Test (CPTu)
Estimation of Bearing Capacity of Bored Piles Using CPT and SPT Direct Results and Compared with Static Pile Load Tests- The Case Study [52.2, Issue 107, 2022, Pages 163-178]
Simulate the Effect of Configuration and Number of Baffles in the Hydraulic Efficiency of Chlorine Contact Tanks [52.2, Issue 107, 2022, Pages 179-188]
Confined concrete
Investigating the Effect of Copper Mine Tailing on the Stress-Strain Behavior of Confined Concrete [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 11-19]
Fire Resistance of Stiffened Circular Concrete-Filled Steel Tubular (CFT) Columns [43.2, Issue 71, 2013, Pages 24-37]
The effect of FRP use on the Damage Index, Seismic Performance Levels and Ductility of The Bridges Circular Columns by Using IDA and NSP Analyses [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 125-137]
Analysis of Stress around Tunnel by Conformal Mapping [49.3, Issue 96, 2019, Pages 45-52]
Seismic Evaluation of Steel Frames with Different Connection Conditions of X-braces [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 81-92]
Connectivity reliability
Reliability Based Resource Allocation for Transportation Network [44.3, Issue 76, 2014, Pages 89-97]
Consecutive Event
Evaluation of Sensitivity Analysis Methods in RC Frame Exposed Post-Earthquake Fire [52.3, Issue 108, 2022, Pages 127-139]
Consecutive obstacles
Investigation of Installation Consecutive Obstacles on the Characteristics and Controlling of Density Current Body [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 87-95]
Effect of petroleum on the physical and mechanical properties of fine-grained soils of Arak Shazand refinery area [53.4, Issue 113, 2024, Pages 126-137]
Consolidation characteristics
Impact of Initial pH Change of Kaolinite on Its Microstructure and Consolidation Characteristics [51.3, Issue 104, 2021, Pages 77-85]
Consolidation test
Experimental Study on Effect of Freeze and Thaw Cycles (FTC) on Creep Settlement of Silty Soil [48.2, Issue 91, 2018, Pages 81-91]
Consolidation test
Improving the Creep Properties of Modified Clay with Nanosilica and Polypropylene Fibers (Case Study: Shahid Shahcheraghi Dam Central Borrow Pits) [53.4, Issue 113, 2024, Pages 206-215]
Constitutive model
Constitutive Modelling of the Mechanical Behavior of Fiber-Reinforced Cemented Sand [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 1-10]
Transaction Cost Economics Model For Selecting the Governance Structure of Construction Projects [53.3, Issue 112, 2023, Pages 151-168]
Construction Project Management
Optimization of Contractor Selection Process in Iranian Law of Tenders Utilizing VIKOR Method (Case Study: Water Industries in East Azerbaijan Province) [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 13-30]
Construction wastes
Laboratory Investigation of Recycled Concrete Aggregates for Use in Subbase Layer of Roads [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 1-11]
Consumption Pattern Analysis
An Application of GIS Spatial Analysis and Decision Making Systems for Modelling and Predicating of Urban Water Consuming Pattern in Tabriz [53.2, Issue 111, 2023, Pages 180-188]
Contact Tanks
Simulate the Effect of Configuration and Number of Baffles in the Hydraulic Efficiency of Chlorine Contact Tanks [52.2, Issue 107, 2022, Pages 179-188]
Contaminant propagation
Propagation of BTEX Compounds of Gasoline in Saturated and Unsaturated Soil [46.3, Issue 84, 2016, Pages 1-15]
Contaminated soil
Influence of Gas Oil Contamination on Geotechnical Properties of Clayey Sand [52.1, Issue 106, 2022, Pages 217-226]
Evaluating the Effects of Constructing Urban and Agricultural Wastewater Treatment Plants on Improvement of Quality and Contamination Trends of Dez River [50.1, Issue 98, 2020, Pages 33-41]
A Model to Determine the Share Amount of Effective Factors
On Contractual Claims of Contractors Using Radial Basis Function [51.1, Issue 102, 2021, Pages 73-84]
Contract management
Transaction Cost Economics Model For Selecting the Governance Structure of Construction Projects [53.3, Issue 112, 2023, Pages 151-168]
Contractor’s claim
A Model to Determine the Share Amount of Effective Factors
On Contractual Claims of Contractors Using Radial Basis Function [51.1, Issue 102, 2021, Pages 73-84]
Contractor Selection
Optimization of Contractor Selection Process in Iranian Law of Tenders Utilizing VIKOR Method (Case Study: Water Industries in East Azerbaijan Province) [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 13-30]
Contractors’ evaluation criteria
Developing Multiple Criteria Decision-Making Model based on the Best-Worst-VIKOR Method for Evaluation of Civil Projects Contractors; Case Study of Civil Projects in Southern Khorasan Province [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 11-22]
Contractors’ ranking
Developing Multiple Criteria Decision-Making Model based on the Best-Worst-VIKOR Method for Evaluation of Civil Projects Contractors; Case Study of Civil Projects in Southern Khorasan Province [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 11-22]
Seismic Control of Structures Based on the Controllability and Stability of the Controlling System Criteria [(Articles in Press)]
Control Room
Vulnerability Assessment of Blast-Resistant RC Control Room In Refinery Facilities by Eulerian-Lagrangian Coupling Method [53.4, Issue 113, 2024, Pages 138-151]
Control structures
Assessment of seismic behaviour of steel frame structures with Pendulum Tuned mass Dampers and base isolator using 3D analysis [(Articles in Press)]
Convection heat transfer
Thermo-elastic Analysis of the Rotating Functionally Graded Truncated Conical shells Using Differential Quadrature Method [49.4, Issue 97, 2020, Pages 117-129]
Copper mine tailing
Investigating the Effect of Copper Mine Tailing on the Stress-Strain Behavior of Confined Concrete [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 11-19]
Probabilistic Risk Analysis of Flood Events Using Trivariate Copulas [46.4, Issue 85, 2017, Pages 63-75]
Core test
The In Situ Strength Assessment of Polymer Self Compacting Concrete in Rc Beams [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 35-46]
Correlated translational and rotational components
Foundation Flexibility Effect on Dynamic Response of Concrete Gravity Dams under Correlated Translational and Rotational Components of Ground Motion [44.3, Issue 76, 2014, Pages 99-111]
Correlation analysis
Relationship between Changes in Water Body and Vegetation in the Eastern of Lake Urmia with the Phenomenon of Dust Storms [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 44-54]
Correlation dimension
Phase Space Reconstruction and Fractal Dimension Using of Delay Time and Embedding Dimension [43.1, Issue 70, 2013, Pages 15-21]
Study of Corrosion in Reinforced Concretes with Different Water to Cement Ratios at Splash zone [43.1, Issue 70, 2013, Pages 63-69]
Study of Corrosion in Reinforced Concretes with Different Water to Cement Ratios at Splash zone [42.1, Issue 66, 2012, Pages 57-63]
Evaluating the Corrosion of Steel Reinforcement for Probabilistic Analysis of Concrete Beams [47.2, Issue 87, 2017, Pages 89-99]
Corrosion rate
Study of Corrosion in Reinforced Concretes with Different Water to Cement Ratios at Splash zone [43.1, Issue 70, 2013, Pages 63-69]
Corrosion rate
Study of Corrosion in Reinforced Concretes with Different Water to Cement Ratios at Splash zone [42.1, Issue 66, 2012, Pages 57-63]
Corrugated steel plate shear wall
Development of an Orthotropic Model for Cyclic Behavior of Steel Shear Walls having Trapezoidal Corrugated Web Plate [52.3, Issue 108, 2022, Pages 61-75]
Corrugated trapezoidal infill panel
Investigation into the Effect of Residual Stresses on the Performance of Corrugated Trapezoidal Steel Shear Panels [54.2, Issue 115, 2024, Pages 1-12]
Corrugated web
Evaluation of the Mutual Effect of Shear Force and Bending Moment in Plate Girders with Corrugated Webs [(Articles in Press)]
Cost and time overruns
Learning from Experience of Cost Imposed to Nemat-Abad Dam Project due to Construction Delay [52.2, Issue 107, 2022, Pages 65-78]
Coulomb Stress Changes
Mechanical Interaction among Large Earthquakes in Eastern part of Iran [53.4, Issue 113, 2024, Pages 164-178]
Countermeasure method
Evaluation the Performance of Bed Sill, Collar and Their Combination in Scour Protection of Cylindrical Bridge Pier [47.4, Issue 89, 2018, Pages 113-121]
Coupling beam
Determination of Reduction Factor for Reinforced Concrete Structures with Coupling Core Wall and Coupling Beams and Comparing with Reinforced Structures with Shear Wall [44.1, Issue 74, 2014, Pages 67-80]
CPK Weir
Analyses of Slenderness Coefficient Effect of Floating Wood on CPK Weir Blockage in individual Test System [49.4, Issue 97, 2020, Pages 47-58]
Crack propagation
Investigation of the Effect of Bond-Slip on Cracking of RC Beams Utilizing Lattice Models [44.3, Issue 76, 2014, Pages 27-37]
Crash Modification Factor
Effectiveness Evaluation of Longitudinal Delineation in Reducing the Run-Off Crashes in Rural Multi-Lane Roads [50.4, Issue 101, 2021, Pages 1-9]
CRD method
Estimation of Natural Recharge of Ardabil Aquifer Using CRD Method [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 115-124]
Creep behavior of soft clay
Improving the Creep Properties of Modified Clay with Nanosilica and Polypropylene Fibers (Case Study: Shahid Shahcheraghi Dam Central Borrow Pits) [53.4, Issue 113, 2024, Pages 206-215]
Crest height
Numerical Study of Submerged Groynes Impact on Wave Pattern (Case Study: Dahane SAR Sefidrood) [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 13-24]
The Effect of Length and Width Density on Traffic Air Pollution Using GIS [44.2, Issue 75, 2014, Pages 69-79]
Critical Angle
Experimental Investigation of Load- Displacement Behavior of Enlarged Base Piles under Oblique Tension Loadings in Sandy Soil [51.1, Issue 102, 2021, Pages 99-109]
Critically damped condition
Robust Analysis of the Designed Controller Based on the Critically Damped Condition [54.2, Issue 115, 2024, Pages 35-51]
Critical Shear Stress
Investigating the Effect of Wastewater Concentration on the Fall Velocity of Cohesive Sediments in Water Transfer Systems [48.2, Issue 91, 2018, Pages 17-26]
Critical state
Constitutive Sand Model under Undrained Monotonic Loading by Considering Sratio [42.2, Issue 67, 2012, Pages 53-63]
Cross-sectional Geometry
Study of the Effect of Cross-sectional Geometry of Single and Twin Tunnels on the Ground Surface Settlement (Case study: Isfahan’s Metro Tunnel) [49.2, Issue 95, 2019, Pages 35-46]
Cross section of pier
3D Numerical Studying into Combined Models of Pier Shape and Slot in Reducing the Bed Shear Stresses Starter of Scouring around the Bridge Pier [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 39-50]
Crude oil
Effect of petroleum on the physical and mechanical properties of fine-grained soils of Arak Shazand refinery area [53.4, Issue 113, 2024, Pages 126-137]
Crumb rubber
Study and Comparison of Concrete Containing Crumb Rubber and Rubber Powder with Silica Fume [42.4, Issue 69, 2013, Pages 25-33]
Crumb test
Validation of Dispersion Tests in Soils with Low Plasticity and Low Dispersion Potential (A Case Study on Parts of Iran Regions) [45.3, Issue 80, 2015, Pages 51-63]
Crumb test
Effect of Recycled Glass Powder on Dispersivity Potential and Geotechnical Parameters of Dispersive Soils [53.4, Issue 113, 2024, Pages 75-84]
Crumb test
Effect of Metakaolin on Dispersivity Potential and Geotechnical Parameters of Dispersive Soils [54.2, Issue 115, 2024, Pages 73-83]
Cubic hollow slab
Investigation of the behavior factor of Reinforced Concrete Moment Frame with concrete Voided slab constructed by Spherical and Cubic Balls [52.3, Issue 108, 2022, Pages 1-7]
Evaluation of Effective Strength Parameters and Micro Structural Variations of Silty Sands Stabilized with Nano Colloidal Silica [46.4, Issue 85, 2017, Pages 77-88]
Curing age
Laboratory Study of the Effect of Age, Temperature, and Fiber Content on the Behavior of Environmentally Friendly Reinforced Lime-Cement Concrete (RLCC) [53.2, Issue 111, 2023, Pages 61-75]
Curing condition
Investigation into Compatibility between Repair Material and Substrate Concrete [43.1, Issue 70, 2013, Pages 1-13]
Curing condition
The Impact Resistance of Steel Fiber Reinforcement Concrete under Different Curing Conditions: Experimental and Statistical Analysis [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 109-121]
Curing periods
Polypropylene Fibers Performance in Roller Compacted Concrete Composition [42.4, Issue 69, 2013, Pages 15-24]
Curing regime
An experimental investigation of the effect of replacing light grains of pumice and scoria with natural sand on the properties of cement-slag mortars [(Articles in Press)]
Cut off wall
A Simple Method to Calculate Seepage from the Foundation of Earth Dam with Combination of Cut off Wall and Blanket [44.2, Issue 75, 2014, Pages 87-93]
Cyclic Behavior
Investigating the Effects of Geometric Parameters of Buckling Restrained Braces on the Cyclic Behavior of Buckling Restrained Braced Frames [52.3, Issue 108, 2022, Pages 141-150]
Cyclic Behavior
Numerical and Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Longitudinal Reinforcement Debonding at the Beam-Column Joint [(Articles in Press)]
Cyclic loads
Assessment of Resistance and Behavior of Link Beam in Eccentric Braced Frames by Finite Element Method [44.2, Issue 75, 2014, Pages 47-55]
Cyclic loads
Numerical Analysis of Reinforced Exterior Concrete Beam-Column Joints Retrofitted Using FRP under Cyclic Loads [52.1, Issue 106, 2022, Pages 169-183]
Cyclic response
Experimental Seismic Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Columns with Plain Bars under Cyclic Lateral Loading [43.2, Issue 71, 2013, Pages 53-67]
Cyclic triaxial test
Investigation of dynamic behaviour of stabilized loose sand by microbially induced carbonate precipitation [(Articles in Press)]
Cylindrical shells
Elephant Foot Buckling and Retrofitting of Steel Thin Walled Cylindrical Shells Using FRP Composite Materials [45.4, Issue 81, 2016, Pages 107-117]
Cylindrical Tank
Study on Buckling Behavior of Cylindrical Steel Tanks Subjected to Oblique Body Imperfection under Uniform External Pressure [50.1, Issue 98, 2020, Pages 21-32]
Cylindrical tanks
Investigation on the Buckling Behavior of GFRP Thin-walled Cylindrical Shells under External Pressure [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 69-79]
Cylindrical weir-gate
Experimental Investigation on Discharge Coefficient and Energy Loss amount Changes of a Cylindrical Weir-Gate with Vertical Movement [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 65-78]
Dahane Sar Sefidrood
Numerical Study of Submerged Groynes Impact on Wave Pattern (Case Study: Dahane SAR Sefidrood) [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 13-24]
Daily scale
Flood Forecasting via Daily Scale Standardized Precipitation Index [48.2, Issue 91, 2018, Pages 27-35]
Damage detection
Developing a Robust Damage Detection Method for Offshore Jacket Platform Using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm [46.4, Issue 85, 2017, Pages 37-49]
Damage index
Seismic Damage Forecasting for Steel Moment Frames using Neural Networks [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 75-86]
Damage index
Effects of torsional irregularity and seismicity level on progressive collapse potential of steel moment frames [50.2, Issue 99, 2020, Pages 71-81]
Damage index
The effect of FRP use on the Damage Index, Seismic Performance Levels and Ductility of The Bridges Circular Columns by Using IDA and NSP Analyses [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 125-137]
Damage parameter
Experimental Analysis of the Effect of the Distance of a Submerged Berm in front of a Reshaping Rubble Mound Breakwater on Diminishing the Damage Parameter [52.2, Issue 107, 2022, Pages 1-13]
Dam break
Numerical 2D Vertical Simulation of Wave Propagation Due to Dam Break [44.3, Issue 76, 2014, Pages 47-59]
Dam curtain
Introducing State-of-the-Art Approach in Designing an Optimal Location for Dam Curtain Based on Structural Properties of the Rock Mass (Case Study: Khersan Dam) [44.1, Issue 74, 2014, Pages 89-98]
Dam operation curve
Forecasting Reservoir Inflow and Employing the Combined Genetics-Particle Swarming Optimization Approach for Alaviyan Reservoir Operation [(Articles in Press)]
Application of Lead-Rubber Isolators as Shear Dampers [42.2, Issue 67, 2012, Pages 15-26]
Damping ratio
Effect of Wall Flexibility and Damping Ratio on Dynamic Response of Rectangular Liquid Storage Tanks [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 23-32]
Damping ratio
Modal Identification of an Arch Dam Using Combined Frequency Domain Decomposition and Wavelet Transform Method [46.3, Issue 84, 2016, Pages 17-29]
Damping ratio
Investigation of dynamic behaviour of stabilized loose sand by microbially induced carbonate precipitation [(Articles in Press)]
Dam projects
Learning from Experience of Cost Imposed to Nemat-Abad Dam Project due to Construction Delay [52.2, Issue 107, 2022, Pages 65-78]
Dam-reservoir-foundation system
Foundation Flexibility Effect on Dynamic Response of Concrete Gravity Dams under Correlated Translational and Rotational Components of Ground Motion [44.3, Issue 76, 2014, Pages 99-111]
Data generation models
Comparison of Inherent Performance of Seven Drought Indices in Drought Mitigation Using a Monte Carlo Simulation Approach [43.1, Issue 70, 2013, Pages 25-39]
Data Mining
Modelling and Analyzing the Severity of two-lane Highway Crashes Using the Spatial Data mining, Case Study: Old Corridor of Qazvin-Loshan [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 81-95]
Numerical and Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Longitudinal Reinforcement Debonding at the Beam-Column Joint [(Articles in Press)]
Deep beams
Nonlinear Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Deep Beams with Finite Elements Method [45.3, Issue 80, 2015, Pages 41-49]
Deep excavation
Assessment of the Effect of Pre-stressing Steel Strut on Displacement of the Diaphragm Wall and the Soil [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 23-31]
Deep Soil Mixing
Investigating the Effect of Saturated Sand Layer Thickness on the Performance of Deep Soil Mixing Columns and Gravel Columns in Reducing Risks Caused By Liquefaction [54.1, Issue 114, 2024, Pages 99-114]
Investigation of Tunnel Deformation in Sandy Ground with Clay Inclined Layers using Geotechnical Centrifuge [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 63-69]
The Effect of Arching Soil on the Stability and Deformation of Deep Urban Excavation [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 191-201]
Impact of Temperature and Type of Clay Double Layer Cation on Adsorption of Copper Heavy Metal Contaminant [53.4, Issue 113, 2024, Pages 1-12]
Fabrication of Flooring Panels Using Recycled Paper De-inking Solid Waste [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 77-83]
Delay time
Phase Space Reconstruction and Fractal Dimension Using of Delay Time and Embedding Dimension [43.1, Issue 70, 2013, Pages 15-21]
The hybrid model of identification and rating construction projects risks based on the PMBOK standard and multi-criteria decision-making methods (case study: Birjand urban sewage project) [(Articles in Press)]
Demand to Capacity ratio
Numerical Investigation of Ring Shaped Steel Plate Shear Wall with Concrete Filled Steel Box Colum as a Vertical Boundary Element [51.3, Issue 104, 2021, Pages 19-30]
Demolition waste material
Experimental Evaluation of Application of Demolition Waste Material to Improve the Interface Parameters of Geotextile and Sand [54.1, Issue 114, 2024, Pages 13-21]
Effect of Temperature on the Hydraulic Conductivity of Compacted Clayey Soil and Geosynthetic Clay Liner (GCL) [52.2, Issue 107, 2022, Pages 121-128]
Density current body
Experimental Study of the Effect of Roughness on the Velocity and Concentration Profiles of Sedimentary Density Current Body [45.4, Issue 81, 2016, Pages 19-28]
Density current body control
Investigation of Installation Consecutive Obstacles on the Characteristics and Controlling of Density Current Body [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 87-95]
Density currents
Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Gabion-Shaped Obstacles on Sedimentation [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 141-150]
Deposition Rate
Investigating the Effect of Wastewater Concentration on the Fall Velocity of Cohesive Sediments in Water Transfer Systems [48.2, Issue 91, 2018, Pages 17-26]
Depth-averaged velocity
Numerical Study on the Effects of the Floodplain Width on Flow Field and Interaction between the Main Channel and Floodplains in Prismatic Compound Channels [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 15-24]
Depth-integrated equations
Two-Dimensional Simulation of Sediment Transport Prediction in Dam Reservoirs Using the Combination of a Numerical Model and GIS
(Case Study: Aydoghmoosh Dam Reservoir) [42.4, Issue 69, 2013, Pages 59-65]
Depth-integrated equations
Two-Dimensional Simulation of Sediment Transport Prediction in Dam Reservoirs Using the Combination of a Numerical Model and GIS
(Case Study: Aydoghmoosh Dam Reservoir) [42.4, Issue 69, 2013, Pages 67-74]
Depth of liquefaction
Effect of Soil Relative Density on the Seismic Behavior of the Pile in Liquefiable Soil [46.1, Issue 82, 2016, Pages 25-36]
Descaling cone
A Numerical Study on the Impact of Geometric and Hydraulic Parameters on Hydraulic Sedimentation in Storage Dam Reservoirs [54.2, Issue 115, 2024, Pages 53-71]
Design flood
Derivation of Huff Curves for the Four Stations in Great Karun River in Khuzestan Province S [54.1, Issue 114, 2024, Pages 115-130]
Design spectrum
Generation of Synthetic Accelerograms for Historical Earthquakes to Evaluate the Possibility of Applications in Simulating their Effects and Increasing the Accuracy of Design Spectra with Case Study of Tabriz [50.1, Issue 98, 2020, Pages 77-93]
Design storm
Derivation of Huff Curves for the Four Stations in Great Karun River in Khuzestan Province S [54.1, Issue 114, 2024, Pages 115-130]
Design Variables
Numerical Investigation on the Behavior of Castelated Plate Girders [48.2, Issue 91, 2018, Pages 93-98]
Deviatoric strength
Investigation of the Effects of Freeze-Thaw Cycles on the Deformation Parameters of Biologically Stabilized Sand [53.4, Issue 113, 2024, Pages 13-23]
Dez river
Evaluating the Effects of Constructing Urban and Agricultural Wastewater Treatment Plants on Improvement of Quality and Contamination Trends of Dez River [50.1, Issue 98, 2020, Pages 33-41]
Diagonal coefficient matrix
Developing a New Semi- Analytical Method for Solving Elastodynamic Problems in the Frequency Domain [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 21-28]
Seismic Behavior of Anchored Quay Walls Embedded in Liquefiable Sites [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 15-28]
Diaphragm wall
Assessment of the Effect of Pre-stressing Steel Strut on Displacement of the Diaphragm Wall and the Soil [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 23-31]
Dielectric constant
The Comparison of Plastic and Permeability Behavior of Bentonite in the Presence of Organic and Heavy Metal Contaminants [46.4, Issue 85, 2017, Pages 25-36]
Evaluation of Efficiency of SDS and Tween 20 Surfactants on Refining of Diesel Contaminated Clay Using Electrokinetic Process and Determination of Compressive Strength of Clay after Removal of Contaminant [53.4, Issue 113, 2024, Pages 179-190]
Diesel Fuel
Ozone Treatment of Diesel-Fuel Contaminated Soils [50.3, Issue 100, 2020, Pages 45-57]
Differential quadrature method
Thermo-elastic Analysis of the Rotating Functionally Graded Truncated Conical shells Using Differential Quadrature Method [49.4, Issue 97, 2020, Pages 117-129]
Diffrential evolution algorithm
Optimization of the Geometry of Triangular Labyrinth Spillways, Using Fuzzy-Neural System and Differential Evolution Algorithm [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 81-91]
Laboratory Investigation of the Use of Rock Flour Residue for the Construction of Landfill Liner [43.2, Issue 71, 2013, Pages 1-9]
Laboratory Investigation of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Characteristics of Bentonite-Enhanced Sand Mixtures as Landfill Liner Material [45.2, Issue 79, 2015, Pages 13-23]
Diffusion coefficient
Long-Time Investigation of Chloride Permeation in Metakaolin Concrete in Splash Zone in Qeshm Island [46.3, Issue 84, 2016, Pages 31-38]
Diffusion of Pollutants
Numerical Simulation of the CO2 Emission in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Environment around the Iranian Aluminum Company and the Presentation of the Most Appropriate Green Space Pattern [48.1, Issue 90, 2018, Pages 53-65]
Dimensional analysis
Calculate the Output Flow Depth from a Coarse-Grained Porous Media with Radial Flow [53.3, Issue 112, 2023, Pages 128-133]
Direct Shear Box
Physical Modelling of Pull-out Resistance in Sandy Soil by Using Large Shear Box [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 35-45]
Direct shear test
The Effect of Mastic Polyurethane B on the Mechanical Properties of Collapsible Soils [44.1, Issue 74, 2014, Pages 55-63]
Direct shear test
Numerical and Experimental Study of the Interaction between Strip Contact Surfaces with New Geometry and Sandy Soils and Investigation by GEP Method [52.3, Issue 108, 2022, Pages 161-174]
Direct shear test
The Application of Recycled Tire Polymer Fibers for Shear Strength Improvement of Babolsar Sand [53.2, Issue 111, 2023, Pages 31-43]
Discharge coefficient
Experimental Investigation on Discharge Coefficient and Energy Loss amount Changes of a Cylindrical Weir-Gate with Vertical Movement [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 65-78]
Discharge coefficient
Imperical Coefficient of Discharge Predictor for Morning Glory Spillway with Pyramidal Vortex Breakers Using Physical Model [49.4, Issue 97, 2020, Pages 93-104]
Discharge coefficient
Investigation of Free Flow under the Radial Gate with the Sill [50.3, Issue 100, 2020, Pages 9-19]
Discharge coefficient
Evaluation Effect of Changing the Sill Geometries and Positions on Discharge Coefficient of Vertical Sluice Gate [53.3, Issue 112, 2023, Pages 117-127]
Discharge Prediction
Prediction of Hydraulic Shock Wastewater in Unexpected Events using a Combination of Wavelet Operator and Artificial Intelligence Network Algorithm [52.3, Issue 108, 2022, Pages 175-184]
Elite Particles Method in Discrete Metaheuristic Optimization of Structures [52.3, Issue 108, 2022, Pages 39-48]
Discrete element method simulations
Numerical and Experimental Investigations of the Effect of Gradation and Shape of Particles on the Mechanical Behavior of Granular soils [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 35-48]
Discrete singular convolution
Estimation of Up-Lift Force on Hydraulic Structures in Non-Darcian Conditions [42.2, Issue 67, 2012, Pages 77-83]
Investigation of Drinking Water Disinfection Performance Using Silver Nanoparticles [46.1, Issue 82, 2016, Pages 83-93]
Validation of Dispersion Tests in Soils with Low Plasticity and Low Dispersion Potential (A Case Study on Parts of Iran Regions) [45.3, Issue 80, 2015, Pages 51-63]
Dispersion coefficient
Application of Numerical Modeling for Solution of Flow Equations and Estimation of Water Quality Pollutants in Rivers
(Case Study: Karkheh River) [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 51-60]
Dispersive soil
Effect of Recycled Glass Powder on Dispersivity Potential and Geotechnical Parameters of Dispersive Soils [53.4, Issue 113, 2024, Pages 75-84]
Dispersive soil
Effect of Metakaolin on Dispersivity Potential and Geotechnical Parameters of Dispersive Soils [54.2, Issue 115, 2024, Pages 73-83]
Numerical Analysis of Dynamic Response of Concrete Gravity Dam under Blast Loading in the Reservoir [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 91-104]
A Model to Determine the Share Amount of Effective Factors
On Contractual Claims of Contractors Using Radial Basis Function [51.1, Issue 102, 2021, Pages 73-84]
Dissolution strength
Investigation of the Effect of Different Factors on The Dissolution Rate and Single-Site Compressive Strength of Gypsum- Containing Materials (Case study: Marash Zanjan Dam) [53.3, Issue 112, 2023, Pages 206-214]
Distributed loading
Evaluation of the Mutual Effect of Shear Force and Bending Moment in Plate Girders with Corrugated Webs [(Articles in Press)]
Distributed opening
Effect of Centralized and Distributed Opening on the Behavioral
Parameters of Stiffened Steel Shear Panels [45.3, Issue 80, 2015, Pages 97-105]
Domestic waste
Spatial Assessment of Risky and Safe Sites for Solid Waste Landfills (Case study: Isfahan Province, Iran) [54.2, Issue 115, 2024, Pages 25-34]
Double domes
Double Domes Free Form Space Structures: Stability Behavior and Imperfection Sensitivity Analysis [45.4, Issue 81, 2016, Pages 81-95]
Double hydrometer Test
Validation of Dispersion Tests in Soils with Low Plasticity and Low Dispersion Potential (A Case Study on Parts of Iran Regions) [45.3, Issue 80, 2015, Pages 51-63]
Double hydrometric test
Effect of Recycled Glass Powder on Dispersivity Potential and Geotechnical Parameters of Dispersive Soils [53.4, Issue 113, 2024, Pages 75-84]
Double hydrometric test
Effect of Metakaolin on Dispersivity Potential and Geotechnical Parameters of Dispersive Soils [54.2, Issue 115, 2024, Pages 73-83]
Double layer
Effect of petroleum on the physical and mechanical properties of fine-grained soils of Arak Shazand refinery area [53.4, Issue 113, 2024, Pages 126-137]
Double layer barrel vault
Stability Analysis of Double Layer Barrel Vaults Equipped with Accordion Force Limiting Device [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 73-82]
Double layer barrel vaults
Assessing the Simultaneous Effects of Horizontal and Vertical Components of Earthquakes on the Double Layer Barrel Vaults [45.2, Issue 79, 2015, Pages 35-45]
Double Layer Cation
Impact of Temperature and Type of Clay Double Layer Cation on Adsorption of Copper Heavy Metal Contaminant [53.4, Issue 113, 2024, Pages 1-12]
Double Layer Thickness
Microstructural Assessment of the Simultaneous Impact of Hydrocarbon Material and Heavy Metal on Sand-Bentonite Mixture Behavior [48.1, Issue 90, 2018, Pages 35-42]
Doubler plate
SCF distribution along the weld toe in tubular X-joints reinforced with doubler plates subjected to axial loading: Study of geometrical effects and design formulation [(Articles in Press)]
Drag coefficient
Estimation of the Drag Coefficient of Gabion Groin with Different Porosities Using a Measurement of Experimental Flow Field and Solution of Navier- Stokes Equations [51.3, Issue 104, 2021, Pages 159-169]
Drag force
Estimation of the Drag Coefficient of Gabion Groin with Different Porosities Using a Measurement of Experimental Flow Field and Solution of Navier- Stokes Equations [51.3, Issue 104, 2021, Pages 159-169]
Effect of Horizontal Drains on Upstream Slope Stability During Rapid Drawdown Condition [42.1, Issue 66, 2012, Pages 29-34]
Effect of Drain Geometry on Dynamic Response of Homogeneous Earth Dams [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 99-108]
Drainage Geometry
Evaluation of the Effect of Drainage Geometry on the Behavior of Homogeneous Embankment Dams (Case Study: Kalan Dam of Malayer) [51.3, Issue 104, 2021, Pages 137-148]
Drainage water
Investigation of Saline Drainage Water Reuse Effect on Soil Hydraulic Properties Using Inverse Method (Case Study: Moghan Plain) [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 33-44]
Evaluation of the Performance of the Hydraulic Suction Method in Sediment Removal of Reservoirs [50.1, Issue 98, 2020, Pages 43-52]
Simulating the effect of river dredging on the extent, depth, and risk of flooding using the HEC-RAS (2D) model in areas with a low slope (case study: Agh-ghala city) [(Articles in Press)]
Seismic Demand Estimation of Steel Moment Resisting Frames in Near Field of Fault [45.2, Issue 79, 2015, Pages 73-86]
Drinking water
Investigation of Drinking Water Disinfection Performance Using Silver Nanoparticles [46.1, Issue 82, 2016, Pages 83-93]
Driver’s behavior responses
Identifying Stop and Go Traffic in Trajectory of Vehicle Platoon Based on Asymmetric Theory [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 59-71]
Drop weight hammer
Evaluation of Impact Strength of Heated Slag Geopolymer Concrete [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 87-101]
Comparison of Inherent Performance of Seven Drought Indices in Drought Mitigation Using a Monte Carlo Simulation Approach [43.1, Issue 70, 2013, Pages 25-39]
Drought probability
Stochastic Forecasting of Drought Probabilities (Case Study on Northwest of Iran) [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 51-63]
Dual system
Comparison of Seismic and Gravity Progressive Collapse in dual systems with special steel moment-resisting frames and braces [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 151-161]
Experimental and Finite Element Investigations of FRP Stirrups Effects on Cyclic Behavior of Concrete Joints [43.2, Issue 71, 2013, Pages 11-23]
Analysis of Strength and Ductility of High-Strength Concrete Columns with Random Properties [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 1-12]
Determination of Reduction Factor for Reinforced Concrete Structures with Coupling Core Wall and Coupling Beams and Comparing with Reinforced Structures with Shear Wall [44.1, Issue 74, 2014, Pages 67-80]
Determination of Slip Load of Friction Dampers Based on Target Ductility in Different Stories of Building Frames [45.2, Issue 79, 2015, Pages 1-11]
Effect of Centralized and Distributed Opening on the Behavioral
Parameters of Stiffened Steel Shear Panels [45.3, Issue 80, 2015, Pages 97-105]
Seismic Behavior of Eccentrically Braced Frames with Vertical Links made of Easy-Going Steel [48.4, Issue 93, 2019, Pages 79-87]
Experimental and analytical study on ductility of steel ring filled with compressive plastic, situated in concentric bracing system [50.2, Issue 99, 2020, Pages 41-49]
Experimental Strengthening of Deficient RC Beams with Advanced HPFRCC Composite Layers Reinforced with PP Fibers [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 45-55]
Experimental Study and Finite Elements of BRBF For AISC 341-16 [54.2, Issue 115, 2024, Pages 96-109]
Investigating the seismic behavior of steel shear walls with oval holes and reduced connections [(Articles in Press)]
Ductility demand
Yield Strength Reduction Factor and Inelastic Displacement Ratio Based on Earthquake Ground Motions Recorded in Iran [49.3, Issue 96, 2019, Pages 9-22]
Evaluation of Aging Phenomenon in Asphalt Mixtures [43.1, Issue 70, 2013, Pages 71-77]
Effects of Nano-Silica on Mechanical Properties and Durability of Concrete [42.1, Issue 66, 2012, Pages 35-45]
Evaluation of Durability Properties of Cement Stabilized Base Mixtures Contains Different Amounts of RAP during Wet and Dry Cycles [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 175-185]
Investigation of the Effect of Biological Modification on Increasing the Resistance of Alkaline Silty Soils in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions Against Water and Wind Erosion (Case study: Miqan desert) [53.2, Issue 111, 2023, Pages 119-135]
Durability indices
Evaluation of Mechanical Properties and Durability indices of Concrete containing Wollastonite and Silica-Fume [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 47-57]
Durability Of Concrete
An Investigation into the Economical, Environmental and Durability of Structural Fiber Lightweight Concrete [52.3, Issue 108, 2022, Pages 49-59]
Durability properties
The Effect of Initial Temperature of Self-Compacting Concrete on Its Long-Term Mechanical Properties [53.3, Issue 112, 2023, Pages 182-191]
Dust emission
Atmospheric Analysis of Dust Storms in Central Asia Region using remote sensing [(Articles in Press)]
Dust load
Atmospheric Analysis of Dust Storms in Central Asia Region using remote sensing [(Articles in Press)]
Dust storms
Atmospheric Analysis of Dust Storms in Central Asia Region using remote sensing [(Articles in Press)]
Dust Transport
Atmospheric Analysis of Dust Storms in Central Asia Region using remote sensing [(Articles in Press)]
Dynamic analysis
Seismic Demand Estimation of Steel Moment Resisting Frames in Near Field of Fault [45.2, Issue 79, 2015, Pages 73-86]
Dynamic analysis
Parametric Study of Pile Group’s Settlement in Liquefiable Soils [46.1, Issue 82, 2016, Pages 1-11]
Dynamic analysis
Effect of Drain Geometry on Dynamic Response of Homogeneous Earth Dams [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 99-108]
Dynamic analysis
Investigating the Effects of Combined Tuned Liquid Damper (CTLD) on Dynamic Behavior of Offshore Jacket-Type Platforms [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 11-21]
Dynamic analysis
Pile- Tunnel Interaction in Subway Tunnels under Seismic Loads [51.3, Issue 104, 2021, Pages 149-157]
Dynamic analysis
Seismic Modelling of Monopiles under Wave Load in the Sandy Soil [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 59-74]
Dynamic analysis of underground structures
Numerical modeling of dynamic response and effect of near and far field earthquake of urban railway Station near to fault region (case study: line 2 urban railway Stations) [53.3, Issue 112, 2023, Pages 106-116]
Dynamic Relaxation (DR)
Dynamic Relaxation Method for Calculating Buckling Load of Frames [49.3, Issue 96, 2019, Pages 65-74]
Dynamic Response
Investigation of hoop stresses of fluid storage RC tanks under explosion by consideration of liquid surface movements [(Articles in Press)]
Dynamic Response
Dynamic Response of a Floating Transverse Beam due to Slamming with Considering Wagner Theory [(Articles in Press)]
Dynamic scouring
Estimation of Scour Hole Dimensions Due to Vertical Circular Submerged Jet [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 41-50]
Earth dam
A Simple Method to Calculate Seepage from the Foundation of Earth Dam with Combination of Cut off Wall and Blanket [44.2, Issue 75, 2014, Pages 87-93]
Earth dam
Investigating the Effect of Geometrical Changes of Earth Dam Dimensional Parameters on the Assessment of Piping Failure Discharge with Considering Uncertainty in the Mechanical Properties of Materials [52.3, Issue 108, 2022, Pages 93-103]
Earth dam
Investigation of a modeling-based framework for optimizing the cross-section of cored earth dams [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 203-213]
Earth dams
Effect of Dimensions and Shape of Clay Core Section of Earth Dams on Reliability Coefficient of Hydraulic Failure [54.1, Issue 114, 2024, Pages 201-210]
Earthfill dam
Effect of Drain Geometry on Dynamic Response of Homogeneous Earth Dams [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 99-108]
Determination of Slip Load of Friction Dampers Based on Target Ductility in Different Stories of Building Frames [45.2, Issue 79, 2015, Pages 1-11]
The Effect of Strips Width of Elliptic Slit Damper on the Seismic Performance of Beam-to-Column Connection [47.3, Issue 88, 2017, Pages 95-104]
Iran Accelerograph Data Contraction Using Wavelet Analysis [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 29-39]
Probabilistic analysis of the influence of earthquake nature and content on possibility of structural failure [50.4, Issue 101, 2021, Pages 95-106]
Mechanical Interaction among Large Earthquakes in Eastern part of Iran [53.4, Issue 113, 2024, Pages 164-178]
Earthquake Catalog
Generation of Synthetic Accelerograms for Historical Earthquakes to Evaluate the Possibility of Applications in Simulating their Effects and Increasing the Accuracy of Design Spectra with Case Study of Tabriz [50.1, Issue 98, 2020, Pages 77-93]
Earthquake force
The Experimental Examination of Gravity Load Effect on Cyclic Behavior of Steel-moment Resisting Frames [52.3, Issue 108, 2022, Pages 151-159]
Earthquake ground motions recorded in Iran
Yield Strength Reduction Factor and Inelastic Displacement Ratio Based on Earthquake Ground Motions Recorded in Iran [49.3, Issue 96, 2019, Pages 9-22]
Earthquake hazard analysis
Evaluation of the Need for Seismic Microzonation in Bonab County based on Regional Considerations and Probabilistic Earthquake Hazard Analysis from the Vicinity of Urmia Lake toward the Hillsides of Sahand Mountain [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 107-126]
Earthquake Simulation
Generation of Synthetic Accelerograms for Historical Earthquakes to Evaluate the Possibility of Applications in Simulating their Effects and Increasing the Accuracy of Design Spectra with Case Study of Tabriz [50.1, Issue 98, 2020, Pages 77-93]
Earth-Rockfill dam
Numerical Study of Earthdams after Construction and First Impounding (Case Study of Doyraj EarthDam) [52.1, Issue 106, 2022, Pages 227-234]
Earth slope
Optimization of Pile Length in Earth Slope Stabilization [49.2, Issue 95, 2019, Pages 59-69]
East Iran
Mechanical Interaction among Large Earthquakes in Eastern part of Iran [53.4, Issue 113, 2024, Pages 164-178]
East of Lake Urmia
Investigating the Performance of Kstar and GPR Algorithms in Modeling RDI Meteorological Drought Index (Case Study: East of Urmia Lake Basin) [54.1, Issue 114, 2024, Pages 142-151]
East Part of Iran
Initial Assessment of Cloud and Aerosol Discrimination over the Eastern Regions of Iran Using CALIOP Satellite Data [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 21-33]
Easy-Going steel (EGS)
Seismic Behavior of Eccentrically Braced Frames with Vertical Links made of Easy-Going Steel [48.4, Issue 93, 2019, Pages 79-87]
Assessment of Resistance and Behavior of Link Beam in Eccentric Braced Frames by Finite Element Method [44.2, Issue 75, 2014, Pages 47-55]
Eccentrically braced frame
Seismic Behavior of Eccentrically Braced Frames with Vertical Links made of Easy-Going Steel [48.4, Issue 93, 2019, Pages 79-87]
Investigating geometric imperfection effects on failure of steel angles under compressive force in power transmission line lattice towers [(Articles in Press)]
The effect of eccentricity of loading on the bearing capacity of strip foundations in the nearest soil slope [(Articles in Press)]
Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Use of Clay Brick Waste as an Alumina-Silicate Base and Different Fillers for Geopolymer Brick Production [53.3, Issue 112, 2023, Pages 192-205]
Ecological Water Level
Investigating the Effectiveness of Urmia Lake Different Restoration Scenarios Using a 2D Hydrodynamic Model [49.2, Issue 95, 2019, Pages 71-81]
Removal of MTBE Contaminated Clayey Soil by Electro Kinetic Process [45.2, Issue 79, 2015, Pages 25-33]
Effective shear strain
Evaluation of the nonlinear response of a single pile embedded in sand using numerical simulation [(Articles in Press)]
Effective stress
Effect of Temperature on the Hydraulic Conductivity of Compacted Clayey Soil and Geosynthetic Clay Liner (GCL) [52.2, Issue 107, 2022, Pages 121-128]
Effective stress parameter
Using Two Intelligent Optimization Algorithms to Estimate the Effective Stress of Unsaturated Soils [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 199-210]
Environmental Impact Assessment of Hadishahr Industrial Town
(A Case Study) [44.2, Issue 75, 2014, Pages 95-103]
Study of Precision for Structural Responses of Buildings using Advanced Scalar Intensity Measures [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 59-67]
Determine of Modified Analytical Model of Hydraulic Performance of Ram-Pumps [47.3, Issue 88, 2017, Pages 69-80]
Introducing an efficient repair mortar containing silica fume and combined fibers in terms of compressive and flexural strengths [(Articles in Press)]
Efficiency Coefficient
Investigating the Behavior of Single Pile and Adjacent Pile Group of Sandy Slope under Uplift Loading [(Articles in Press)]
Efficiency degree
A Method for Quantifying the Efficiency Degree of Plate Bending Element [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 61-75]
Environmental Impact Assessment of Hadishahr Industrial Town
(A Case Study) [44.2, Issue 75, 2014, Pages 95-103]
Elastic-perfectly Plastic model
Elastic-Plastic Analysis of Inverted Folded Shell Strip Foundation on Sandy Soil [47.4, Issue 89, 2018, Pages 15-26]
Elastic stiffness
Experimental Investigation about the Behavior of Retrofitted Plain Concrete Columns using a Novel Hybrid Steel-FRP Confinement [48.1, Issue 90, 2018, Pages 77-88]
Elastodynamic problems
Developing a New Semi- Analytical Method for Solving Elastodynamic Problems in the Frequency Domain [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 21-28]
El Centro earthquake
Study of Seismic Behaviour in Steel Structures by Using of Combination Braces of Steel and SMA [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 11-22]
Electrical Potential
Electrical Current Flow Modeling Using Meshless Method in Homogeneous Concrete [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 1-10]
Electrical potential difference
Removal of MTBE Contaminated Clayey Soil by Electro Kinetic Process [45.2, Issue 79, 2015, Pages 25-33]
Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) Steel Slag
Behavior Comparison of marl and dredged soil stabilized with Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) and Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF) steel slags [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 55-66]
Removal of MTBE Contaminated Clayey Soil by Electro Kinetic Process [45.2, Issue 79, 2015, Pages 25-33]
Evaluation of Electromigration Mechanism of Heavy Metal from Marine Sediments by Microbial Electrokinetic Cell [52.3, Issue 108, 2022, Pages 29-37]
Electrokinetics؛ Clay
Evaluation of Efficiency of SDS and Tween 20 Surfactants on Refining of Diesel Contaminated Clay Using Electrokinetic Process and Determination of Compressive Strength of Clay after Removal of Contaminant [53.4, Issue 113, 2024, Pages 179-190]
Electrokinetics Efficiency
Impact of Carbonate and Carbonate Elimination on the Efficiency of Pb Removal from Carbonated Kaolinite in Electrokinetics Process with Special Attention to the XRD Analysis [50.2, Issue 99, 2020, Pages 1-11]
Evaluation of Efficiency of SDS and Tween 20 Surfactants on Refining of Diesel Contaminated Clay Using Electrokinetic Process and Determination of Compressive Strength of Clay after Removal of Contaminant [53.4, Issue 113, 2024, Pages 179-190]
Impact of Carbonate and Carbonate Elimination on the Efficiency of Pb Removal from Carbonated Kaolinite in Electrokinetics Process with Special Attention to the XRD Analysis [50.2, Issue 99, 2020, Pages 1-11]
Element evaluation
A Method for Quantifying the Efficiency Degree of Plate Bending Element [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 61-75]
Elephant foot buckling
Elephant Foot Buckling and Retrofitting of Steel Thin Walled Cylindrical Shells Using FRP Composite Materials [45.4, Issue 81, 2016, Pages 107-117]
Elite Particles
Elite Particles Method in Discrete Metaheuristic Optimization of Structures [52.3, Issue 108, 2022, Pages 39-48]
Elliptical tanks
Modification of Equivalent Acceleration Relation of Horizontal and Vertical Earthquakes in Ground Elliptical Tanks [53.4, Issue 113, 2024, Pages 216-231]
Elliptic slits
The Effect of Strips Width of Elliptic Slit Damper on the Seismic Performance of Beam-to-Column Connection [47.3, Issue 88, 2017, Pages 95-104]
Embedding dimension
Phase Space Reconstruction and Fractal Dimension Using of Delay Time and Embedding Dimension [43.1, Issue 70, 2013, Pages 15-21]
Embedding dimension
Study of Chaotic Nature of Daily Water Level Fluctuations in
Urmia Lake [42.1, Issue 66, 2012, Pages 9-20]
Embedment length
Valid simulation of bond-slip behavior between concrete and reinforcement [50.4, Issue 101, 2021, Pages 73-82]
Emission Scenario
Using the MIROC-ESM Model to Investigate the Hydro-Climatic Conditions of the Small-Scale Watershed under the Impact of Climate Change [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 47-59]
Empirical Bayesian
Effectiveness Evaluation of Longitudinal Delineation in Reducing the Run-Off Crashes in Rural Multi-Lane Roads [50.4, Issue 101, 2021, Pages 1-9]
Empirical relationships
Evaluation of the Janbu Modulus Number in clayey soils with using shear wave velocity (Case study: Tabriz City) [49.4, Issue 97, 2020, Pages 105-115]
End plate splice
Investigation of Effect of the Middle Link Beam Construction Imperfection on the Behavior of Connection in Steel Moment Frames [52.3, Issue 108, 2022, Pages 9-20]
Endurance Time method
Application of Endurance Time Method in Optimum Seismic Design of Steel Frames Using Uniform Deformations Theory [49.4, Issue 97, 2020, Pages 33-45]
Endurance Time method
Endurance Time Method for Seismic Assessment of Isolated Bridges Equipped with Active and Semi Active Control Systems [51.3, Issue 104, 2021, Pages 113-124]
Iran Accelerograph Data Contraction Using Wavelet Analysis [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 29-39]
Energy absorption
Effect of Centralized and Distributed Opening on the Behavioral
Parameters of Stiffened Steel Shear Panels [45.3, Issue 80, 2015, Pages 97-105]
Energy absorption capacity
Investigation into the Effects of Fibers Type on the Properties of Reactive Powder Concrete [46.4, Issue 85, 2017, Pages 89-96]
Energy absorption demand
Investigating the Effects of Geometric Parameters of Buckling Restrained Braces on the Cyclic Behavior of Buckling Restrained Braced Frames [52.3, Issue 108, 2022, Pages 141-150]
Energy dissipation
Determination of Reduction Factor for Reinforced Concrete Structures with Coupling Core Wall and Coupling Beams and Comparing with Reinforced Structures with Shear Wall [44.1, Issue 74, 2014, Pages 67-80]
Energy dissipation
Investigation of Effects of the Geometry on Rate of Energy Dissipation of the Flow over the Stepped Spillway using Fuzzy Inference Systems [45.3, Issue 80, 2015, Pages 25-39]
Energy dissipation
Application of a New Cylindrical Slit Damper for Mitigation of Structural Vibrations [45.4, Issue 81, 2016, Pages 29-43]
Energy dissipation
Experimental Investigation about the Behavior of Retrofitted Plain Concrete Columns using a Novel Hybrid Steel-FRP Confinement [48.1, Issue 90, 2018, Pages 77-88]
Energy dissipation
Experimental Investigation of Energy Dissipation in the Sudden Choked Flow with Free Surfaces [48.2, Issue 91, 2018, Pages 101-108]
Energy dissipation
Determining the Effective of Resting Pool Area in Vertical Slot Fishways Type 1 to Pass Chinook Salmon [48.4, Issue 93, 2019, Pages 1-12]
Energy dissipation
Performance of Pipe Dampers in Pipe and Center under Cyclic Load in Energy Dissipation [53.2, Issue 111, 2023, Pages 44-49]
Energy dissipation
Cyclic Behavior of Hybrid Honeycomb-and-Flexural Yielding Dampers in Chevron CBFs [54.2, Issue 115, 2024, Pages 13-24]
Energy loss
Experimental Investigation on Discharge Coefficient and Energy Loss amount Changes of a Cylindrical Weir-Gate with Vertical Movement [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 65-78]
Energy Optimization
Temperature Optimization of Small Smart Residential Buildings Using Fuzzy Inference Rules Considering User Comfort [54.1, Issue 114, 2024, Pages 36-45]
Energy pile
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Behavior of Cylindrical Thin-Walled GFRP Shells under Dental Load [53.3, Issue 112, 2023, Pages 169-181]
Energy pile
Thermo-Mechanical Behavior Analysis of Heat Exchanger Piles by Numerical Modelling [53.3, Issue 112, 2023, Pages 46-59]
Engineering properties change
Effect of Pore Fluid Properties and the Increase of Temperature on Geotechnical and Geo-Environmental Parameters of Smectite [44.3, Issue 76, 2014, Pages 17-25]
Enlarged Base Pile
Experimental Investigation of Load- Displacement Behavior of Enlarged Base Piles under Oblique Tension Loadings in Sandy Soil [51.1, Issue 102, 2021, Pages 99-109]
Optimization of Access Routes in Takht Coal Mine for Minimizing Environmental Damages [44.2, Issue 75, 2014, Pages 1-9]
Criteria Evaluation of Major Green Building Rating Systems in Use around the World and Suggestion to Form Iran's Rating Standard [47.4, Issue 89, 2018, Pages 47-60]
Evaluation of Microalgae Performance in Different sectors of Wastewater Treatment Plant Using Statistical Analysis [52.3, Issue 108, 2022, Pages 195-201]
An Investigation into the Economical, Environmental and Durability of Structural Fiber Lightweight Concrete [52.3, Issue 108, 2022, Pages 49-59]
Service life prediction and life cycle assessment of pozzolanic concretes [(Articles in Press)]
Analysis of factors influencing concrete resistance in construction industry: machine learning approach [(Articles in Press)]
Environmental consideration
Environmental Impact Assessment of Hadishahr Industrial Town
(A Case Study) [44.2, Issue 75, 2014, Pages 95-103]
Environmental flow
Use of Soft Calculations at Estimation and Prediction of Environmental Flow Discharge (Case Study: Khorkhoreh Chay River) [47.3, Issue 88, 2017, Pages 9-22]
Environmental geotechnic
Effects of Waste Plastic Strips (PET) on Improvement of Fine-grained Soil [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 127-139]
Environmental Impact Assessment
Application of Leopold Matrix and Coding Methods for Environmental Impacts Assessment of Shahid Sadr Expressway in Tehran [46.3, Issue 84, 2016, Pages 77-87]
Environmental Impact Assessment
Environmental Impact Assessment of Tabriz's Municipal Solid Waste Disposal Site Using Rapid Impact Assessment Matrix (RIAM) and Leopold Matrix [47.2, Issue 87, 2017, Pages 77-87]
Environmental Impact Assessment
Evaluation the Impacts of Causeway Remedial Actions on Urmia Lake Ecosystem Using Computational Fluid Dynamics and Spatial Analysis Method [51.3, Issue 104, 2021, Pages 41-53]
Environmental impacts
Environmental Impact Assessment of Irrigation Network Implementation on Triple Environments [48.4, Issue 93, 2019, Pages 91-101]
Environmental risk assessment
Spatial Assessment of Risky and Safe Sites for Solid Waste Landfills (Case study: Isfahan Province, Iran) [54.2, Issue 115, 2024, Pages 25-34]
Pressure and Leakage Management of Water Distribution Network with Optimal Scheduling of Valves and Pumps [52.2, Issue 107, 2022, Pages 79-88]
Optimum Design of Water Distribution Networks Utilizing Optimization Krill Herd Algorithm [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 31-43]
Probabilistic Zoning of Hydraulic Performance of Water Distribution Network by Applying Key Parameter Uncertainty [53.2, Issue 111, 2023, Pages 50-60]
EPC contracts
Identification and analysis of common claims between consultants and contractors in EPC contracts by AHP method [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 153-160]
Prediction of properties of sand mixture with HDPE by MLR, EPR and Stepwise models [(Articles in Press)]
Equivalent pipe network model
Comparison of Different Structures of a Proposed Equivalent Pipe Network Model for Analysis of 2D Nonlinear Flow through Isotropic Coarse Porous Media [46.4, Issue 85, 2017, Pages 1-13]
Erosion and Accretion
Investigation of Flood Effects on Morphological Changes Using Series of Satellite Pictures (Case study Bazoft River) [52.1, Issue 106, 2022, Pages 131-142]
Vulnerability Assessment of Blast-Resistant RC Control Room In Refinery Facilities by Eulerian-Lagrangian Coupling Method [53.4, Issue 113, 2024, Pages 138-151]
Eutrophication Simulation of Mahabad Dam Reservoir by Using CE-QUAL-W2 Two Dimensional Model [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 107-115]
Investigation the Effects of Soil Excavation on Earth - Moving in Urban Areas (Case Study: Ilam City) [47.2, Issue 87, 2017, Pages 21-27]
The Effect of Arching Soil on the Stability and Deformation of Deep Urban Excavation [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 191-201]
Excavation-adjacent Structure interaction
Investigation the Effects of Soil Excavation on Earth - Moving in Urban Areas (Case Study: Ilam City) [47.2, Issue 87, 2017, Pages 21-27]
Expandable Mechanical Plate Anchor (EMPLA)
Introduction and Determination of the New Generation of Mechanical Anchors for Using As a Geotechnical Supporting System [51.3, Issue 104, 2021, Pages 55-66]
Expansive soils
Numerical Modeling of Concrete Lining Uplift in Tabriz Plain Canal [43.4, Issue 73, 2014, Pages 21-34]
Experimental and analytical study on ductility of steel ring filled with compressive plastic, situated in concentric bracing system [50.2, Issue 99, 2020, Pages 41-49]
Experimental investigation
Experimental Investigation of Energy Dissipation in the Sudden Choked Flow with Free Surfaces [48.2, Issue 91, 2018, Pages 101-108]
Experimental investigation
Experimental Strengthening of Deficient RC Beams with Advanced HPFRCC Composite Layers Reinforced with PP Fibers [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 45-55]
Experimental model
Investigation into Effect of Burial Depth of Offshore Pipelines in Tandem Position on Flow Separation Using the Experimental and Numerical Models [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 1-13]
Experimental model
Experimental Study on Bearing Capacity of Shallow Footings Based on Sand in Saturated and Unsaturated conditions [50.2, Issue 99, 2020, Pages 23-32]
Experimental modeling
Introduction and Determination of the New Generation of Mechanical Anchors for Using As a Geotechnical Supporting System [51.3, Issue 104, 2021, Pages 55-66]
Experimental tests
Experimental and Finite Element Investigations of FRP Stirrups Effects on Cyclic Behavior of Concrete Joints [43.2, Issue 71, 2013, Pages 11-23]
Experimental verification
Analytical Modeling of Precast Concrete Grouted Beam- column Joints under Cyclic Load [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 131-140]
Expert Rules
Temperature Optimization of Small Smart Residential Buildings Using Fuzzy Inference Rules Considering User Comfort [54.1, Issue 114, 2024, Pages 36-45]
Explicit Limit State Function
Estimation of Structural Collapse Reliability via Response Surface Method and a Hybrid of Neuro-Fuzzy Networks with Meta-heuristic Algorithms [52.2, Issue 107, 2022, Pages 27-45]
Vulnerability Assessment of Blast-Resistant RC Control Room In Refinery Facilities by Eulerian-Lagrangian Coupling Method [53.4, Issue 113, 2024, Pages 138-151]
Expression tree
Experimental Simulation of Water Level Fluctuations using the Genetic Expression Programming (GEP) [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 69-75]
External pressure
Study on Buckling Behavior of Cylindrical Steel Tanks Subjected to Oblique Body Imperfection under Uniform External Pressure [50.1, Issue 98, 2020, Pages 21-32]
External pressure
Investigation on the Buckling Behavior of GFRP Thin-walled Cylindrical Shells under External Pressure [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 69-79]
Evaluation of the Need for Seismic Microzonation in Bonab County based on Regional Considerations and Probabilistic Earthquake Hazard Analysis from the Vicinity of Urmia Lake toward the Hillsides of Sahand Mountain [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 107-126]
Face Stability Pressure
Determination of Face Pressure in EPB Tunneling Applying Empirical, Analytical and Numerical Methods (Case Study: Tabriz Underground Railway) [49.4, Issue 97, 2020, Pages 21-32]
Face Support Pressure
Investigation of Tunnel Face Support Pressure Effects on the Aqueduct Using Numerical Modeling (Case Study Tabriz Metro Line 2) [53.4, Issue 113, 2024, Pages 65-74]
Facultative bacteria
Performance Evaluation and Comparison of Facultative Ponds in Series and Parallel for Wastewater Treatment (Case study: Delijan WWTP) [53.3, Issue 112, 2023, Pages 10-22]
The Investigation of Groundwater Reducing and Geotechnical Parameters of Soil Impacts on Land-Subsidence by GIS (Case Study: Tabriz City) [52.1, Issue 106, 2022, Pages 185-201]
A Failure Criterion for Weak Cemented Soils [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 13-21]
Prioritize Repair of Wastewater Network Using Asset Management Approach (A Case Study: Region Two of Isfahan Wastewater Network) [53.2, Issue 111, 2023, Pages 108-118]
Investigating the effect of local separation of rebar from concrete on the performance of reinforced concrete shear walls using the nonlinear finite element method [(Articles in Press)]
Failure probability
Step Size Effect on Convergence of the First Order Reliability Method of Structures [45.3, Issue 80, 2015, Pages 107-116]
Failure probability
Probabilistic analysis of the influence of earthquake nature and content on possibility of structural failure [50.4, Issue 101, 2021, Pages 95-106]
Modeling Land Changes forest Using by LCM in Fandoqhlo Forest Area [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 127-140]
Inelastic Displacement Ratio for Degrading SDOF Systems under the Effect of Pulse-like and Non-pulse-like Near-Fault Ground motions [53.4, Issue 113, 2024, Pages 36-52]
Far-field earthquakes
Comparison of Near-Filed and Far-Filed Earthquakes on Nonlinear Response of Concrete Gravity Dams [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 25-38]
Far-field of fault
Seismic Demand Estimation of Steel Moment Resisting Frames in Near Field of Fault [45.2, Issue 79, 2015, Pages 73-86]
Farrokhi-Qaen dam
Investigation of a modeling-based framework for optimizing the cross-section of cored earth dams [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 203-213]
FASTER model
Application of Numerical Modeling for Solution of Flow Equations and Estimation of Water Quality Pollutants in Rivers
(Case Study: Karkheh River) [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 51-60]
Fatal crashes
Prediction and Investigation of Road Traffic Accident Severity Factors using Support Vector Machine Algorithm [49.3, Issue 96, 2019, Pages 35-43]
Investigation of Different Alternatives on Municipal Solid Waste Disposal by Using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Approach (Case Study: Ramsar) [47.2, Issue 87, 2017, Pages 29-38]
The Effect of Soil Parameters on mechanical Behavior of Soil Nailed Slope [50.1, Issue 98, 2020, Pages 1-8]
SCF distribution along the weld toe in tubular X-joints reinforced with doubler plates subjected to axial loading: Study of geometrical effects and design formulation [(Articles in Press)]
Investigating the Pattern of Progressive Collapse in Double-Layer Dome Space Trusses [52.3, Issue 108, 2022, Pages 203-214]
SCFs in multi-planar tubular TT-joints of offshore jacket structures subjected to out-of plane bending (OPB) loads [(Articles in Press)]
Parametric Study and Formulation of Scfs in Axially Loaded Multi-Planar Tubular XT-Joints Reinforced with Internal Ring Stiffeners [54.1, Issue 114, 2024, Pages 152-167]
Fatigue damage
Stress Analyses and Fatigue Evaluation of Rib-to-Deck Joints Based on the Fracture Mechanics in Orthotropic Steel Decks [46.1, Issue 82, 2016, Pages 37-48]
FE analysis
Stability Analysis of Double Layer Barrel Vaults Equipped with Accordion Force Limiting Device [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 73-82]
Numerical and Experimental Study of the Interaction between Strip Contact Surfaces with New Geometry and Sandy Soils and Investigation by GEP Method [52.3, Issue 108, 2022, Pages 161-174]
FE modeling
An Investigation on the Seismic Stability of Persian Brick Arches [42.1, Issue 66, 2012, Pages 49-55]
Application of Meta Models for Simlulation of Bridge Pier Scouring in Non-Cohesive Soils [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 13-26]
Fiber-reinforced cemented sand
Constitutive Modelling of the Mechanical Behavior of Fiber-Reinforced Cemented Sand [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 1-10]
Fiber reinforced concrete
Effects of Steel and Polypropylene Fibers on Tensile Strength of FRC with the Same Base Strength [42.4, Issue 69, 2013, Pages 47-56]
Fiber reinforced concrete
Shear Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams Containing Wavy Steel Fibers [42.2, Issue 67, 2012, Pages 41-51]
Fiber-reinforcement concrete
The Impact Resistance of Steel Fiber Reinforcement Concrete under Different Curing Conditions: Experimental and Statistical Analysis [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 109-121]
Investigation into the Effects of Fibers Type on the Properties of Reactive Powder Concrete [46.4, Issue 85, 2017, Pages 89-96]
Field evaluation
Field and Laboratory Study of the Effect of Type of Emulsion Bitumen and Chip Seal Aggregate Size Applied on Roller Concrete Pavement [51.1, Issue 102, 2021, Pages 35-46]
Fifth Assessment Report
Using the MIROC-ESM Model to Investigate the Hydro-Climatic Conditions of the Small-Scale Watershed under the Impact of Climate Change [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 47-59]
Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Use of Clay Brick Waste as an Alumina-Silicate Base and Different Fillers for Geopolymer Brick Production [53.3, Issue 112, 2023, Pages 192-205]
Filling Ratio
Using of Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor Containing Kaldness Media in Treatment of Produced Water [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 41-49]
Numerical Modeling of Concrete Lining Uplift in Tabriz Plain Canal [43.4, Issue 73, 2014, Pages 21-34]
Fine grained soil
Effect of petroleum on the physical and mechanical properties of fine-grained soils of Arak Shazand refinery area [53.4, Issue 113, 2024, Pages 126-137]
Fine-grained soil
Effects of Waste Plastic Strips (PET) on Improvement of Fine-grained Soil [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 127-139]
Finite element
Effect of Wall Flexibility and Damping Ratio on Dynamic Response of Rectangular Liquid Storage Tanks [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 23-32]
Finite element
Numerical Analysis of Dynamic Response of Concrete Gravity Dam under Blast Loading in the Reservoir [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 91-104]
Finite element
Reliability-Based Optimal Design of Space Structures Using Genetic Algorithm [48.1, Issue 90, 2018, Pages 13-22]
Finite element
Pile- Tunnel Interaction in Subway Tunnels under Seismic Loads [51.3, Issue 104, 2021, Pages 149-157]
Finite element
Experimental and analytical study on ductility of steel ring filled with compressive plastic, situated in concentric bracing system [50.2, Issue 99, 2020, Pages 41-49]
Finite element
Investigation of Effect of the Middle Link Beam Construction Imperfection on the Behavior of Connection in Steel Moment Frames [52.3, Issue 108, 2022, Pages 9-20]
Finite element
Bearing Capacity Factor Nc of Strip Footings on a Single Layer, using Integrated Limit Analysis with Finite Element [53.2, Issue 111, 2023, Pages 147-156]
Finite element
Effect of Dimensions and Shape of Clay Core Section of Earth Dams on Reliability Coefficient of Hydraulic Failure [54.1, Issue 114, 2024, Pages 201-210]
Finite element
Investigating the effect of local separation of rebar from concrete on the performance of reinforced concrete shear walls using the nonlinear finite element method [(Articles in Press)]
Finite Element Analysis
Experimental and Finite Element Investigations of FRP Stirrups Effects on Cyclic Behavior of Concrete Joints [43.2, Issue 71, 2013, Pages 11-23]
Finite Element Analysis
Introducing of a Typical Beam-to-Column Connection and Comparison of Its Behavior with Conventional Connections [48.2, Issue 91, 2018, Pages 1-15]
Finite Element Analysis
Stability Analysis of Transmission Lines under Simultaneous Ice-Shedding and Wind Loads [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 101-110]
Finite Element Analysis
Numerical Analysis of Plastic Hinge Regions in RC Deep Beams under Concentrated and Distributed Loads [53.2, Issue 111, 2023, Pages 168-178]
Finite Element Analysis
Investigation into the Effect of Residual Stresses on the Performance of Corrugated Trapezoidal Steel Shear Panels [54.2, Issue 115, 2024, Pages 1-12]
Finite Element modeling
Evaluation of Lateral Loads Effect on Micropile Groups [49.2, Issue 95, 2019, Pages 23-34]
Finite Element modeling
Finite Element Modelling of Smart Adaptive Composite Beam [52.3, Issue 108, 2022, Pages 185-193]
Finite Element modeling
Analytical modeling of rehabilitated beam-column connections with non-seismic details using joint enlargement and post-tensioned [(Articles in Press)]
Finite Elements
Modification of Equivalent Acceleration Relation of Horizontal and Vertical Earthquakes in Ground Elliptical Tanks [53.4, Issue 113, 2024, Pages 216-231]
Finite elements method
Nonlinear Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Deep Beams with Finite Elements Method [45.3, Issue 80, 2015, Pages 41-49]
Finite-step size
Step Size Effect on Convergence of the First Order Reliability Method of Structures [45.3, Issue 80, 2015, Pages 107-116]
Finite volume
Estimation of Up-Lift Force on Hydraulic Structures in Non-Darcian Conditions [42.2, Issue 67, 2012, Pages 77-83]
Finite volume method
Investigation into Effect of Burial Depth of Offshore Pipelines in Tandem Position on Flow Separation Using the Experimental and Numerical Models [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 1-13]
Fire following earthquake
Fire Following Earthquake Hazard Analysis of Gas Pipeline Using Monte Carlo Simulation (Case Study: District No. 20 of Tehran Metropolitan) [45.4, Issue 81, 2016, Pages 69-80]
Fire resistance
Fabrication of Flooring Panels Using Recycled Paper De-inking Solid Waste [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 77-83]
Fire resistance
Fire Resistance of Stiffened Circular Concrete-Filled Steel Tubular (CFT) Columns [43.2, Issue 71, 2013, Pages 24-37]
Firm and second energy
Development of Reservoir Hydropower Generation Modelling by a New Approach [46.3, Issue 84, 2016, Pages 89-99]
First-order reliability method
Step Size Effect on Convergence of the First Order Reliability Method of Structures [45.3, Issue 80, 2015, Pages 107-116]
Fish resting zone
Determining the Effective of Resting Pool Area in Vertical Slot Fishways Type 1 to Pass Chinook Salmon [48.4, Issue 93, 2019, Pages 1-12]
Fish swimming performance
Determining the Effective of Resting Pool Area in Vertical Slot Fishways Type 1 to Pass Chinook Salmon [48.4, Issue 93, 2019, Pages 1-12]
Assessment of the Effect of Pre-stressing Steel Strut on Displacement of the Diaphragm Wall and the Soil [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 23-31]
Numerical Study of Earthdams after Construction and First Impounding (Case Study of Doyraj EarthDam) [52.1, Issue 106, 2022, Pages 227-234]
Numerical Examination of Stone Column for Liquefaction Diminution Potential [49.2, Issue 95, 2019, Pages 119-129]
Investigation of Tunnel Face Support Pressure Effects on the Aqueduct Using Numerical Modeling (Case Study Tabriz Metro Line 2) [53.4, Issue 113, 2024, Pages 65-74]
Flac3D software
Evaluation of the Material Permeability Ratio of Earthen Dam with Clay Core Using By 3D Seepage Modelling (Case Study: Sattarkhan Dam) [53.4, Issue 113, 2024, Pages 152-163]
Flexural bahaviour
The Effect of Active Confinement and shear key Elements on the Flexural Behavior of Concrete Filled Steel Tube (CFST) [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 47-60]
Flexural Behavior
Experimental Strengthening of Deficient RC Beams with Advanced HPFRCC Composite Layers Reinforced with PP Fibers [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 45-55]
Cyclic Behavior of Hybrid Honeycomb-and-Flexural Yielding Dampers in Chevron CBFs [54.2, Issue 115, 2024, Pages 13-24]
Flexural strength
Investigation into the Effects of Fibers Type on the Properties of Reactive Powder Concrete [46.4, Issue 85, 2017, Pages 89-96]
Flexural strength
Introducing an efficient repair mortar containing silica fume and combined fibers in terms of compressive and flexural strengths [(Articles in Press)]
Fling step
Inelastic Displacement Ratio for Degrading SDOF Systems under the Effect of Pulse-like and Non-pulse-like Near-Fault Ground motions [53.4, Issue 113, 2024, Pages 36-52]
Floating Debris
Analyses of Slenderness Coefficient Effect of Floating Wood on CPK Weir Blockage in individual Test System [49.4, Issue 97, 2020, Pages 47-58]
Floating Structures
Dynamic Response of a Floating Transverse Beam due to Slamming with Considering Wagner Theory [(Articles in Press)]
Floating wave barrier
Effects of Floating Wave Barriers with Square Cross Sections on the Wave-induced Forces Exerted to an Offshore Jacket Structure [51.3, Issue 104, 2021, Pages 1-10]
Evaluation of Success in Microbial Bio-Improvement of Motor Oil Contaminated Sandy Soils [52.1, Issue 106, 2022, Pages 41-53]
Investigation of Flood Effects on Morphological Changes Using Series of Satellite Pictures (Case study Bazoft River) [52.1, Issue 106, 2022, Pages 131-142]
Simulating the effect of river dredging on the extent, depth, and risk of flooding using the HEC-RAS (2D) model in areas with a low slope (case study: Agh-ghala city) [(Articles in Press)]
Flood forecasting
Flood Forecasting via Daily Scale Standardized Precipitation Index [48.2, Issue 91, 2018, Pages 27-35]
Flooring panels
Fabrication of Flooring Panels Using Recycled Paper De-inking Solid Waste [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 77-83]
Numerical Investigation of Block Form Effect in Amount of Dissipated Energy of Baffled Apron Spillway Drop by Flow3D [54.1, Issue 114, 2024, Pages 56-62]
Flow-3D model
Investigation of Free Flow under the Radial Gate with the Sill [50.3, Issue 100, 2020, Pages 9-19]
Flow-3D software
A Numerical Study on the Impact of Geometric and Hydraulic Parameters on Hydraulic Sedimentation in Storage Dam Reservoirs [54.2, Issue 115, 2024, Pages 53-71]
Flow filed
Investigation of Changing the Width of Flood Plains and Discharges on Secondary Flow in Prismatic Compound Channel [45.2, Issue 79, 2015, Pages 47-58]
Flow Hydraulic
Study of Flow Hydraulics in Expansive Gradual Transitions Open Channels [49.2, Issue 95, 2019, Pages 1-11]
Flow hydrodynamics
The Investigation of Hydrodynamic Characteristics of a Lab Scale Anaerobic Baffled Reactor [46.1, Issue 82, 2016, Pages 85-91]
Numerical Examination of the Relative Effect of the Channel Width in the Intakes on the Velocity Distribution Curves in the Flow Deviation Location [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 93-102]
Flow pattern
Investigation into Effect of Burial Depth of Offshore Pipelines in Tandem Position on Flow Separation Using the Experimental and Numerical Models [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 1-13]
Flow pattern
Comparison and Simulation of Flow Pattern in a 90 Degree Mild Bend Using CCHE2D and SRH-2D Models [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 11-19]
Flow pattern
The Effect of the an Air-bubble Screen on Flow Pattern and Secondary Flow Strength and Bed Shear Stress in a 90 Degree Mild Bend [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 215-224]
Flow separation zone
Study of Flow Hydraulics in Expansive Gradual Transitions Open Channels [49.2, Issue 95, 2019, Pages 1-11]
Flow velocity
Evaluation Effect of Changing the Sill Geometries and Positions on Discharge Coefficient of Vertical Sluice Gate [53.3, Issue 112, 2023, Pages 117-127]
3D Numerical Studying into Combined Models of Pier Shape and Slot in Reducing the Bed Shear Stresses Starter of Scouring around the Bridge Pier [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 39-50]
FLUENT software
Numerical 2D Vertical Simulation of Wave Propagation Due to Dam Break [44.3, Issue 76, 2014, Pages 47-59]
FLUENT software
Investigating into the Temporal Hydrodynamic Forces Exerted on Offshore Piggyback Pipelines due to Steady Currents [53.4, Issue 113, 2024, Pages 112-125]
Fluidized bed crystallization
Determine the Optimal ZLD Process for Reuse of Reverse Osmosis Effluent [46.3, Issue 84, 2016, Pages 63-74]
Fluid-structure interaction
Foundation Flexibility Effect on Dynamic Response of Concrete Gravity Dams under Correlated Translational and Rotational Components of Ground Motion [44.3, Issue 76, 2014, Pages 99-111]
Removal of Fluoride from Water Using an Activated Alumina Modified with Iron Compounds [43.4, Issue 73, 2014, Pages 13-20]
Flux-wave approach
Applying High-Resolution Wave Propagation Method in Numerical Modeling of Macroscopic Traffic Flow based on Driver Physiological-Psychological Behavior [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 1-12]
Fly Ash
Evaluation of Interaction Process of Fly Ash and Clayey Soils with High Plasticity Index from Micro- Structural Point of View [49.4, Issue 97, 2020, Pages 1-14]
Fly Ash
Prediction of the Mechanical Properties of Lightweight Basalt Fiber Reinforced Concrete Containing Silica Fume and Fly Ash with an Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy inference system (AFNIS) [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 75-89]
Focal Mechanism
Seismic Hazard Assessment for the NTF by Slip Tendency Analysis based on the Regional Stress Extracted from the Focal Mechanism of Earthquakes and GPS Observables [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 111-126]
Force density method
Investigation into the Collapse Behavior of a Cable Dome with Hybrid Form and Improvement of the behavior with Force Limiting Devices [53.2, Issue 111, 2023, Pages 1-16]
Force limiting device
Investigation into the Collapse Behavior of a Cable Dome with Hybrid Form and Improvement of the behavior with Force Limiting Devices [53.2, Issue 111, 2023, Pages 1-16]
Force modification factor
Effect of Centralized and Distributed Opening on the Behavioral
Parameters of Stiffened Steel Shear Panels [45.3, Issue 80, 2015, Pages 97-105]
Forecasting Concentrations of Gaseous Air Pollutants Using Artificial Neural Networks in Tabriz [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 87-94]
Comparison of MBBR and SBAR in Treating Toxic Formaldehyde Wastewater [44.1, Issue 74, 2014, Pages 99-106]
Forward directivity
Seismic Demand Estimation of Steel Moment Resisting Frames in Near Field of Fault [45.2, Issue 79, 2015, Pages 73-86]
Forward directivity
Inelastic Displacement Ratio for Degrading SDOF Systems under the Effect of Pulse-like and Non-pulse-like Near-Fault Ground motions [53.4, Issue 113, 2024, Pages 36-52]
Foundation boundary condition
The Effects of In-Situ Stresses, Discontinuities and Appropriate Rock Foundation Boundary Conditions in the Analysis of Concrete Arch Dams [42.4, Issue 69, 2013, Pages 1-14]
Foundation input motion
The influence of volumetric inclined waves propagation on the kinematic response of rigid strip footings resting on a semi-infinite soil mass using boundary element method [(Articles in Press)]
Foundation seepage control
A Simple Method to Calculate Seepage from the Foundation of Earth Dam with Combination of Cut off Wall and Blanket [44.2, Issue 75, 2014, Pages 87-93]
Foundation settlement
Numerical assessment of behavior of soil-nailed wall [(Articles in Press)]
Foundation structure interaction
Dynamic Interaction Analysis between the Spillway and Foundation of Shirvan-Barzu Dam Using BEM [42.2, Issue 67, 2012, Pages 1-14]
Fractal dimension
Phase Space Reconstruction and Fractal Dimension Using of Delay Time and Embedding Dimension [43.1, Issue 70, 2013, Pages 15-21]
Fractal theory
Extraction of Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves Using Fractal Theory and Evaluation of Climate Change on it (Case Study: Bushehr) [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 103-113]
Fraction of irrigation
Estimation of Natural Groundwater Recharge using WTF Method (Case Study: Ardabil Plain Aquifer) [48.1, Issue 90, 2018, Pages 43-52]
Fraction of irrigation
Estimation of Natural Recharge of Ardabil Aquifer Using CRD Method [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 115-124]
Fraction of rainfall
Estimation of Natural Groundwater Recharge using WTF Method (Case Study: Ardabil Plain Aquifer) [48.1, Issue 90, 2018, Pages 43-52]
Fraction of rainfall
Estimation of Natural Recharge of Ardabil Aquifer Using CRD Method [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 115-124]
Fracture mechanics
Investigation of the Effect of Bond-Slip on Cracking of RC Beams Utilizing Lattice Models [44.3, Issue 76, 2014, Pages 27-37]
Fracture mechanics
Estimating Fracture Eenergy of Concrete Using Artificial Neural Networks [42.1, Issue 66, 2012, Pages 1-8]
Fragility curve
Developing Fragility Curves for Precast Concrete Structures [46.3, Issue 84, 2016, Pages 51-61]
Fragility curves
Tunnel Form as an Ideal System for RC Constructions under Multiple Earthquakes [47.4, Issue 89, 2018, Pages 61-74]
Frame structure
Analytical Modeling of Precast Concrete Grouted Beam- column Joints under Cyclic Load [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 131-140]
Frame structures
Scaled Charged System Search Algorithm for Optimum Design of Steel Frames [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 81-90]
Frame structures
Dynamic Relaxation Method for Calculating Buckling Load of Frames [49.3, Issue 96, 2019, Pages 65-74]
Free flow
Investigation of Free Flow under the Radial Gate with the Sill [50.3, Issue 100, 2020, Pages 9-19]
Free form
Double Domes Free Form Space Structures: Stability Behavior and Imperfection Sensitivity Analysis [45.4, Issue 81, 2016, Pages 81-95]
Investigation into the Stability Behavior of Single-Layer Triple Domes Free-Form Reticulated Space Structure (Triangular Novation) [52.2, Issue 107, 2022, Pages 151-161]
Free surface flow
Comparison of Different Structures of a Proposed Equivalent Pipe Network Model for Analysis of 2D Nonlinear Flow through Isotropic Coarse Porous Media [46.4, Issue 85, 2017, Pages 1-13]
Freeze and thaw cycle
Experimental Study on Effect of Freeze and Thaw Cycles (FTC) on Creep Settlement of Silty Soil [48.2, Issue 91, 2018, Pages 81-91]
Freeze and thaw cycles
Investigation of Nano-silica Effect on Compressive Strength of Concrete Containing Glass Fiber Subjected to Freeze and Thaw Cycles [45.2, Issue 79, 2015, Pages 87-95]
Investigation of the Effects of Freeze-Thaw Cycles on the Deformation Parameters of Biologically Stabilized Sand [53.4, Issue 113, 2024, Pages 13-23]
Finite Element Model Updating of Damaged Concrete Beams Reinforced with GFRP Bars Using Modal Test Data [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 65-77]
Investigating the Effect of Saturated Sand Layer Thickness on the Performance of Deep Soil Mixing Columns and Gravel Columns in Reducing Risks Caused By Liquefaction [54.1, Issue 114, 2024, Pages 99-114]
Frequency domain
Dynamic Interaction Analysis between the Spillway and Foundation of Shirvan-Barzu Dam Using BEM [42.2, Issue 67, 2012, Pages 1-14]
Frequency domain
Modal Identification of an Arch Dam Using Combined Frequency Domain Decomposition and Wavelet Transform Method [46.3, Issue 84, 2016, Pages 17-29]
Frequency domain
Developing a New Semi- Analytical Method for Solving Elastodynamic Problems in the Frequency Domain [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 21-28]
Frequency response function
Developing a Robust Damage Detection Method for Offshore Jacket Platform Using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm [46.4, Issue 85, 2017, Pages 37-49]
Fresh concrete
The Effect of Active Confinement and shear key Elements on the Flexural Behavior of Concrete Filled Steel Tube (CFST) [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 47-60]
Frictional resistance
Evaluation of the Frictional Behavior of Pile in Sandy Soil Using
Loading Test [46.3, Issue 84, 2016, Pages 39-50]
Friction Angle
Investigation of the Effect of Chips Orientation on the Shear Strength of Sand-Rubber Chips Mixture [54.1, Issue 114, 2024, Pages 131-141]
Friction damper
Determination of Slip Load of Friction Dampers Based on Target Ductility in Different Stories of Building Frames [45.2, Issue 79, 2015, Pages 1-11]
Friction damper
Evaluation of the Structural Behavior of a Novel Self-Centering Beam-Column Connection with Friction Damper In Comparison To Existing Connections [53.3, Issue 112, 2023, Pages 215-224]
Friction pendulum system
Dynamic Behavior Evaluation of FPS Isolated Liquid Storage Tanks Subjected to Pulse-like Excitations [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 51-61]
Elephant Foot Buckling and Retrofitting of Steel Thin Walled Cylindrical Shells Using FRP Composite Materials [45.4, Issue 81, 2016, Pages 107-117]
Numerical Analysis of Reinforced Exterior Concrete Beam-Column Joints Retrofitted Using FRP under Cyclic Loads [52.1, Issue 106, 2022, Pages 169-183]
FRP bars
Splice length in Concrete Beams Reinforced with FRP Bars [44.1, Issue 74, 2014, Pages 41-54]
FRP stirrup
Experimental and Finite Element Investigations of FRP Stirrups Effects on Cyclic Behavior of Concrete Joints [43.2, Issue 71, 2013, Pages 11-23]
FRP wraps
Investigation of the Performance of CFRP and GFRP Wraps on Improving the Nonlinear Static Behavior of Tubular X-Joints [53.2, Issue 111, 2023, Pages 189-200]
Full depth reclamation (FDR)
Modeling of Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) of Full-Depth Reclaimed Base Materials Stabilized with Portland Cement Using Evolutionary Polynomial Regression [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 171-184]
Functionally graded materials
Thermo-elastic Analysis of the Rotating Functionally Graded Truncated Conical shells Using Differential Quadrature Method [49.4, Issue 97, 2020, Pages 117-129]
Functionally graded materials
Analysis of Longitudinal Wave Propagation in Functionally Graded Materials (FGMs) Using Wave Element Method [(Articles in Press)]
Supervised Intelligent Committee Machine Method for Groundwater Level Prediction [46.3, Issue 84, 2016, Pages 101-112]
Application of Fuzzy Logic and Wavelet Transform In Estimation of Ground Water Level Using ENSO Indexes [50.1, Issue 98, 2020, Pages 9-19]
Fuzzy clustering
The Study of the Liquefaction Probability and Estimation of the Relative Importance of Effective Parameters Using Fuzzy Clustering and Genetic Programming [47.4, Issue 89, 2018, Pages 37-46]
Fuzzy inference
Fuzzy Wastewater Quality Index (FWWQI) for Environmental Quality Assessment of Industrial Wastewater, a Case Study for South Pars Special Economic and Energy Zone [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 153-160]
Fuzzy inference systems
Investigation of Effects of the Geometry on Rate of Energy Dissipation of the Flow over the Stepped Spillway using Fuzzy Inference Systems [45.3, Issue 80, 2015, Pages 25-39]
Fuzzy logic
Effect of Fuzziness in Layer Boundaries on the Bearing Capacity of Footing on Two-layered Clays [48.4, Issue 93, 2019, Pages 13-23]
Fuzzy logic
Controlling and Optimizing Vehicular Emissions and Fuel Consumption in Urban Intersections by Fuzzy Intelligent Controller [50.3, Issue 100, 2020, Pages 21-35]
Fuzzy reliability
Calculation of Fuzzy Structural Reliability Index Using α-level Optimization Technique [43.4, Issue 73, 2014, Pages 1-12]
Fuzzy Takagi-Sugeno
Spatial Distribution of The Carbon Monoxid Using Common and Modern Interpolation Methods (Case study of Tehran) [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 141-152]
FVIKOR method
Developing Multiple Criteria Decision-Making Model based on the Best-Worst-VIKOR Method for Evaluation of Civil Projects Contractors; Case Study of Civil Projects in Southern Khorasan Province [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 11-22]
Gabion groin
Estimation of the Drag Coefficient of Gabion Groin with Different Porosities Using a Measurement of Experimental Flow Field and Solution of Navier- Stokes Equations [51.3, Issue 104, 2021, Pages 159-169]
GAIA analysis
Evaluating and Prioritizing the Risks of Water and Wastewater Projects with a Hybrid Approach Using PROMETHEE Multi-Criteria Decision-Making and GAIA [(Articles in Press)]
TabrizThe Impact of Water Level Changes in Dam Reservoir and the Use of Vertical Drainage Systems on the Sliding Potential of Landslides [46.4, Issue 85, 2017, Pages 99-109]
Gas network
Fire Following Earthquake Hazard Analysis of Gas Pipeline Using Monte Carlo Simulation (Case Study: District No. 20 of Tehran Metropolitan) [45.4, Issue 81, 2016, Pages 69-80]
Gas oil
Effect of Oil- Contamination on Shear Strength Parameters of Grain Soils with Emphasis on the Effect of Dimensions of Direct Shear Test Box [50.1, Issue 98, 2020, Pages 107-118]
Gas oil
Influence of Gas Oil Contamination on Geotechnical Properties of Clayey Sand [52.1, Issue 106, 2022, Pages 217-226]
Gas Station
Study of the Emission of Volatile Organic Compounds from Gas Station in Tabriz City [52.3, Issue 108, 2022, Pages 77-92]
Gas-supply projects
Developing Multiple Criteria Decision-Making Model based on the Best-Worst-VIKOR Method for Evaluation of Civil Projects Contractors; Case Study of Civil Projects in Southern Khorasan Province [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 11-22]
Gaussian process regression
Investigating the Performance of Kstar and GPR Algorithms in Modeling RDI Meteorological Drought Index (Case Study: East of Urmia Lake Basin) [54.1, Issue 114, 2024, Pages 142-151]
Gaussian process regression (GPR)
Modeling and predicting the rate of scour depth below pipelines using kernel-based methods for steady flows [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 1-12]
Gaussian process regression (GPR)
Modeling and Predicting the Rate of Scour Depth below Pipelines in Waves Using Gaussian Process Regression (GPR) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) Methods [53.3, Issue 112, 2023, Pages 1-9]
Gaussian-Shaped Valley
Amplification Pattern of Orthotropic Gaussian-Shaped Valley [(Articles in Press)]
Assessment of the GBU-28 bomb penetration into the rocks with RMR> 90 [51.3, Issue 104, 2021, Pages 125-135]
Effect of Temperature on the Hydraulic Conductivity of Compacted Clayey Soil and Geosynthetic Clay Liner (GCL) [52.2, Issue 107, 2022, Pages 121-128]
Gene expression programming
The Efficiency of Gene Expression Programming Method to Estimate the Scour Depth in Cohesive and Non-Cohesive Soil Beds at the Bridge Piers [44.2, Issue 75, 2014, Pages 21-33]
Gene expression programming
Use of Soft Calculations at Estimation and Prediction of Environmental Flow Discharge (Case Study: Khorkhoreh Chay River) [47.3, Issue 88, 2017, Pages 9-22]
Genetic expression programming
Experimental Simulation of Water Level Fluctuations using the Genetic Expression Programming (GEP) [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 69-75]
Geodynamic Network
Determination of Appropriate Geodetic Observational regions to Monitor the Mechanical behavior of NTF by Sensitivity Analysis of Okada Model Using HDMR Method [52.1, Issue 106, 2022, Pages 67-80]
Geo-Environmental Properties
Impact of pH Variations of Kaolinite upon Some of its Geotechnical and Geo- Environmental Properties [51.3, Issue 104, 2021, Pages 11-17]
Static and Pseudo Static Stability Analysis of Soil Slope Reinforced by Geo-Fabric [43.4, Issue 73, 2014, Pages 87-97]
Geographic Information System (GIS)
Two-Dimensional Simulation of Sediment Transport Prediction in Dam Reservoirs Using the Combination of a Numerical Model and GIS
(Case Study: Aydoghmoosh Dam Reservoir) [42.4, Issue 69, 2013, Pages 59-65]
Geographic Information System (GIS)
Two-Dimensional Simulation of Sediment Transport Prediction in Dam Reservoirs Using the Combination of a Numerical Model and GIS
(Case Study: Aydoghmoosh Dam Reservoir) [42.4, Issue 69, 2013, Pages 67-74]
Evaluation of the Effects of Reinforced or Stabilized Coarse Surface Layer on Bearing Capacity of Soft Clays [49.3, Issue 96, 2019, Pages 97-106]
Experimental evaluation of the behavior of geogrid-reinforced sand placed on top of twin holes [(Articles in Press)]
Geogrid reinforcement
Investigation of Loose Sandy Soil Improvement with Granular Blanket and Stone Column in a Unit Cell [53.4, Issue 113, 2024, Pages 191-205]
Geometric imperfection
Study on Buckling Behavior of Cylindrical Steel Tanks Subjected to Oblique Body Imperfection under Uniform External Pressure [50.1, Issue 98, 2020, Pages 21-32]
Geometric imperfection
Investigation into the Stability Behavior of Single-Layer Triple Domes Free-Form Reticulated Space Structure (Triangular Novation) [52.2, Issue 107, 2022, Pages 151-161]
Geometric imperfection
Investigating geometric imperfection effects on failure of steel angles under compressive force in power transmission line lattice towers [(Articles in Press)]
Geometric parameter
Investigation on the Buckling Behavior of GFRP Thin-walled Cylindrical Shells under External Pressure [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 69-79]
Movement on Surface of Soil and Lateral Capacity of Single Pile Group for Long and Short Pile [47.2, Issue 87, 2017, Pages 11-20]
Geopolymer Concrete
Evaluation of Impact Strength of Heated Slag Geopolymer Concrete [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 87-101]
Improvement of Tabriz Green Marl Using Alkaline Activated Zeolite and Metaclay [53.4, Issue 113, 2024, Pages 24-35]
Spatial Estimation of Soil Hydraulic Conductivity Using Multivariate Geostatistical Model
Case Study: Tabriz Subway Domain [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 79-88]
Numerical Study of Earthdams after Construction and First Impounding (Case Study of Doyraj EarthDam) [52.1, Issue 106, 2022, Pages 227-234]
Probably Contamination Seepage Through Abutment of the Tailing Dam of Sungun Cu-Mo Mine Using of Geotechnical Characteristics and Groundwater Hydrogeochemical Evidences [47.3, Issue 88, 2017, Pages 105-113]
Evaluation of Efficiency of SDS and Tween 20 Surfactants on Refining of Diesel Contaminated Clay Using Electrokinetic Process and Determination of Compressive Strength of Clay after Removal of Contaminant [53.4, Issue 113, 2024, Pages 179-190]
Geotechnical centrifuge
Investigation of Tunnel Deformation in Sandy Ground with Clay Inclined Layers using Geotechnical Centrifuge [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 63-69]
Geotechnical Properties
Impact of pH Variations of Kaolinite upon Some of its Geotechnical and Geo- Environmental Properties [51.3, Issue 104, 2021, Pages 11-17]
Geotechnical Properties
Microstructural Examination of Effects of Organic Crude Oil Pollutant on the Geotechnical Properties and Geo-Environmental of Marl Soil of Mishan Formation [54.1, Issue 114, 2024, Pages 1-12]
Geotechnical properties of sand
Prediction of properties of sand mixture with HDPE by MLR, EPR and Stepwise models [(Articles in Press)]
Numerical Evaluation of Sample Size Effect on the Behavior of Undrained Geotextile-Reinforced Cohesive Soil [52.3, Issue 108, 2022, Pages 215-223]
Experimental Evaluation of Application of Demolition Waste Material to Improve the Interface Parameters of Geotextile and Sand [54.1, Issue 114, 2024, Pages 13-21]
Evaluation of the Effects of Reinforced or Stabilized Coarse Surface Layer on Bearing Capacity of Soft Clays [49.3, Issue 96, 2019, Pages 97-106]
GEP Method
Numerical and Experimental Study of the Interaction between Strip Contact Surfaces with New Geometry and Sandy Soils and Investigation by GEP Method [52.3, Issue 108, 2022, Pages 161-174]
GFRP bars
Finite Element Model Updating of Damaged Concrete Beams Reinforced with GFRP Bars Using Modal Test Data [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 65-77]
GFRP materials
Investigation on the Buckling Behavior of GFRP Thin-walled Cylindrical Shells under External Pressure [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 69-79]
The Effect of Length and Width Density on Traffic Air Pollution Using GIS [44.2, Issue 75, 2014, Pages 69-79]
The Investigation of Groundwater Reducing and Geotechnical Parameters of Soil Impacts on Land-Subsidence by GIS (Case Study: Tabriz City) [52.1, Issue 106, 2022, Pages 185-201]
An Application of GIS Spatial Analysis and Decision Making Systems for Modelling and Predicating of Urban Water Consuming Pattern in Tabriz [53.2, Issue 111, 2023, Pages 180-188]
Analysis of Flood Potential and Runoff Production of Shahid Rajaei Sari Dam Watershed Based On GIS and Remote Sensing Approach [53.4, Issue 113, 2024, Pages 100-111]
Glass fiber
Investigation of Nano-silica Effect on Compressive Strength of Concrete Containing Glass Fiber Subjected to Freeze and Thaw Cycles [45.2, Issue 79, 2015, Pages 87-95]
Global Warming
Extraction of Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves Using Fractal Theory and Evaluation of Climate Change on it (Case Study: Bushehr) [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 103-113]
Golak dam
System Dynamics Modeling of Dam and Groundwater for Optimal Water Management (Case study: Golak Dam) [44.1, Issue 74, 2014, Pages 1-12]
Goodness-of-fit test
Derivation of the Probability Density Functions for the Local Joint Flexibility Factors in Axially Loaded Two-Planar Tubular DK-Joints of Offshore Structures [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 161-174]
Simulating the effect of river dredging on the extent, depth, and risk of flooding using the HEC-RAS (2D) model in areas with a low slope (case study: Agh-ghala city) [(Articles in Press)]
GPR Profile
Geotechnical Investigations to Detect Basement Defects at Imam Mosque in Isfahan using Ground- Penetrating Radar [50.1, Issue 98, 2020, Pages 95-105]
Seismic Hazard Assessment for the NTF by Slip Tendency Analysis based on the Regional Stress Extracted from the Focal Mechanism of Earthquakes and GPS Observables [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 111-126]
Studying the Effect of Gradation and Macro Texture Generating by the Method of Gravel Distribution, on the Skid Resistance of the Concrete Pavements [43.4, Issue 73, 2014, Pages 69-78]
Grade-separated intersections
Traffic Impact Assessment of Urban Grade-Separated Intersections on the Adjacent Street Network [43.1, Issue 70, 2013, Pages 41-49]
Granular blanket
Investigation of Loose Sandy Soil Improvement with Granular Blanket and Stone Column in a Unit Cell [53.4, Issue 113, 2024, Pages 191-205]
Granular embankment
Study of the Effects of Particle Size on the Pre-Seismic Behavior of Physical Models of Dry Granular Soils [53.4, Issue 113, 2024, Pages 85-99]
Graphene electrode
Optimization of Photo-electrochemical Hybrid Process with Polyurethane/Titanium Dioxide-Graphene Electrodes in the Presence of Ozone gas in Landfill treatment [(Articles in Press)]
Graphic Static
Modeling and Static Analysis of Two-Dimensional Linear Trusses using Graphic Static Method [53.3, Issue 112, 2023, Pages 69-82]
Modeling and Static Analysis of Two-Dimensional Linear Trusses using Graphic Static Method [53.3, Issue 112, 2023, Pages 69-82]
Gravel distribution
Studying the Effect of Gradation and Macro Texture Generating by the Method of Gravel Distribution, on the Skid Resistance of the Concrete Pavements [43.4, Issue 73, 2014, Pages 69-78]
Gravel drain fatigue
Investigating the Effect of Saturated Sand Layer Thickness on the Performance of Deep Soil Mixing Columns and Gravel Columns in Reducing Risks Caused By Liquefaction [54.1, Issue 114, 2024, Pages 99-114]
Gravity dam
Numerical Analysis of Dynamic Response of Concrete Gravity Dam under Blast Loading in the Reservoir [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 91-104]
Gravity dam
Boundary Element Formulation for Computing Hydrodynamic Pressure on Concrete Gravity Dams: Influence of Reservoir Shape and Bottom Sediment Absorption [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 51-59]
Gravity load
The Experimental Examination of Gravity Load Effect on Cyclic Behavior of Steel-moment Resisting Frames [52.3, Issue 108, 2022, Pages 151-159]
Green building
Criteria Evaluation of Major Green Building Rating Systems in Use around the World and Suggestion to Form Iran's Rating Standard [47.4, Issue 89, 2018, Pages 47-60]
Green concrete
Investigating the Effect of Copper Mine Tailing on the Stress-Strain Behavior of Confined Concrete [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 11-19]
Green concrete
Experimental study on properties and resistance of local mineral pozzolanic concrete against fire and evaluation of its ability to reduce CO2 emissions [54.1, Issue 114, 2024, Pages 211-224]
Green Space Pattern
Numerical Simulation of the CO2 Emission in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Environment around the Iranian Aluminum Company and the Presentation of the Most Appropriate Green Space Pattern [48.1, Issue 90, 2018, Pages 53-65]
Griffiths Criterion
A Failure Criterion for Weak Cemented Soils [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 13-21]
Application of Meta Models for Simlulation of Bridge Pier Scouring in Non-Cohesive Soils [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 13-26]
Ground Lateral displacement
Investigating the effectiveness of factors affecting lateral displacement and surface uplift during tunneling operation using slurry pipe jacking method [(Articles in Press)]
Ground motion
Investigation on the Components of 2012 Twin Earthquakes of Azerbaijan along Principal Directions [43.4, Issue 73, 2014, Pages 47-56]
Ground-penetrating radar (GPR)
Geotechnical Investigations to Detect Basement Defects at Imam Mosque in Isfahan using Ground- Penetrating Radar [50.1, Issue 98, 2020, Pages 95-105]
Ground surface settlement
Estimation of Maximum Ground Surface Settlement due to Tunneling with Artificial Neural Network and Wave-net Network [42.4, Issue 69, 2013, Pages 35-46]
System Dynamics Modeling of Dam and Groundwater for Optimal Water Management (Case study: Golak Dam) [44.1, Issue 74, 2014, Pages 1-12]
Probably Contamination Seepage Through Abutment of the Tailing Dam of Sungun Cu-Mo Mine Using of Geotechnical Characteristics and Groundwater Hydrogeochemical Evidences [47.3, Issue 88, 2017, Pages 105-113]
Modeling the Effect of Consumption Pattern on Per Capita of Urban Water with System Thinking (Case Study: City of Birjand) [52.1, Issue 106, 2022, Pages 55-66]
Ground water level
Application of Fuzzy Logic and Wavelet Transform In Estimation of Ground Water Level Using ENSO Indexes [50.1, Issue 98, 2020, Pages 9-19]
Groundwater level
Modeling of Groundwater Level using ANN–Wavelet Hybrid Model
(Case Study: Sharif Abad Plain) [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 51-63]
Groundwater level
Supervised Intelligent Committee Machine Method for Groundwater Level Prediction [46.3, Issue 84, 2016, Pages 101-112]
Groundwater level reduction
The Investigation of Groundwater Reducing and Geotechnical Parameters of Soil Impacts on Land-Subsidence by GIS (Case Study: Tabriz City) [52.1, Issue 106, 2022, Pages 185-201]
Gusset plate
Studying the Behavior of Central Gusset Plate Connections on Inverted V-Braces [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 95-106]
Gypsum and anhydrite
Investigation of the Effect of Different Factors on The Dissolution Rate and Single-Site Compressive Strength of Gypsum- Containing Materials (Case study: Marash Zanjan Dam) [53.3, Issue 112, 2023, Pages 206-214]
Half cell
Study of Corrosion in Reinforced Concretes with Different Water to Cement Ratios at Splash zone [43.1, Issue 70, 2013, Pages 63-69]
Half cell
Study of Corrosion in Reinforced Concretes with Different Water to Cement Ratios at Splash zone [42.1, Issue 66, 2012, Pages 57-63]
Hazard analysis
Fire Following Earthquake Hazard Analysis of Gas Pipeline Using Monte Carlo Simulation (Case Study: District No. 20 of Tehran Metropolitan) [45.4, Issue 81, 2016, Pages 69-80]
Hazen Williams Coefficients
Performance Analysis of PSO Algorithm for Setting the Hazen Williams Coefficients of Water Distribution Network Models [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 141-152]
H_∞ control
Robust Analysis of the Designed Controller Based on the Critically Damped Condition [54.2, Issue 115, 2024, Pages 35-51]
Prediction of properties of sand mixture with HDPE by MLR, EPR and Stepwise models [(Articles in Press)]
Heat conduction
Numerical Evaluation of Concrete Behavior under Fire Condition [50.4, Issue 101, 2021, Pages 45-60]
Heating Rate
Evaluation Spalling Phenomenon Due to Elevated Temperature Effect on High Strength Concrete Segments [(Articles in Press)]
Heat transfer
Fire Resistance of Stiffened Circular Concrete-Filled Steel Tubular (CFT) Columns [43.2, Issue 71, 2013, Pages 24-37]
Heat-treated beam section
Numerical Investigation on Seismic Behavior of Novel Moment Connections with Heat-Treated Beam Sections [51.1, Issue 102, 2021, Pages 1-13]
Heavy metal contaminant
The Comparison of Plastic and Permeability Behavior of Bentonite in the Presence of Organic and Heavy Metal Contaminants [46.4, Issue 85, 2017, Pages 25-36]
Heavy metal contaminant
Impact of Temperature and Type of Clay Double Layer Cation on Adsorption of Copper Heavy Metal Contaminant [53.4, Issue 113, 2024, Pages 1-12]
Heavy metals
Investigating the Effect of Zeolite and Rice Husk Ash with Different Clay Minerals on the Behavior of Contaminated Soils [53.3, Issue 112, 2023, Pages 93-105]
Heavy metals removal (chromium)
Evaluation of Electromigration Mechanism of Heavy Metal from Marine Sediments by Microbial Electrokinetic Cell [52.3, Issue 108, 2022, Pages 29-37]
Simulating the effect of river dredging on the extent, depth, and risk of flooding using the HEC-RAS (2D) model in areas with a low slope (case study: Agh-ghala city) [(Articles in Press)]
Numerical Simulation of Sediment Transport to Investigate Riverbed Changes Considering the Effect of Dam Construction (Case Study: Saqqez River) [(Articles in Press)]
Helical piles
Numerical Investigation of Helical Piles Performance in Stabilization of Earth Slopes [50.1, Issue 98, 2020, Pages 53-64]
Considerations in Design of Joints for Lattice Steel Cooling Towers of Power Plants [51.1, Issue 102, 2021, Pages 111-124]
High-rise building construction
Evaluating Ahar Water Distribution Network Performance after Excessive High-Rise Building Constructions [48.1, Issue 90, 2018, Pages 89-100]
High-solids anaerobic digestion
Methanogenic Activity in Biogas Production High-Solids and Liquid Anaerobic Co-Digestion of Municipal Solid Waste and Sewage Sludge [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 109-117]
High strength concrete
Autogenous Self- Healing of High Strength Concretes [52.1, Issue 106, 2022, Pages 13-25]
High strength concrete
Evaluation Spalling Phenomenon Due to Elevated Temperature Effect on High Strength Concrete Segments [(Articles in Press)]
High-strength concrete
Analysis of Strength and Ductility of High-Strength Concrete Columns with Random Properties [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 1-12]
Hilbert space
Analysis of Behavioral Damped Outrigger in Tall Structures by Fourier Method in Hilbert Space [52.1, Issue 106, 2022, Pages 109-119]
Hiley Formula
Numerical Study of In- Site Tests for Pile Capacity Estimation [52.1, Issue 106, 2022, Pages 81-92]
Historical earthquake
Generation of Synthetic Accelerograms for Historical Earthquakes to Evaluate the Possibility of Applications in Simulating their Effects and Increasing the Accuracy of Design Spectra with Case Study of Tabriz [50.1, Issue 98, 2020, Pages 77-93]
Honeycomb dampers
Cyclic Behavior of Hybrid Honeycomb-and-Flexural Yielding Dampers in Chevron CBFs [54.2, Issue 115, 2024, Pages 13-24]
Horizontal and vertical components
Assessing the Simultaneous Effects of Horizontal and Vertical Components of Earthquakes on the Double Layer Barrel Vaults [45.2, Issue 79, 2015, Pages 35-45]
Horizontal brace
Reliability Analysis Based Safety Factors for Designing the Tubular Members of Horizontal Braces in Offshore Jacket Structures [52.1, Issue 106, 2022, Pages 1-12]
Horizontal Curves
Modelling and Analyzing the Severity of two-lane Highway Crashes Using the Spatial Data mining, Case Study: Old Corridor of Qazvin-Loshan [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 81-95]
Horizontal displacement of the wall
Numerical assessment of behavior of soil-nailed wall [(Articles in Press)]
Household income-expenditure
Predicting Waste Generation Rate in Tabriz Using Artificial Intelligence (ANN and SVM) Methods and Wavelet Preprocessing for a Long Time [53.2, Issue 111, 2023, Pages 136-146]
Housner theory
Modification of Equivalent Acceleration Relation of Horizontal and Vertical Earthquakes in Ground Elliptical Tanks [53.4, Issue 113, 2024, Pages 216-231]
Experimental Strengthening of Deficient RC Beams with Advanced HPFRCC Composite Layers Reinforced with PP Fibers [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 45-55]
Huff curve
Derivation of Huff Curves for the Four Stations in Great Karun River in Khuzestan Province S [54.1, Issue 114, 2024, Pages 115-130]
Humid region
Flood Forecasting via Daily Scale Standardized Precipitation Index [48.2, Issue 91, 2018, Pages 27-35]
Hybrid cable-strut system
Investigation into the Collapse Behavior of a Cable Dome with Hybrid Form and Improvement of the behavior with Force Limiting Devices [53.2, Issue 111, 2023, Pages 1-16]
Hybrid steel strips- FRP confinement
Experimental Investigation about the Behavior of Retrofitted Plain Concrete Columns using a Novel Hybrid Steel-FRP Confinement [48.1, Issue 90, 2018, Pages 77-88]
Hydraulic conductivity
Investigation of Saline Drainage Water Reuse Effect on Soil Hydraulic Properties Using Inverse Method (Case Study: Moghan Plain) [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 33-44]
Hydraulic conductivity
Laboratory Investigation of the Use of Rock Flour Residue for the Construction of Landfill Liner [43.2, Issue 71, 2013, Pages 1-9]
Hydraulic conductivity
Spatial Estimation of Soil Hydraulic Conductivity Using Multivariate Geostatistical Model
Case Study: Tabriz Subway Domain [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 79-88]
Hydraulic conductivity
Laboratory Investigation of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Characteristics of Bentonite-Enhanced Sand Mixtures as Landfill Liner Material [45.2, Issue 79, 2015, Pages 13-23]
Hydraulic conductivity
Effect of Temperature on the Hydraulic Conductivity of Compacted Clayey Soil and Geosynthetic Clay Liner (GCL) [52.2, Issue 107, 2022, Pages 121-128]
Hydraulic constraints
Optimum Design of Water Distribution Networks Utilizing Optimization Krill Herd Algorithm [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 31-43]
Hydraulic flushing of sediments under pressure
A Numerical Study on the Impact of Geometric and Hydraulic Parameters on Hydraulic Sedimentation in Storage Dam Reservoirs [54.2, Issue 115, 2024, Pages 53-71]
Hydraulic fracturing
Effect of Dimensions and Shape of Clay Core Section of Earth Dams on Reliability Coefficient of Hydraulic Failure [54.1, Issue 114, 2024, Pages 201-210]
Hydraulic free jump
Experimental Investigation of Energy Dissipation in the Sudden Choked Flow with Free Surfaces [48.2, Issue 91, 2018, Pages 101-108]
Hydraulic performance
Evaluating Ahar Water Distribution Network Performance after Excessive High-Rise Building Constructions [48.1, Issue 90, 2018, Pages 89-100]
Hydraulic performance
Simulate the Effect of Configuration and Number of Baffles in the Hydraulic Efficiency of Chlorine Contact Tanks [52.2, Issue 107, 2022, Pages 179-188]
Hydraulic performance
Probabilistic Zoning of Hydraulic Performance of Water Distribution Network by Applying Key Parameter Uncertainty [53.2, Issue 111, 2023, Pages 50-60]
Hydraulic stability
Reliability analysis of rubble-mound breakwaters against the failure due to the hydraulic instability of the armor layer [(Articles in Press)]
Hydrocarbon contamination
Evaluation of Success in Microbial Bio-Improvement of Motor Oil Contaminated Sandy Soils [52.1, Issue 106, 2022, Pages 41-53]
Probably Contamination Seepage Through Abutment of the Tailing Dam of Sungun Cu-Mo Mine Using of Geotechnical Characteristics and Groundwater Hydrogeochemical Evidences [47.3, Issue 88, 2017, Pages 105-113]
Hydrodynamic forces
Effect of Wall Flexibility and Damping Ratio on Dynamic Response of Rectangular Liquid Storage Tanks [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 23-32]
Hydrodynamic forces
Investigating into the Temporal Hydrodynamic Forces Exerted on Offshore Piggyback Pipelines due to Steady Currents [53.4, Issue 113, 2024, Pages 112-125]
Hydrodynamic Model
Investigating the Effectiveness of Urmia Lake Different Restoration Scenarios Using a 2D Hydrodynamic Model [49.2, Issue 95, 2019, Pages 71-81]
Hydrodynamic modelling
Evaluation the Impacts of Causeway Remedial Actions on Urmia Lake Ecosystem Using Computational Fluid Dynamics and Spatial Analysis Method [51.3, Issue 104, 2021, Pages 41-53]
Hydrodynamic pressure
Boundary Element Formulation for Computing Hydrodynamic Pressure on Concrete Gravity Dams: Influence of Reservoir Shape and Bottom Sediment Absorption [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 51-59]
Hydrodynamic relations
Modification of Equivalent Acceleration Relation of Horizontal and Vertical Earthquakes in Ground Elliptical Tanks [53.4, Issue 113, 2024, Pages 216-231]
Hydrogen peroxide
Using Electro-peroxone Process to Remediate stabilized clay [(Articles in Press)]
Hydrogen sulfide
H2S Removal from Industrial Wastewater Using Biofilm Airlift Suspension reactor [43.4, Issue 73, 2014, Pages 79-86]
Investigation of Saline Drainage Water Reuse Effect on Soil Hydraulic Properties Using Inverse Method (Case Study: Moghan Plain) [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 33-44]
Hydrological processes
Change Detection of Hydrological Processes Using Wavelet-Entropy Complexity Measure Case Study: Urmia Lake [45.3, Issue 80, 2015, Pages 75-86]
Hydropower Dams
MODSIMP: Extension of MODSIM Decision Support System to Simulating Operation of Multireservoir Hydropower Systems [46.4, Issue 85, 2017, Pages 15-24]
Hydropower energy
Development of Reservoir Hydropower Generation Modelling by a New Approach [46.3, Issue 84, 2016, Pages 89-99]
Evaluation of the Performance of the Hydraulic Suction Method in Sediment Removal of Reservoirs [50.1, Issue 98, 2020, Pages 43-52]
Hysteresis behavior
Influence of Shape Memory Alloys on Cyclic Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Joints [52.1, Issue 106, 2022, Pages 143-156]
Hysteretic behavior
Studying the Behavior of Central Gusset Plate Connections on Inverted V-Braces [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 95-106]
Hysteretic behavior
Cyclic Behavior of Hybrid Honeycomb-and-Flexural Yielding Dampers in Chevron CBFs [54.2, Issue 115, 2024, Pages 13-24]
IDF Curves
Extraction of Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves Using Fractal Theory and Evaluation of Climate Change on it (Case Study: Bushehr) [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 103-113]
Imam mosque in Isfahan
Geotechnical Investigations to Detect Basement Defects at Imam Mosque in Isfahan using Ground- Penetrating Radar [50.1, Issue 98, 2020, Pages 95-105]
Impact-protective steel door
An Optimized Stiffened Sandwich Panel for Impact-Protective Doors [54.1, Issue 114, 2024, Pages 168-179]
Impact resistance
The Impact Resistance of Steel Fiber Reinforcement Concrete under Different Curing Conditions: Experimental and Statistical Analysis [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 109-121]
Impedance functions
The influence of volumetric inclined waves propagation on the kinematic response of rigid strip footings resting on a semi-infinite soil mass using boundary element method [(Articles in Press)]
Impermeable core
Effect of Dimensions and Shape of Clay Core Section of Earth Dams on Reliability Coefficient of Hydraulic Failure [54.1, Issue 114, 2024, Pages 201-210]
Impermeable spur dike
The Effect of the Type of Spur Dike on Bed Topography in a 90 Degree Bend under Submerged Condition [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 73-80]
Implicit and explicit solver
Evaluation of the nonlinear response of a single pile embedded in sand using numerical simulation [(Articles in Press)]
Implicit Limit State Function
Estimation of Structural Collapse Reliability via Response Surface Method and a Hybrid of Neuro-Fuzzy Networks with Meta-heuristic Algorithms [52.2, Issue 107, 2022, Pages 27-45]
Improved ballast
Numerical Investigation of Effect of Improved Shoulder with Concrete Asphalt whit Emphasis on Lateral Resistance Increasing of Ballasted Track [45.2, Issue 79, 2015, Pages 107-112]
Effects of Waste Plastic Strips (PET) on Improvement of Fine-grained Soil [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 127-139]
Improvement of the soil clay at the liner of the landfill to reduce cracking using fiber and nano chemical materials [(Articles in Press)]
Incinerator bottom ash
Stabilization and Solidification of Incinerator Bottom Ash using Portland Cement and Silica Fume [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 29-40]
Inclined floodplains
Experimental Study of the Effects of Skew Angle on Flow Field in Skewed Compound Channels with Inclined Floodplains [53.2, Issue 111, 2023, Pages 96-107]
Inclined tube settler
A Pilot Study for Application of Tube Settler as a Secondary Clarifier for Wastewater Treatment [44.2, Issue 75, 2014, Pages 81-93]
Incremental dynamic analysis
Tunnel Form as an Ideal System for RC Constructions under Multiple Earthquakes [47.4, Issue 89, 2018, Pages 61-74]
Incremental dynamic analysis
Seismic Performance Assessment of RC MRF Buildings on Shallow Foundations Incorporating Soil-Structure Interaction [48.4, Issue 93, 2019, Pages 63-77]
Individual Test
Analyses of Slenderness Coefficient Effect of Floating Wood on CPK Weir Blockage in individual Test System [49.4, Issue 97, 2020, Pages 47-58]
Industrial sewage
Cadmium Elimination Feasibility Study Using Bentonite Modified Green Concrete [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 153-160]
Industrial town
Environmental Impact Assessment of Hadishahr Industrial Town
(A Case Study) [44.2, Issue 75, 2014, Pages 95-103]
Inelastic demand
Evaluation of the Inelastic Deformation Demands in Regular Steel Frames by Comparing the Results of the Pushover Method with the Nonlinear Time Histories Analysis Under the Near-Fault Pulse-type Earthquake [52.1, Issue 106, 2022, Pages 93-108]
Inelastic displacement ratio
Yield Strength Reduction Factor and Inelastic Displacement Ratio Based on Earthquake Ground Motions Recorded in Iran [49.3, Issue 96, 2019, Pages 9-22]
Inelastic displacement ratio
Inelastic Displacement Ratio for Degrading SDOF Systems under the Effect of Pulse-like and Non-pulse-like Near-Fault Ground motions [53.4, Issue 113, 2024, Pages 36-52]
Inflow/outflow boundary condition
Improved Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics for Free Surface Flow over Sharp-Crested Weir [49.3, Issue 96, 2019, Pages 85-95]
Inflow prediction
Multi-step Modeling of Inflow to Dam Reservoir with Improve Alavian Dam Reservoir Management [(Articles in Press)]
Inflow prediction
Forecasting Reservoir Inflow and Employing the Combined Genetics-Particle Swarming Optimization Approach for Alaviyan Reservoir Operation [(Articles in Press)]
Initial concrete temperature
The Effect of Initial Temperature of Self-Compacting Concrete on Its Long-Term Mechanical Properties [53.3, Issue 112, 2023, Pages 182-191]
Initial crookedness
Investigating geometric imperfection effects on failure of steel angles under compressive force in power transmission line lattice towers [(Articles in Press)]
Initial pH
Impact of pH Variations of Kaolinite upon Some of its Geotechnical and Geo- Environmental Properties [51.3, Issue 104, 2021, Pages 11-17]
Initial pH
Impact of Initial pH Change of Kaolinite on Its Microstructure and Consolidation Characteristics [51.3, Issue 104, 2021, Pages 77-85]
In plane loading
Investigating the Seismic Performance of Masonry Infills with Opening and Non-Opening by Considering the Interaction of Behavior in Plane and Out of the Plane and Providing the Reduction Factor of Effective Stiffness and Ultimate Strength [54.1, Issue 114, 2024, Pages 56-83]
The Investigation of Groundwater Reducing and Geotechnical Parameters of Soil Impacts on Land-Subsidence by GIS (Case Study: Tabriz City) [52.1, Issue 106, 2022, Pages 185-201]
In-Site Pile Tests
Numerical Study of In- Site Tests for Pile Capacity Estimation [52.1, Issue 106, 2022, Pages 81-92]
In-situ methods
Estimation of compressive strength and amount of water penetration in concretes with additives using friction transfer methods and cylindrical chamber [(Articles in Press)]
In-situ stresses
The Effects of In-Situ Stresses, Discontinuities and Appropriate Rock Foundation Boundary Conditions in the Analysis of Concrete Arch Dams [42.4, Issue 69, 2013, Pages 1-14]
In situ tests
The In Situ Strength Assessment of Polymer Self Compacting Concrete in Rc Beams [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 35-46]
Installed capacity
Development of Reservoir Hydropower Generation Modelling by a New Approach [46.3, Issue 84, 2016, Pages 89-99]
In-stream structures
The Effect of Triangular Vanes in a 90 Degree Mild Bend on Bed Topography [45.3, Issue 80, 2015, Pages 1-11]
Back Analysis of Tabarakabad Embankment Dam Using Monitoring and Numerical Model Results [48.4, Issue 93, 2019, Pages 51-62]
Study of the Effect of Cross-sectional Geometry of Single and Twin Tunnels on the Ground Surface Settlement (Case study: Isfahan’s Metro Tunnel) [49.2, Issue 95, 2019, Pages 35-46]
Instrument results
Numerical Study of Earthdams after Construction and First Impounding (Case Study of Doyraj EarthDam) [52.1, Issue 106, 2022, Pages 227-234]
Numerical Examination of the Relative Effect of the Channel Width in the Intakes on the Velocity Distribution Curves in the Flow Deviation Location [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 93-102]
Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves
Extraction of Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves Using Fractal Theory and Evaluation of Climate Change on it (Case Study: Bushehr) [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 103-113]
Experimenta Lstudy of Behavior of Piled Raft Foundations under Vertical Loading in Sand [51.3, Issue 104, 2021, Pages 87-101]
Interaction of shear force and bending moment
Evaluation of the Mutual Effect of Shear Force and Bending Moment in Plate Girders with Corrugated Webs [(Articles in Press)]
Experimental Evaluation of Application of Demolition Waste Material to Improve the Interface Parameters of Geotextile and Sand [54.1, Issue 114, 2024, Pages 13-21]
Interface element
Evaluation of the nonlinear response of a single pile embedded in sand using numerical simulation [(Articles in Press)]
Internal ring stiffener
Parametric Study and Formulation of Scfs in Axially Loaded Multi-Planar Tubular XT-Joints Reinforced with Internal Ring Stiffeners [54.1, Issue 114, 2024, Pages 152-167]
Internal ring-stiffener
Investigation of Different Alternatives on Municipal Solid Waste Disposal by Using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Approach (Case Study: Ramsar) [47.2, Issue 87, 2017, Pages 29-38]
Internal ring-stiffener
The Effect of Soil Parameters on mechanical Behavior of Soil Nailed Slope [50.1, Issue 98, 2020, Pages 1-8]
Internal ring-stiffener
Investigating the Pattern of Progressive Collapse in Double-Layer Dome Space Trusses [52.3, Issue 108, 2022, Pages 203-214]
The Investigation of Groundwater Reducing and Geotechnical Parameters of Soil Impacts on Land-Subsidence by GIS (Case Study: Tabriz City) [52.1, Issue 106, 2022, Pages 185-201]
Intz tank
Shape Optimization of Intz Tank Using Genetic Algorithm and Sequential Quadratic Programming [44.3, Issue 76, 2014, Pages 63-73]
Inverse Gaussian model
Derivation of the Probability Density Functions for the Local Joint Flexibility Factors in Axially Loaded Two-Planar Tubular DK-Joints of Offshore Structures [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 161-174]
Inverse transformation
Analysis of Stress around Tunnel by Conformal Mapping [49.3, Issue 96, 2019, Pages 45-52]
Inverted folded shell strip foundation
Elastic-Plastic Analysis of Inverted Folded Shell Strip Foundation on Sandy Soil [47.4, Issue 89, 2018, Pages 15-26]
Investment assignment
Reliability Based Resource Allocation for Transportation Network [44.3, Issue 76, 2014, Pages 89-97]
Environmental Impact Assessment of Hadishahr Industrial Town
(A Case Study) [44.2, Issue 75, 2014, Pages 95-103]
Iranian faults
Generation of Synthetic Accelerograms for Historical Earthquakes to Evaluate the Possibility of Applications in Simulating their Effects and Increasing the Accuracy of Design Spectra with Case Study of Tabriz [50.1, Issue 98, 2020, Pages 77-93]
Irrigation network implementation
Environmental Impact Assessment of Irrigation Network Implementation on Triple Environments [48.4, Issue 93, 2019, Pages 91-101]
Simulation of Pollution Distribution around the Tabriz Oil Refining Company by using ISCST Model [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 99-106]
Isolated Bridge
Endurance Time Method for Seismic Assessment of Isolated Bridges Equipped with Active and Semi Active Control Systems [51.3, Issue 104, 2021, Pages 113-124]
Isotropic-hardening model
Elastic-Plastic Analysis of Inverted Folded Shell Strip Foundation on Sandy Soil [47.4, Issue 89, 2018, Pages 15-26]
Italian guideline
Seismic Risk Assessment of Historic House of Kalantar According to Ialian Guideline [53.2, Issue 111, 2023, Pages 76-83]
IVE emission mode
Investigation of Emission and Dispersion of PM2.5 Pollutant Emitted from BRT Buses in Tabriz City [50.4, Issue 101, 2021, Pages 33-43]
IVE model
Investigation of Emissions and Dispersion of Pollutants from Cars in Tabriz City [49.3, Issue 96, 2019, Pages 23-34]
Jacket structure
Effects of Floating Wave Barriers with Square Cross Sections on the Wave-induced Forces Exerted to an Offshore Jacket Structure [51.3, Issue 104, 2021, Pages 1-10]
Jacket-type platform
Reliability Analysis Based Safety Factors for Designing the Tubular Members of Horizontal Braces in Offshore Jacket Structures [52.1, Issue 106, 2022, Pages 1-12]
Jagged weir
Numerical Investigation of Block Form Effect in Amount of Dissipated Energy of Baffled Apron Spillway Drop by Flow3D [54.1, Issue 114, 2024, Pages 56-62]
Janbu modulus number
Evaluation of the Janbu Modulus Number in clayey soils with using shear wave velocity (Case study: Tabriz City) [49.4, Issue 97, 2020, Pages 105-115]
Jet froude number
Estimation of Scour Hole Dimensions Due to Vertical Circular Submerged Jet [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 41-50]
Joint Enlargement
Analytical modeling of rehabilitated beam-column connections with non-seismic details using joint enlargement and post-tensioned [(Articles in Press)]
Joint return period
Probabilistic Risk Analysis of Flood Events Using Trivariate Copulas [46.4, Issue 85, 2017, Pages 63-75]
Joints slippage
Investigating geometric imperfection effects on failure of steel angles under compressive force in power transmission line lattice towers [(Articles in Press)]
Kalan Dam of Malayer
Evaluation of the Effect of Drainage Geometry on the Behavior of Homogeneous Embankment Dams (Case Study: Kalan Dam of Malayer) [51.3, Issue 104, 2021, Pages 137-148]
Kalantar house
Seismic Risk Assessment of Historic House of Kalantar According to Ialian Guideline [53.2, Issue 111, 2023, Pages 76-83]
Kaleybar WDN
Probabilistic Zoning of Hydraulic Performance of Water Distribution Network by Applying Key Parameter Uncertainty [53.2, Issue 111, 2023, Pages 50-60]
Impact of pH Variations of Kaolinite upon Some of its Geotechnical and Geo- Environmental Properties [51.3, Issue 104, 2021, Pages 11-17]
Impact of Carbonate and Carbonate Elimination on the Efficiency of Pb Removal from Carbonated Kaolinite in Electrokinetics Process with Special Attention to the XRD Analysis [50.2, Issue 99, 2020, Pages 1-11]
Impact of Initial pH Change of Kaolinite on Its Microstructure and Consolidation Characteristics [51.3, Issue 104, 2021, Pages 77-85]
Kaolinite clay
Removal of MTBE Contaminated Clayey Soil by Electro Kinetic Process [45.2, Issue 79, 2015, Pages 25-33]
Karkheh River
Application of Numerical Modeling for Solution of Flow Equations and Estimation of Water Quality Pollutants in Rivers
(Case Study: Karkheh River) [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 51-60]
Karun 3 dam
Modal Identification of an Arch Dam Using Combined Frequency Domain Decomposition and Wavelet Transform Method [46.3, Issue 84, 2016, Pages 17-29]
Karun River
Identification of Multiple Pollutant Sources in Rivers in One-Dimensional Domain under Real Conditions [51.1, Issue 102, 2021, Pages 15-26]
A Numerical Study on Seismic Behavior of K-Braced Cold Formed Steel Frames [47.3, Issue 88, 2017, Pages 47-58]
Kernel algorithm
Prediction and Investigation of Road Traffic Accident Severity Factors using Support Vector Machine Algorithm [49.3, Issue 96, 2019, Pages 35-43]
Kernel-Based Method
Modeling and predicting the rate of scour depth below pipelines using kernel-based methods for steady flows [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 1-12]
Kernel-Based Method
Modeling and Predicting the Rate of Scour Depth below Pipelines in Waves Using Gaussian Process Regression (GPR) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) Methods [53.3, Issue 112, 2023, Pages 1-9]
Khersan dam
Introducing State-of-the-Art Approach in Designing an Optimal Location for Dam Curtain Based on Structural Properties of the Rock Mass (Case Study: Khersan Dam) [44.1, Issue 74, 2014, Pages 89-98]
Evaluation of the Need for Seismic Microzonation in Bonab County based on Regional Considerations and Probabilistic Earthquake Hazard Analysis from the Vicinity of Urmia Lake toward the Hillsides of Sahand Mountain [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 107-126]
Kinematic soil structure interaction
The influence of volumetric inclined waves propagation on the kinematic response of rigid strip footings resting on a semi-infinite soil mass using boundary element method [(Articles in Press)]
Comparison of MBBR and SBAR in Treating Toxic Formaldehyde Wastewater [44.1, Issue 74, 2014, Pages 99-106]
Kinetic coefficients
Determination of Kinetic Coefficients on Shiraz Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant by Batch Reactor [47.2, Issue 87, 2017, Pages 63-73]
Kruskal algorithm
Optimization of Access Routes in Takht Coal Mine for Minimizing Environmental Damages [44.2, Issue 75, 2014, Pages 1-9]
KSTAR Algorithm
Investigating the Performance of Kstar and GPR Algorithms in Modeling RDI Meteorological Drought Index (Case Study: East of Urmia Lake Basin) [54.1, Issue 114, 2024, Pages 142-151]
Laboratory aging
Evaluation of Aging Phenomenon in Asphalt Mixtures [43.1, Issue 70, 2013, Pages 71-77]
Laboratory models
Experimental Investigation of Load- Displacement Behavior of Enlarged Base Piles under Oblique Tension Loadings in Sandy Soil [51.1, Issue 102, 2021, Pages 99-109]
Laboratory study
Validation of River Bank Profiles in Sand-Bed Rivers [43.4, Issue 73, 2014, Pages 59-68]
Labyrinth spillway
Optimization of the Geometry of Triangular Labyrinth Spillways, Using Fuzzy-Neural System and Differential Evolution Algorithm [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 81-91]
Lagrangian method
Improved Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics for Free Surface Flow over Sharp-Crested Weir [49.3, Issue 96, 2019, Pages 85-95]
Lake Urmia
The evaluation of the impact of the anthropogenic factors on Lake Urmia crisis using Remote Sensing and GIS [48.2, Issue 91, 2018, Pages 59-70]
Lake Urmia
Relationship between Changes in Water Body and Vegetation in the Eastern of Lake Urmia with the Phenomenon of Dust Storms [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 44-54]
Laboratory Investigation of the Use of Rock Flour Residue for the Construction of Landfill Liner [43.2, Issue 71, 2013, Pages 1-9]
Spatial Assessment of Risky and Safe Sites for Solid Waste Landfills (Case study: Isfahan Province, Iran) [54.2, Issue 115, 2024, Pages 25-34]
Landfill leachate
The Application of Ozonation Process for the Treatment of Landfill Leachate [44.3, Issue 76, 2014, Pages 39-45]
Landfill liner
Laboratory Investigation of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Characteristics of Bentonite-Enhanced Sand Mixtures as Landfill Liner Material [45.2, Issue 79, 2015, Pages 13-23]
Landsat8 Satellite
Investigation of Relationships between Landsat8 and Sentinel2 Sensors and Field Data on the Water Quality Parameters Estimation in Chalous River Estuary [53.3, Issue 112, 2023, Pages 83-92]
Landscape metrics
Investigating the Effects of Land Use/Land Cover Composition on River Water Quality [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 83-93]
Landscape Structure
Investigating the Effects of Land Use/Land Cover Composition on River Water Quality [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 83-93]
TabrizThe Impact of Water Level Changes in Dam Reservoir and the Use of Vertical Drainage Systems on the Sliding Potential of Landslides [46.4, Issue 85, 2017, Pages 99-109]
A Laboratory Study on Rainfall-Induced Landslides [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 1-10]
Land use
Investigating the Effects of Land Use/Land Cover Composition on River Water Quality [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 83-93]
Large eddy simulation
Estimation of Granular Grading and Concentration of Sediments on the Bed and at the Outlet of a Sediment Tank by the Aid of an Eulerian-Lagrangian Model [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 27-37]
Application of ARMA model in downscaling and climate change impact assessment in annual time-scal [51.3, Issue 104, 2021, Pages 31-39]
Lateral bearing capacity
Prediction of Lateral Bearing Capacity of Pile in Clay Using Support Vector Machine [47.2, Issue 87, 2017, Pages 1-10]
Lateral resistance
Numerical Investigation of Effect of Improved Shoulder with Concrete Asphalt whit Emphasis on Lateral Resistance Increasing of Ballasted Track [45.2, Issue 79, 2015, Pages 107-112]
Lateral stiffness
A Numerical Study on Seismic Behavior of K-Braced Cold Formed Steel Frames [47.3, Issue 88, 2017, Pages 47-58]
Lattice model
Investigation of the Effect of Bond-Slip on Cracking of RC Beams Utilizing Lattice Models [44.3, Issue 76, 2014, Pages 27-37]
Lattice Steel cooling towers
Considerations in Design of Joints for Lattice Steel Cooling Towers of Power Plants [51.1, Issue 102, 2021, Pages 111-124]
Layered backfill
Determination of Value and Point of Application of Seismic Total Thrust on Rigid Retaining Walls with Layered Backfill [43.2, Issue 71, 2013, Pages 39-51]
Layered Soil
Determination of Effective Penetration Depth of Stone Column in Earth Slope using Numerical and Experimental method [48.1, Issue 90, 2018, Pages 1-12]
Layout Optimization
Layout Optimization of Outrigger Braced System in Steel Tall Structures Using Meta- Heuristic Algorithms [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 95-105]
Modeling Land Changes forest Using by LCM in Fandoqhlo Forest Area [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 127-140]
Lead Heavy Metal
Solidification of Heavy Metal Contaminant by the Use of Silicate-Coating Polymeric Nano-Capsules [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 1-11]
Lead-rubber isolator
Application of Lead-Rubber Isolators as Shear Dampers [42.2, Issue 67, 2012, Pages 15-26]
The Effect of Steel Fibers and Nano-Silica on the Structural Lightweight Concrete Built with Different Combinations of Leca and Perlite [47.4, Issue 89, 2018, Pages 75-84]
Leopold matrix
Environmental Impact Assessment of Irrigation Network Implementation on Triple Environments [48.4, Issue 93, 2019, Pages 91-101]
Leopold matrix and checklist
Application of Leopold Matrix and Coding Methods for Environmental Impacts Assessment of Shahid Sadr Expressway in Tehran [46.3, Issue 84, 2016, Pages 77-87]
Life cycle stop and go traffic
Identifying Stop and Go Traffic in Trajectory of Vehicle Platoon Based on Asymmetric Theory [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 59-71]
Lightweight concrete
The Effect of Steel Fibers and Nano-Silica on the Structural Lightweight Concrete Built with Different Combinations of Leca and Perlite [47.4, Issue 89, 2018, Pages 75-84]
Lightweight concrete
Prediction of the Mechanical Properties of Lightweight Basalt Fiber Reinforced Concrete Containing Silica Fume and Fly Ash with an Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy inference system (AFNIS) [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 75-89]
Lighvanchai River
Estimation of Prediction Intervals for ANN- Based Rainfall- Runoff Modeling [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 57-67]
Limit analysis
Bearing Capacity Factor Nc of Strip Footings on a Single Layer, using Integrated Limit Analysis with Finite Element [53.2, Issue 111, 2023, Pages 147-156]
Limit equilibrium approach
Determination of Value and Point of Application of Seismic Total Thrust on Rigid Retaining Walls with Layered Backfill [43.2, Issue 71, 2013, Pages 39-51]
Limit equilibrium method
Effect of Horizontal Drains on Upstream Slope Stability During Rapid Drawdown Condition [42.1, Issue 66, 2012, Pages 29-34]
Limit load
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Behavior of Cylindrical Thin-Walled GFRP Shells under Dental Load [53.3, Issue 112, 2023, Pages 169-181]
Limit load
Thermo-Mechanical Behavior Analysis of Heat Exchanger Piles by Numerical Modelling [53.3, Issue 112, 2023, Pages 46-59]
Limit state
Three Dimensional Finite Difference (3D FD) Analysis of Soil Nailing Wall [48.1, Issue 90, 2018, Pages 23-33]
Line 2 Tabriz metro
Numerical modeling of dynamic response and effect of near and far field earthquake of urban railway Station near to fault region (case study: line 2 urban railway Stations) [53.3, Issue 112, 2023, Pages 106-116]
Linear programming
Bearing Capacity Factor Nc of Strip Footings on a Single Layer, using Integrated Limit Analysis with Finite Element [53.2, Issue 111, 2023, Pages 147-156]
Linear quadratic regulator
Seismic Control of Structures Based on the Controllability and Stability of the Controlling System Criteria [(Articles in Press)]
Laboratory Investigation of the Use of Rock Flour Residue for the Construction of Landfill Liner [43.2, Issue 71, 2013, Pages 1-9]
Liner of the landfill
Improvement of the soil clay at the liner of the landfill to reduce cracking using fiber and nano chemical materials [(Articles in Press)]
Assessment of Resistance and Behavior of Link Beam in Eccentric Braced Frames by Finite Element Method [44.2, Issue 75, 2014, Pages 47-55]
Seismic Behavior of Anchored Quay Walls Embedded in Liquefiable Sites [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 15-28]
Boushehr Liquefaction Hazard Zonation Based On SPT and Result Presentation by Using GIS Plat Form [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 109-119]
Numerical Examination of Stone Column for Liquefaction Diminution Potential [49.2, Issue 95, 2019, Pages 119-129]
Investigation of dynamic behaviour of stabilized loose sand by microbially induced carbonate precipitation [(Articles in Press)]
Liquefaction-induced settlement
Experimental Investigation on the Behavior of Bucket Foundations Rested on Liquefiable Soils [51.1, Issue 102, 2021, Pages 125-136]
Liquid limit
Comparison of Liquid Limit Obtained From Casagrande Cup Method and Cone Penetrometer for Sand and Clay Mixed Soils [54.1, Issue 114, 2024, Pages 190-200]
Liquid storage tank
Effect of Wall Flexibility and Damping Ratio on Dynamic Response of Rectangular Liquid Storage Tanks [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 23-32]
Liquid storage tanks
Dynamic Behavior Evaluation of FPS Isolated Liquid Storage Tanks Subjected to Pulse-like Excitations [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 51-61]
Little river watershed
Multi-Station Nitrate Prediction via Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Tools [47.4, Issue 89, 2018, Pages 27-36]
Live bed
Experimental Study on the Effects of Bendway Weirs Length on Sediment Process and Water Level in a Meandering River [43.1, Issue 70, 2013, Pages 51-60]
LJF factor
Derivation of the Probability Density Functions for the Local Joint Flexibility Factors in Axially Loaded Two-Planar Tubular DK-Joints of Offshore Structures [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 161-174]
Load Impulse Method (LIM), Numerical method, Dynamic response, Linear and nonlinear analyses, structural vibration, Newmark-&beta
A Numerical Method for Estimating the Dynamic Response of Structures [(Articles in Press)]
Local and general failure
Assessment of Stability and Settlement of the Urmia Lake Causeway Embankment [44.2, Issue 75, 2014, Pages 59-68]
Local buckling of the flange of column
Numerical Investigation of Ring Shaped Steel Plate Shear Wall with Concrete Filled Steel Box Colum as a Vertical Boundary Element [51.3, Issue 104, 2021, Pages 19-30]
Local scour
The Efficiency of Gene Expression Programming Method to Estimate the Scour Depth in Cohesive and Non-Cohesive Soil Beds at the Bridge Piers [44.2, Issue 75, 2014, Pages 21-33]
Longitudinal Delineation
Effectiveness Evaluation of Longitudinal Delineation in Reducing the Run-Off Crashes in Rural Multi-Lane Roads [50.4, Issue 101, 2021, Pages 1-9]
Loose sand bed
Investigation of Loose Sandy Soil Improvement with Granular Blanket and Stone Column in a Unit Cell [53.4, Issue 113, 2024, Pages 191-205]
Low-rise shear wall
Seismic Performance of Low-Rise Slotted RC Shear Walls [49.2, Issue 95, 2019, Pages 107-116]
Predicting Waste Generation Rate in Tabriz Using Artificial Intelligence (ANN and SVM) Methods and Wavelet Preprocessing for a Long Time [53.2, Issue 111, 2023, Pages 136-146]
Lyapunov exponent
Study of Chaotic Nature of Daily Water Level Fluctuations in
Urmia Lake [42.1, Issue 66, 2012, Pages 9-20]
M5P model trees
Performance Assessment of Computational Intelligence Techniques in Solid Waste Generation Forecasting (A Case Study) [48.1, Issue 90, 2018, Pages 67-75]
Study of Corrosion in Reinforced Concretes with Different Water to Cement Ratios at Splash zone [43.1, Issue 70, 2013, Pages 63-69]
Study of Corrosion in Reinforced Concretes with Different Water to Cement Ratios at Splash zone [42.1, Issue 66, 2012, Pages 57-63]
Macro scale hydrological models
Evaluating and Sensitivity analysis of a macro scale hydrological model (VIC-3L) for simulation of stream flow at different time scales [47.2, Issue 87, 2017, Pages 39-52]
Macrostructural behavior
The Effect of Lime and Nanosilica Stabilization Process on Compressive Strength and Slake of Marly Soils in Saturated State [51.1, Issue 102, 2021, Pages 137-146]
Mahabad dam
Eutrophication Simulation of Mahabad Dam Reservoir by Using CE-QUAL-W2 Two Dimensional Model [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 107-115]
Management of the Demand
Modeling the Effect of Consumption Pattern on Per Capita of Urban Water with System Thinking (Case Study: City of Birjand) [52.1, Issue 106, 2022, Pages 55-66]
Manning Roughness coefficient
Simulation of Open Channel Flow Resistance with Movable Bed Using Artificial Neural Network [45.3, Issue 80, 2015, Pages 13-24]
Manning’s Roughness Coefficient
Uncertainty Analysis of Stage-Discharge Rating Curves In Rivers [52.1, Issue 106, 2022, Pages 157-167]
Determining the impact of climate change and human activities on the runoff of Ahrchay Basin using Budyko's statistical method [(Articles in Press)]
Mann-Kendall Test
Using the MIROC-ESM Model to Investigate the Hydro-Climatic Conditions of the Small-Scale Watershed under the Impact of Climate Change [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 47-59]
Manufacturing error
Investigation of Effect of the Middle Link Beam Construction Imperfection on the Behavior of Connection in Steel Moment Frames [52.3, Issue 108, 2022, Pages 9-20]
Analysis of Stress around Tunnel by Conformal Mapping [49.3, Issue 96, 2019, Pages 45-52]
Marble rock flour
Laboratory Investigation of the Use of Rock Flour Residue for the Construction of Landfill Liner [43.2, Issue 71, 2013, Pages 1-9]
Marcos model for ranking civil project contractors [(Articles in Press)]
Marine condition
Estimation of Bearing Capacity of Bored Piles Using CPT and SPT Direct Results and Compared with Static Pile Load Tests- The Case Study [52.2, Issue 107, 2022, Pages 163-178]
Marine sediments
Evaluation of Electromigration Mechanism of Heavy Metal from Marine Sediments by Microbial Electrokinetic Cell [52.3, Issue 108, 2022, Pages 29-37]
Markov chain
Modeling Land Changes forest Using by LCM in Fandoqhlo Forest Area [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 127-140]
The Effect of Lime and Nanosilica Stabilization Process on Compressive Strength and Slake of Marly Soils in Saturated State [51.1, Issue 102, 2021, Pages 137-146]
Behavior Comparison of marl and dredged soil stabilized with Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) and Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF) steel slags [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 55-66]
Microstructural Examination of Effects of Organic Crude Oil Pollutant on the Geotechnical Properties and Geo-Environmental of Marl Soil of Mishan Formation [54.1, Issue 114, 2024, Pages 1-12]
Marshal test
Evaluation of Moisture Sensitivity of Asphalt Mixtures Incorporating Carbon NanoTube [48.2, Issue 91, 2018, Pages 47-57]
Masonry infill
Parametric Analysis of Out-of-Plane Behavior of Masonry Infilled RC Frames [51.1, Issue 102, 2021, Pages 27-34]
Masonry infill
Investigating the Seismic Performance of Masonry Infills with Opening and Non-Opening by Considering the Interaction of Behavior in Plane and Out of the Plane and Providing the Reduction Factor of Effective Stiffness and Ultimate Strength [54.1, Issue 114, 2024, Pages 56-83]
Pressure and Leakage Management of Water Distribution Network with Optimal Scheduling of Valves and Pumps [52.2, Issue 107, 2022, Pages 79-88]
Optimum Design of Water Distribution Networks Utilizing Optimization Krill Herd Algorithm [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 31-43]
Probabilistic Zoning of Hydraulic Performance of Water Distribution Network by Applying Key Parameter Uncertainty [53.2, Issue 111, 2023, Pages 50-60]
Matric suction
The Effect of Silt on Soil-Water Characteristics of Unsaturated Sand [48.2, Issue 91, 2018, Pages 37-45]
Matric suction
Experimental Study on Bearing Capacity of Shallow Footings Based on Sand in Saturated and Unsaturated conditions [50.2, Issue 99, 2020, Pages 23-32]
Maximum stress minimization
Multicriteria Topology Optimization of Structures that Maximizes Stiffness and Minimizes Maximum Stress [44.1, Issue 74, 2014, Pages 81-88]
Comparison of MBBR and SBAR in Treating Toxic Formaldehyde Wastewater [44.1, Issue 74, 2014, Pages 99-106]
Effect of Solid Retention Time on Membrane Fouling In the Membrane Bioreactor Systems for Treating Synthetic Wastewater [50.4, Issue 101, 2021, Pages 25-32]
Meandering river
Experimental Study on the Effects of Bendway Weirs Length on Sediment Process and Water Level in a Meandering River [43.1, Issue 70, 2013, Pages 51-60]
Improved Compressive, Tensile and Flexural Strength of Non-Reinforced Specimens and Reinforced Beams Including Zeolite [48.4, Issue 93, 2019, Pages 103-113]
Mechanical Interaction
Mechanical Interaction among Large Earthquakes in Eastern part of Iran [53.4, Issue 113, 2024, Pages 164-178]
Mechanical Optimization
Determination of Appropriate Geodetic Observational regions to Monitor the Mechanical behavior of NTF by Sensitivity Analysis of Okada Model Using HDMR Method [52.1, Issue 106, 2022, Pages 67-80]
Mechanical properties
Fabrication of Flooring Panels Using Recycled Paper De-inking Solid Waste [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 77-83]
Mechanical properties
Evaluation of Mechanical Properties and Durability indices of Concrete containing Wollastonite and Silica-Fume [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 47-57]
Mechanical properties
Prediction of the Mechanical Properties of Lightweight Basalt Fiber Reinforced Concrete Containing Silica Fume and Fly Ash with an Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy inference system (AFNIS) [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 75-89]
Mechanical properties
Studying the Effect of Silica Fume on the Fracture Toughness and Fracture Energy of Self-Compacting Lightweight Concrete [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 139-151]
Mechanical strength
The Effect of Initial Temperature of Self-Compacting Concrete on Its Long-Term Mechanical Properties [53.3, Issue 112, 2023, Pages 182-191]
Mechanized tunneling
The Soil Parameters Effects on the Optimum Face Pressure of Mechanized Tunnels in Cohesive Soils [47.3, Issue 88, 2017, Pages 33-45]
Using of Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor Containing Kaldness Media in Treatment of Produced Water [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 41-49]
Removal of 4-Nitrophenol Contaminant by Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor with Media Bee Cell 2000 and Shock Study [53.3, Issue 112, 2023, Pages 23-36]
Meshless method
Electrical Current Flow Modeling Using Meshless Method in Homogeneous Concrete [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 1-10]
Elite Particles Method in Discrete Metaheuristic Optimization of Structures [52.3, Issue 108, 2022, Pages 39-48]
Metaheuristic algorithm
Optimum Design of Water Distribution Networks Utilizing Optimization Krill Herd Algorithm [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 31-43]
Metaheuristic algorithm
Analysis of factors influencing concrete resistance in construction industry: machine learning approach [(Articles in Press)]
An Investigation on the Effect of Metakaolin and Zeolite Combination as Cement Replacement on Rebar Corrosion and Durability of Self Compacting Concrete [46.1, Issue 82, 2016, Pages 49-58]
Long-Time Investigation of Chloride Permeation in Metakaolin Concrete in Splash Zone in Qeshm Island [46.3, Issue 84, 2016, Pages 31-38]
The Effect of Zeolite, Silica Fume and Metakaolin on Workability Behavior and Strength of Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC) [47.3, Issue 88, 2017, Pages 1-7]
Effect of Metakaolin on Dispersivity Potential and Geotechnical Parameters of Dispersive Soils [54.2, Issue 115, 2024, Pages 73-83]
Metal Foam
An Optimized Stiffened Sandwich Panel for Impact-Protective Doors [54.1, Issue 114, 2024, Pages 168-179]
Metallic yielding damper
Evaluation of the Structural Behavior of a Novel Self-Centering Beam-Column Connection with Friction Damper In Comparison To Existing Connections [53.3, Issue 112, 2023, Pages 215-224]
Methylene blue
Treatment of Model Wastewater Containing Aromatic Organic Compounds, Dyestuffs, and Heavy Metals by Aerobic Biological Process [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 25-34]
Michaelis-Menten Activation Model
Biodegradation of Benzene and Toluene by Streptomyces Species Isolated From the Soil of Tabriz Refinery, Eastern-Azerbaijan and Investigation of the Kinetic Model [52.1, Issue 106, 2022, Pages 121-130]
Michaelis-Menten Inhibition Model
Biodegradation of Benzene and Toluene by Streptomyces Species Isolated From the Soil of Tabriz Refinery, Eastern-Azerbaijan and Investigation of the Kinetic Model [52.1, Issue 106, 2022, Pages 121-130]
The Effect of Bio-Micro Piles on the Improvement of Sandy Soil [53.2, Issue 111, 2023, Pages 157-167]
Investigation of dynamic behaviour of stabilized loose sand by microbially induced carbonate precipitation [(Articles in Press)]
Investigation of the Effects of Freeze-Thaw Cycles on the Deformation Parameters of Biologically Stabilized Sand [53.4, Issue 113, 2024, Pages 13-23]
Evaluation of Microalgae Performance in Different sectors of Wastewater Treatment Plant Using Statistical Analysis [52.3, Issue 108, 2022, Pages 195-201]
Microbial fuel cell
Evaluation of Electromigration Mechanism of Heavy Metal from Marine Sediments by Microbial Electrokinetic Cell [52.3, Issue 108, 2022, Pages 29-37]
Microbial fuel cell
Removal of Phenol and Electricity Generation in Microbial Fuel Cell by Using Microbial Seeds from Wastewater of Oil Refinery [52.3, Issue 108, 2022, Pages 21-27]
Microbial induced calcite precipitation
Evaluation of Nano Silica Performance on Biological Stabilization of Two Types of Sandy Soils (Poorly Granulated and Silty) [52.1, Issue 106, 2022, Pages 203-215]
Micro-genetic algorithm
Optimization of Steel Frames with Non-rismatic Members Using Genetic and Micro- genetic Algorithms [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 1-10]
Effect of brick arrangement on the load-bearing capacity of a semi-circular brick masonry barrel vault: experimental study and micro-modeling [(Articles in Press)]
The Effect of Bio-Micro Piles on the Improvement of Sandy Soil [53.2, Issue 111, 2023, Pages 157-167]
Micropile group
Evaluation of Lateral Loads Effect on Micropile Groups [49.2, Issue 95, 2019, Pages 23-34]
Influence of Silica Fume on the Long-Term Behavior of Self Compacting Concrete [43.2, Issue 71, 2013, Pages 83-90]
Investigation of the Effect of Microsilica on the Variations of Strength, Atterberg Limits and Permeability in Cement-Stabilized Clay [52.2, Issue 107, 2022, Pages 57-63]
Microstructural Stability
Impact of pH Variations of Kaolinite upon Some of its Geotechnical and Geo- Environmental Properties [51.3, Issue 104, 2021, Pages 11-17]
Microstructural Assessment of the Simultaneous Impact of Hydrocarbon Material and Heavy Metal on Sand-Bentonite Mixture Behavior [48.1, Issue 90, 2018, Pages 35-42]
Impact of Initial pH Change of Kaolinite on Its Microstructure and Consolidation Characteristics [51.3, Issue 104, 2021, Pages 77-85]
Investigation of the Effect of Biological Modification on Increasing the Resistance of Alkaline Silty Soils in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions Against Water and Wind Erosion (Case study: Miqan desert) [53.2, Issue 111, 2023, Pages 119-135]
Microstructural Examination of Effects of Organic Crude Oil Pollutant on the Geotechnical Properties and Geo-Environmental of Marl Soil of Mishan Formation [54.1, Issue 114, 2024, Pages 1-12]
Microstructure change
Effect of Pore Fluid Properties and the Increase of Temperature on Geotechnical and Geo-Environmental Parameters of Smectite [44.3, Issue 76, 2014, Pages 17-25]
The Effect of Dam Bottom Outlet Gates on Venting of Turbidity Current (Case Study: Sefid-Rud Dam) [44.1, Issue 74, 2014, Pages 25-40]
Mineral materials
Improved Compressive, Tensile and Flexural Strength of Non-Reinforced Specimens and Reinforced Beams Including Zeolite [48.4, Issue 93, 2019, Pages 103-113]
Classification of Carbonated Soils from Geotechnical Point of View (Case study: Marly Soils of Tabriz) [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 61-73]
Minimum depth of cover
Modification of Railway Soil-Steel Bridges’ Minimum Depth of Cover Using Three Dimensional Finite Element Analysis [43.2, Issue 71, 2013, Pages 71-81]
Mix design
Investigation of Fresh Concrete Behavior on Slope Lining [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 45-55]
Mixture design
The Effect of Aggregate Gradation on Performance of Asphalt Mixture [45.4, Issue 81, 2016, Pages 45-57]
Modeling Land Changes forest Using by LCM in Fandoqhlo Forest Area [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 127-140]
Prediction of properties of sand mixture with HDPE by MLR, EPR and Stepwise models [(Articles in Press)]
Mobile source
Investigation of Emissions and Dispersion of Pollutants from Cars in Tabriz City [49.3, Issue 96, 2019, Pages 23-34]
Modal curvature
Finite Element Model Updating of Damaged Concrete Beams Reinforced with GFRP Bars Using Modal Test Data [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 65-77]
Modal parameters
Developing a Robust Damage Detection Method for Offshore Jacket Platform Using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm [46.4, Issue 85, 2017, Pages 37-49]
Modal test
Finite Element Model Updating of Damaged Concrete Beams Reinforced with GFRP Bars Using Modal Test Data [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 65-77]
Unsteady state modeling of BTEX dispersion from an Industrial Incinerator using splitting method [49.2, Issue 95, 2019, Pages 13-21]
Modeling of Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) of Full-Depth Reclaimed Base Materials Stabilized with Portland Cement Using Evolutionary Polynomial Regression [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 171-184]
Modeling Land Changes forest Using by LCM in Fandoqhlo Forest Area [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 127-140]
An Application of GIS Spatial Analysis and Decision Making Systems for Modelling and Predicating of Urban Water Consuming Pattern in Tabriz [53.2, Issue 111, 2023, Pages 180-188]
Simulation of Pollution Distribution around the Tabriz Oil Refining Company by using ISCST Model [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 99-106]
Mode shapes
Finite Element Model Updating of Damaged Concrete Beams Reinforced with GFRP Bars Using Modal Test Data [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 65-77]
Mode shapes
Damage Detection in Bolted Connections of Power Transmission Towers Using Machine Learning-Based Methods (Bagging Trees) [53.4, Issue 113, 2024, Pages 53-64]
Modification of minimum depth of cover
Modification of Railway Soil-Steel Bridges’ Minimum Depth of Cover Using Three Dimensional Finite Element Analysis [43.2, Issue 71, 2013, Pages 71-81]
Modified activated alumina
Removal of Fluoride from Water Using an Activated Alumina Modified with Iron Compounds [43.4, Issue 73, 2014, Pages 13-20]
Modified Ibarra-Medina-Krawinkler deterioration model
Inelastic Displacement Ratio for Degrading SDOF Systems under the Effect of Pulse-like and Non-pulse-like Near-Fault Ground motions [53.4, Issue 113, 2024, Pages 36-52]
Modified shiono and knight method
Analytical Study of Flow Field in Non-Prismatic Compound Channel with Converging Floodplains Using Modified SKM [51.3, Issue 104, 2021, Pages 67-76]
Multi-station Calibration of Snowmelt Runoff Model (SRM) Using Remote Sensing Tools in Aji-Chay Basin, Iran [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 119-130]
MODSIMP: Extension of MODSIM Decision Support System to Simulating Operation of Multireservoir Hydropower Systems [46.4, Issue 85, 2017, Pages 15-24]
Modulus of elasticity
The Analytical and Experimental Study on the Settlement of Cast-in-Situ Concrete Piles in Sand [43.4, Issue 73, 2014, Pages 35-46]
Modulus of elasticity
Laboratory Study of the Effect of Age, Temperature, and Fiber Content on the Behavior of Environmentally Friendly Reinforced Lime-Cement Concrete (RLCC) [53.2, Issue 111, 2023, Pages 61-75]
Investigating the Effectiveness of Urmia Lake Different Restoration Scenarios Using a 2D Hydrodynamic Model [49.2, Issue 95, 2019, Pages 71-81]
A Failure Criterion for Weak Cemented Soils [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 13-21]
Mohr-Coulomb theory
Elastic-Plastic Analysis of Inverted Folded Shell Strip Foundation on Sandy Soil [47.4, Issue 89, 2018, Pages 15-26]
Moisture damage
Effects of Metallic Nano Materials on the Cohesion and Adhesion Properties of Asphalt Binders and Aggregates Using Surface Free Energy Method [52.3, Issue 108, 2022, Pages 117-126]
Moisture sensitivity
Evaluation of Moisture Sensitivity of Asphalt Mixtures Incorporating Carbon NanoTube [48.2, Issue 91, 2018, Pages 47-57]
Moisture susceptibility
The Effect of Aggregate Gradation on Performance of Asphalt Mixture [45.4, Issue 81, 2016, Pages 45-57]
Moment connection
Numerical Investigation on Seismic Behavior of Novel Moment Connections with Heat-Treated Beam Sections [51.1, Issue 102, 2021, Pages 1-13]
Moment resisting frames
Stability Assessment of Steel Moment Frames against Progressive Collapse [46.1, Issue 82, 2016, Pages 59-67]
Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Gabion-Shaped Obstacles on Sedimentation [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 141-150]
Extraction of Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves Using Fractal Theory and Evaluation of Climate Change on it (Case Study: Bushehr) [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 103-113]
Seismic Modelling of Monopiles under Wave Load in the Sandy Soil [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 59-74]
Monopod bucket foundation
3-D Simulation of Bucket Foundations Used For Offshore Wind Turbines under Monotonic Loading Conditions [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 31-41]
Monotonic Simple Shear Test
Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Cement and Zeolite-Stabilized Sand using Monotonic Simple Shear Test [52.2, Issue 107, 2022, Pages 15-25]
Monotonic undrained loading
Constitutive Sand Model under Undrained Monotonic Loading by Considering Sratio [42.2, Issue 67, 2012, Pages 53-63]
Mont Carlo simulation
Evaluating the Corrosion of Steel Reinforcement for Probabilistic Analysis of Concrete Beams [47.2, Issue 87, 2017, Pages 89-99]
Monte Carlo
Analysis of Strength and Ductility of High-Strength Concrete Columns with Random Properties [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 1-12]
Monte Carlo
Uncertainty Analysis of Seepage Flow in Soil Foundation of Small Concrete Dam [49.2, Issue 95, 2019, Pages 95-105]
Monte Carlo approach
Comparison of Inherent Performance of Seven Drought Indices in Drought Mitigation Using a Monte Carlo Simulation Approach [43.1, Issue 70, 2013, Pages 25-39]
Monte Carlo method
Investigating the Effect of Geometrical Changes of Earth Dam Dimensional Parameters on the Assessment of Piping Failure Discharge with Considering Uncertainty in the Mechanical Properties of Materials [52.3, Issue 108, 2022, Pages 93-103]
Monte-Carlo simulation
Reliability Based Resource Allocation for Transportation Network [44.3, Issue 76, 2014, Pages 89-97]
Morning glory spillway
Dynamic Interaction Analysis between the Spillway and Foundation of Shirvan-Barzu Dam Using BEM [42.2, Issue 67, 2012, Pages 1-14]
Morning glory spillway
Imperical Coefficient of Discharge Predictor for Morning Glory Spillway with Pyramidal Vortex Breakers Using Physical Model [49.4, Issue 97, 2020, Pages 93-104]
Most probable states
Reliability Based Resource Allocation for Transportation Network [44.3, Issue 76, 2014, Pages 89-97]
Movable bed
Simulation of Open Channel Flow Resistance with Movable Bed Using Artificial Neural Network [45.3, Issue 80, 2015, Pages 13-24]
Movable cylindrical structure
Experimental Investigation on Discharge Coefficient and Energy Loss amount Changes of a Cylindrical Weir-Gate with Vertical Movement [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 65-78]
Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor
Removal of 4-Nitrophenol Contaminant by Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor with Media Bee Cell 2000 and Shock Study [53.3, Issue 112, 2023, Pages 23-36]
MR damper
Semi-active Control of Structures with MR Damper Using Modified Newmark Method Based on Instantaneous Optimal Control Algorithm [46.4, Issue 85, 2017, Pages 51-62]
Removal of MTBE Contaminated Clayey Soil by Electro Kinetic Process [45.2, Issue 79, 2015, Pages 25-33]
Multi criteria decision making
Probabilistic Risk Analysis of Flood Events Using Trivariate Copulas [46.4, Issue 85, 2017, Pages 63-75]
Multi-criteria decision making
The hybrid model of identification and rating construction projects risks based on the PMBOK standard and multi-criteria decision-making methods (case study: Birjand urban sewage project) [(Articles in Press)]
Multicriteria optimization
Multicriteria Topology Optimization of Structures that Maximizes Stiffness and Minimizes Maximum Stress [44.1, Issue 74, 2014, Pages 81-88]
Multi-layer perceptron
Performance Assessment of Computational Intelligence Techniques in Solid Waste Generation Forecasting (A Case Study) [48.1, Issue 90, 2018, Pages 67-75]
Multi objective optimization
Reliability-Based Urban Water Management Using Improved Particle Swarm Optimization
(Case Study: Tabriz City, Iran) [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 39-49]
Multiobjective optimization
Multicriteria Topology Optimization of Structures that Maximizes Stiffness and Minimizes Maximum Stress [44.1, Issue 74, 2014, Pages 81-88]
Multiobjective optimization
Efficiency of Particle Swarm Optimization and Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm in Optimal Operation of Agricultural Water Resources [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 163-172]
Multi-planar tubular XT-joint
Parametric Study and Formulation of Scfs in Axially Loaded Multi-Planar Tubular XT-Joints Reinforced with Internal Ring Stiffeners [54.1, Issue 114, 2024, Pages 152-167]
Multiple linear regression
Modeling of Groundwater Level using ANN–Wavelet Hybrid Model
(Case Study: Sharif Abad Plain) [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 51-63]
Multiple records
Tunnel Form as an Ideal System for RC Constructions under Multiple Earthquakes [47.4, Issue 89, 2018, Pages 61-74]
Multistep modeling
Multi-step Modeling of Inflow to Dam Reservoir with Improve Alavian Dam Reservoir Management [(Articles in Press)]
Multivariate frequency analysis
Probabilistic Risk Analysis of Flood Events Using Trivariate Copulas [46.4, Issue 85, 2017, Pages 63-75]
Multivariate linear regression
Investigating the Effects of Land Use/Land Cover Composition on River Water Quality [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 83-93]
Municipal solid waste
Methanogenic Activity in Biogas Production High-Solids and Liquid Anaerobic Co-Digestion of Municipal Solid Waste and Sewage Sludge [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 109-117]
Municipal Waste
Environmental Impact Assessment of Tabriz's Municipal Solid Waste Disposal Site Using Rapid Impact Assessment Matrix (RIAM) and Leopold Matrix [47.2, Issue 87, 2017, Pages 77-87]
Murrumbidgee catchment runoff
Multistep Modeling of Hydroclimatic Phenomena Using Wavelet-Neural Network Seasonal Model [52.2, Issue 107, 2022, Pages 139-150]
Nahandchai River
Phase Space Reconstruction and Fractal Dimension Using of Delay Time and Embedding Dimension [43.1, Issue 70, 2013, Pages 15-21]
Physical Modelling of Pull-out Resistance in Sandy Soil by Using Large Shear Box [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 35-45]
Solidification of Heavy Metal Contaminant by the Use of Silicate-Coating Polymeric Nano-Capsules [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 1-11]
The Degradation of Phenol in Water Solution by Immobilized Tio2 Photocatalysis [48.4, Issue 93, 2019, Pages 43-49]
Effects of Nano-Silica on Mechanical Properties and Durability of Concrete [42.1, Issue 66, 2012, Pages 35-45]
Investigation of Nano-silica Effect on Compressive Strength of Concrete Containing Glass Fiber Subjected to Freeze and Thaw Cycles [45.2, Issue 79, 2015, Pages 87-95]
The Effect of Steel Fibers and Nano-Silica on the Structural Lightweight Concrete Built with Different Combinations of Leca and Perlite [47.4, Issue 89, 2018, Pages 75-84]
Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient
River Flow Simulation by Integrating Numerical Methods and Satellite Images [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 63-72]
Nash-Sutcliffe Index
Evaluating and Sensitivity analysis of a macro scale hydrological model (VIC-3L) for simulation of stream flow at different time scales [47.2, Issue 87, 2017, Pages 39-52]
Natural aggregate
Laboratory Investigation of Recycled Concrete Aggregates for Use in Subbase Layer of Roads [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 1-11]
Natural frequency
Modal Identification of an Arch Dam Using Combined Frequency Domain Decomposition and Wavelet Transform Method [46.3, Issue 84, 2016, Pages 17-29]
Natural frequency
Developing a Robust Damage Detection Method for Offshore Jacket Platform Using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm [46.4, Issue 85, 2017, Pages 37-49]
Natural frequency
Determining the Frequency of Pyramidal Buildings with Tube-In-Tube and Bundled Tube Structures by Analytical Method [53.2, Issue 111, 2023, Pages 201-217]
Natural frequency
Study of the Effects of Particle Size on the Pre-Seismic Behavior of Physical Models of Dry Granular Soils [53.4, Issue 113, 2024, Pages 85-99]
Natutal sand
An experimental investigation of the effect of replacing light grains of pumice and scoria with natural sand on the properties of cement-slag mortars [(Articles in Press)]
Navier stokes equation
Analytical Study of Flow Field in Non-Prismatic Compound Channel with Converging Floodplains Using Modified SKM [51.3, Issue 104, 2021, Pages 67-76]
Navier-Stokes equations
Estimation of Granular Grading and Concentration of Sediments on the Bed and at the Outlet of a Sediment Tank by the Aid of an Eulerian-Lagrangian Model [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 27-37]
Navier–Stokes equations
Improved Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics for Free Surface Flow over Sharp-Crested Weir [49.3, Issue 96, 2019, Pages 85-95]
Near and far fault earthquake
Effect of Near and Far Fault Earthquake on the Shear Wall and Buckling Restrained Braces [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 23-33]
Investigation on the Components of 2012 Twin Earthquakes of Azerbaijan along Principal Directions [43.4, Issue 73, 2014, Pages 47-56]
Numerical Investigation on Seismic Behavior of Novel Moment Connections with Heat-Treated Beam Sections [51.1, Issue 102, 2021, Pages 1-13]
Inelastic Displacement Ratio for Degrading SDOF Systems under the Effect of Pulse-like and Non-pulse-like Near-Fault Ground motions [53.4, Issue 113, 2024, Pages 36-52]
Near-fault earthquake
Evaluation of the Inelastic Deformation Demands in Regular Steel Frames by Comparing the Results of the Pushover Method with the Nonlinear Time Histories Analysis Under the Near-Fault Pulse-type Earthquake [52.1, Issue 106, 2022, Pages 93-108]
Near-fault earthquake
Dynamic Behavior Evaluation of FPS Isolated Liquid Storage Tanks Subjected to Pulse-like Excitations [51.2, Issue 103, 2021, Pages 51-61]
Near fault ground motion
Comparison of Performance-based Seismic Behavior Parameters of Buckling Restrained Braced Frames for Near and Far Fault Earthquakes [47.3, Issue 88, 2017, Pages 23-32]
Near-field earthquakes
Comparison of Near-Filed and Far-Filed Earthquakes on Nonlinear Response of Concrete Gravity Dams [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 25-38]
Near-source ground motion
Study of Precision for Structural Responses of Buildings using Advanced Scalar Intensity Measures [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 59-67]
Near-surface mounted (NSM) method
Strengthening of RC Beams with Prestressed NSM CFRP Laminates [52.2, Issue 107, 2022, Pages 129-138]
Near zone fault
Numerical modeling of dynamic response and effect of near and far field earthquake of urban railway Station near to fault region (case study: line 2 urban railway Stations) [53.3, Issue 112, 2023, Pages 106-116]
Traffic Impact Assessment of Urban Grade-Separated Intersections on the Adjacent Street Network [43.1, Issue 70, 2013, Pages 41-49]
Network pressure reliability index
Pressure and Leakage Management of Water Distribution Network with Optimal Scheduling of Valves and Pumps [52.2, Issue 107, 2022, Pages 79-88]
Network travel time reliability
Reliability Based Resource Allocation for Transportation Network [44.3, Issue 76, 2014, Pages 89-97]
Neural network
Estimation of Maximum Ground Surface Settlement due to Tunneling with Artificial Neural Network and Wave-net Network [42.4, Issue 69, 2013, Pages 35-46]
Neural network
Seismic Damage Forecasting for Steel Moment Frames using Neural Networks [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 75-86]
Use of Soft Calculations at Estimation and Prediction of Environmental Flow Discharge (Case Study: Khorkhoreh Chay River) [47.3, Issue 88, 2017, Pages 9-22]
Neuro-fuzzy network
Estimation of Structural Collapse Reliability via Response Surface Method and a Hybrid of Neuro-Fuzzy Networks with Meta-heuristic Algorithms [52.2, Issue 107, 2022, Pages 27-45]
Neuro-Fuzzy systems
Optimization of the Geometry of Triangular Labyrinth Spillways, Using Fuzzy-Neural System and Differential Evolution Algorithm [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 81-91]
Neutral directivity
Seismic Demand Estimation of Steel Moment Resisting Frames in Near Field of Fault [45.2, Issue 79, 2015, Pages 73-86]
Newman- Keuls Test
Investigation and Evaluation of Pollutants from Passenger Cars in Iran [51.4, Issue 105, 2022, Pages 97-108]
Newmark method
Semi-active Control of Structures with MR Damper Using Modified Newmark Method Based on Instantaneous Optimal Control Algorithm [46.4, Issue 85, 2017, Pages 51-62]
Newton-Cotes-4P-θ method
New Formulation for Dynamic Analysis of Nonlinear Time-History of Vibrations of Structures under Earthquake Loading [54.1, Issue 114, 2024, Pages 22-35]
NIMALA flume
Effects of Floating Wave Barriers with Square Cross Sections on the Wave-induced Forces Exerted to an Offshore Jacket Structure [51.3, Issue 104, 2021, Pages 1-10]
Evaluation of Microalgae Performance in Different sectors of Wastewater Treatment Plant Using Statistical Analysis [52.3, Issue 108, 2022, Pages 195-201]
Nitrogen oxides
Associations between Surface Ozone and Nitrogen Oxides of Ambient Air in Tabriz [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 107-114]
Non-classical damping
Vertical Isolation of 1-Story Structures with the Nonlinear Viscous Dampers for Seismic Response Reduction [50.1, Issue 98, 2020, Pages 65-76]
Non-cohesive soil
Application of Meta Models for Simlulation of Bridge Pier Scouring in Non-Cohesive Soils [42.3, Issue 68, 2012, Pages 13-26]
Non-cohesive soils
The Efficiency of Gene Expression Programming Method to Estimate the Scour Depth in Cohesive and Non-Cohesive Soil Beds at the Bridge Piers [44.2, Issue 75, 2014, Pages 21-33]
Non-Darcy Flow
Calculate the Output Flow Depth from a Coarse-Grained Porous Media with Radial Flow [53.3, Issue 112, 2023, Pages 128-133]
Non-destructive method
Geotechnical Investigations to Detect Basement Defects at Imam Mosque in Isfahan using Ground- Penetrating Radar [50.1, Issue 98, 2020, Pages 95-105]
Non-Dominated Sorting
Efficiency of Particle Swarm Optimization and Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm in Optimal Operation of Agricultural Water Resources [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 163-172]
Non-linear analyses
Assessment of Different Analysis Methods for Seismic Evaluation of RC Buildings with Irregularities in Plan and Height, Retrofitted Using Steel Bracing [52.2, Issue 107, 2022, Pages 107-120]
Non-linear analysis
An Investigation on the Seismic Stability of Persian Brick Arches [42.1, Issue 66, 2012, Pages 49-55]
Nonlinear analysis
Effects of the Self-Stress Level on the Instability Behavior of the Tensegrity Barrel Vaults [44.3, Issue 76, 2014, Pages 75-87]
Nonlinear analysis
Seismic Evaluation of Steel Frames with Different Connection Conditions of X-braces [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 81-92]
Nonlinear analysis
Comparison of Near-Filed and Far-Filed Earthquakes on Nonlinear Response of Concrete Gravity Dams [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 25-38]
Nonlinear analysis
Determination of Slip Load of Friction Dampers Based on Target Ductility in Different Stories of Building Frames [45.2, Issue 79, 2015, Pages 1-11]
Nonlinear analysis
Nonlinear Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Deep Beams with Finite Elements Method [45.3, Issue 80, 2015, Pages 41-49]
Nonlinear analysis
New Formulation for Dynamic Analysis of Nonlinear Time-History of Vibrations of Structures under Earthquake Loading [54.1, Issue 114, 2024, Pages 22-35]
Nonlinear Behavior
Assessing the Simultaneous Effects of Horizontal and Vertical Components of Earthquakes on the Double Layer Barrel Vaults [45.2, Issue 79, 2015, Pages 35-45]
Non- linear dynamic analysis
Effect of Composite Floors on Progressive Collapse Control in the Steel Moment Frame Structures [52.1, Issue 106, 2022, Pages 27-39]
Nonlinear dynamic analysis
Study of Seismic Behaviour in Steel Structures by Using of Combination Braces of Steel and SMA [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 11-22]
Nonlinear dynamic analysis
Seismic Damage Forecasting for Steel Moment Frames using Neural Networks [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 75-86]
Nonlinear dynamic analysis
Effects of torsional irregularity and seismicity level on progressive collapse potential of steel moment frames [50.2, Issue 99, 2020, Pages 71-81]
Nonlinear FEM analysis
The Effects of In-Situ Stresses, Discontinuities and Appropriate Rock Foundation Boundary Conditions in the Analysis of Concrete Arch Dams [42.4, Issue 69, 2013, Pages 1-14]
Nonlinear finite element analysis
Numerical evolution of Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Subassemblages under Progressive Collapse [51.1, Issue 102, 2021, Pages 47-58]
Non-linear finite element method
Parametric Analysis of Out-of-Plane Behavior of Masonry Infilled RC Frames [51.1, Issue 102, 2021, Pages 27-34]
Nonlinear finite elements simulation
Effect of brick arrangement on the load-bearing capacity of a semi-circular brick masonry barrel vault: experimental study and micro-modeling [(Articles in Press)]
Nonlinear multivariable regression
Prediction of the Rock Brittleness Index Using Nonlinear Multivariable Regression and the CART Regression Tree [48.3, Issue 92, 2018, Pages 33-40]
Non-linear static analysis
Numerical Modeling of RCS Frames and Effect of Joint Behavior on the Overall Response [44.2, Issue 75, 2014, Pages 11-19]
Nonlinear static analysis
Seismic Behavior of Eccentrically Braced Frames with Vertical Links made of Easy-Going Steel [48.4, Issue 93, 2019, Pages 79-87]
Nonlinear static analysis
Comparison of Seismic and Gravity Progressive Collapse in dual systems with special steel moment-resisting frames and braces [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 151-161]
Nonlinear strain
Numerical Analysis of Plastic Hinge Regions in RC Deep Beams under Concentrated and Distributed Loads [53.2, Issue 111, 2023, Pages 168-178]
Non-linear time history analysis
Stability Assessment of Steel Moment Frames against Progressive Collapse [46.1, Issue 82, 2016, Pages 59-67]
Nonlinear viscous dampers
Vertical Isolation of 1-Story Structures with the Nonlinear Viscous Dampers for Seismic Response Reduction [50.1, Issue 98, 2020, Pages 65-76]
Non-prismatic compound channel
Analytical Study of Flow Field in Non-Prismatic Compound Channel with Converging Floodplains Using Modified SKM [51.3, Issue 104, 2021, Pages 67-76]
Non-prismatic compound channel
Experimental Study of the Effects of Skew Angle on Flow Field in Skewed Compound Channels with Inclined Floodplains [53.2, Issue 111, 2023, Pages 96-107]
Non-prismatic sections
Optimization of Steel Frames with Non-rismatic Members Using Genetic and Micro- genetic Algorithms [43.3, Issue 72, 2013, Pages 1-10]
Inelastic Displacement Ratio for Degrading SDOF Systems under the Effect of Pulse-like and Non-pulse-like Near-Fault Ground motions [53.4, Issue 113, 2024, Pages 36-52]
Non-Uniform Record
Extension of Algorithm for Support Non-Uniform Record Using Time Domain 3D Boundary Elements Method [49.2, Issue 95, 2019, Pages 47-57]
Noor beach
Estimation of Swash Zone Slope in Noor Beach during Cold Season [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 77-85]
North Tabriz Fault
Determination of Appropriate Geodetic Observational regions to Monitor the Mechanical behavior of NTF by Sensitivity Analysis of Okada Model Using HDMR Method [52.1, Issue 106, 2022, Pages 67-80]
North Tabriz Fault
Seismic Hazard Assessment for the NTF by Slip Tendency Analysis based on the Regional Stress Extracted from the Focal Mechanism of Earthquakes and GPS Observables [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 111-126]
Estimation of Scour Hole Dimensions Due to Vertical Circular Submerged Jet [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 41-50]
Probabilistic Zoning of Hydraulic Performance of Water Distribution Network by Applying Key Parameter Uncertainty [53.2, Issue 111, 2023, Pages 50-60]
Seismic Behavior of Anchored Quay Walls Embedded in Liquefiable Sites [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 15-28]
Numerical analysis
Numerical Analysis for Prediction of Shallow Foundation Settlement Based on Plate Load Test Results [42.2, Issue 67, 2012, Pages 67-75]
Numerical analysis
Investigation the Effects of Soil Excavation on Earth - Moving in Urban Areas (Case Study: Ilam City) [47.2, Issue 87, 2017, Pages 21-27]
Numerical analysis
Evaluation of the Static and Seismic Passive Lateral Earth Pressure for c- Soils using the Stress Characteristics Method [47.3, Issue 88, 2017, Pages 81-92]
Numerical analysis
Numerical Study of Earthdams after Construction and First Impounding (Case Study of Doyraj EarthDam) [52.1, Issue 106, 2022, Pages 227-234]
Numerical analysis
Numerical Analysis of Reinforced Exterior Concrete Beam-Column Joints Retrofitted Using FRP under Cyclic Loads [52.1, Issue 106, 2022, Pages 169-183]
Numerical analysis
Numerical study of the effect of pile characteristics on its behavior in sandy soils. [(Articles in Press)]
Numerical modeling
Numerical Modeling of Concrete Lining Uplift in Tabriz Plain Canal [43.4, Issue 73, 2014, Pages 21-34]
Numerical modeling
The Effect of Single-Layer Cover System to Control Acid Mine Drainage in Tailings Dam [47.4, Issue 89, 2018, Pages 99-112]
Numerical modeling
A Numerical Study on the Bearing Capacity of Neighboring Shallow Foundations on Sand [48.4, Issue 93, 2019, Pages 25-33]
Numerical modeling
Back Analysis of Tabarakabad Embankment Dam Using Monitoring and Numerical Model Results [48.4, Issue 93, 2019, Pages 51-62]
Numerical modeling
Numerical Modeling of Turbid Density Current in Dez Reservoir [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 77-88]
Numerical modeling
The effect of Temperature on the Convection Zone of Concrete (Experimental-Numerical Study) [50.3, Issue 100, 2020, Pages 69-81]
Numerical modeling
Investigation of Tunnel Face Support Pressure Effects on the Aqueduct Using Numerical Modeling (Case Study Tabriz Metro Line 2) [53.4, Issue 113, 2024, Pages 65-74]
Numerical modeling
Numerical Investigation of Block Form Effect in Amount of Dissipated Energy of Baffled Apron Spillway Drop by Flow3D [54.1, Issue 114, 2024, Pages 56-62]
Numerical modelling
Determination of Face Pressure in EPB Tunneling Applying Empirical, Analytical and Numerical Methods (Case Study: Tabriz Underground Railway) [49.4, Issue 97, 2020, Pages 21-32]
Numerical simulation
Two-Dimensional Simulation of Sediment Transport Prediction in Dam Reservoirs Using the Combination of a Numerical Model and GIS
(Case Study: Aydoghmoosh Dam Reservoir) [42.4, Issue 69, 2013, Pages 59-65]
Numerical simulation
Two-Dimensional Simulation of Sediment Transport Prediction in Dam Reservoirs Using the Combination of a Numerical Model and GIS
(Case Study: Aydoghmoosh Dam Reservoir) [42.4, Issue 69, 2013, Pages 67-74]
Numerical simulation
Numerical 2D Vertical Simulation of Wave Propagation Due to Dam Break [44.3, Issue 76, 2014, Pages 47-59]
Numerical simulation
Investigation into Effect of Burial Depth of Offshore Pipelines in Tandem Position on Flow Separation Using the Experimental and Numerical Models [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 1-13]
Numerical simulation
3-D Simulation of Bucket Foundations Used For Offshore Wind Turbines under Monotonic Loading Conditions [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 31-41]
Numerical simulation
Investigating into the Temporal Hydrodynamic Forces Exerted on Offshore Piggyback Pipelines due to Steady Currents [53.4, Issue 113, 2024, Pages 112-125]
Numerical study
Numerical Study on the Effects of the Floodplain Width on Flow Field and Interaction between the Main Channel and Floodplains in Prismatic Compound Channels [46.2, Issue 83, 2016, Pages 15-24]
Object Oriented
Modeling Land Changes forest Using by LCM in Fandoqhlo Forest Area [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 127-140]
Oblique load
Experimental Investigation of Load- Displacement Behavior of Enlarged Base Piles under Oblique Tension Loadings in Sandy Soil [51.1, Issue 102, 2021, Pages 99-109]
Seismic Modelling of Monopiles under Wave Load in the Sandy Soil [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 59-74]
Offshore jacket structure
SCF distribution along the weld toe in tubular X-joints reinforced with doubler plates subjected to axial loading: Study of geometrical effects and design formulation [(Articles in Press)]
Offshore jacket structure
SCFs in multi-planar tubular TT-joints of offshore jacket structures subjected to out-of plane bending (OPB) loads [(Articles in Press)]
Offshore jacket structure
Parametric Study and Formulation of Scfs in Axially Loaded Multi-Planar Tubular XT-Joints Reinforced with Internal Ring Stiffeners [54.1, Issue 114, 2024, Pages 152-167]
Offshore jacket-type platforms
Investigating the Effects of Combined Tuned Liquid Damper (CTLD) on Dynamic Behavior of Offshore Jacket-Type Platforms [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 11-21]
Offshore pipelines
Investigation into Effect of Burial Depth of Offshore Pipelines in Tandem Position on Flow Separation Using the Experimental and Numerical Models [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 1-13]
Offshore wind turbine
3-D Simulation of Bucket Foundations Used For Offshore Wind Turbines under Monotonic Loading Conditions [53.1, Issue 110, 2023, Pages 31-41]
Oil leakage
Effect of petroleum on the physical and mechanical properties of fine-grained soils of Arak Shazand refinery area [53.4, Issue 113, 2024, Pages 126-137]
Oil pollutants
Removal of 4-Nitrophenol Contaminant by Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor with Media Bee Cell 2000 and Shock Study [53.3, Issue 112, 2023, Pages 23-36]
Oil refinery wastewater
Removal of Phenol and Electricity Generation in Microbial Fuel Cell by Using Microbial Seeds from Wastewater of Oil Refinery [52.3, Issue 108, 2022, Pages 21-27]
Old buildings
Experimental Seismic Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Columns with Plain Bars under Cyclic Lateral Loading [43.2, Issue 71, 2013, Pages 53-67]
One-dimensional consolidation test
Analysis of Creep Behavior of Sandy Clay Soil under 1D Consolidation Test [45.3, Issue 80, 2015, Pages 65-74]
Onshore and Offshore Geotechnics
Introduction and Determination of the New Generation of Mechanical Anchors for Using As a Geotechnical Supporting System [51.3, Issue 104, 2021, Pages 55-66]
Investigating the Seismic Performance of Masonry Infills with Opening and Non-Opening by Considering the Interaction of Behavior in Plane and Out of the Plane and Providing the Reduction Factor of Effective Stiffness and Ultimate Strength [54.1, Issue 114, 2024, Pages 56-83]
Optimal control algorithm
Semi-active Control of Structures with MR Damper Using Modified Newmark Method Based on Instantaneous Optimal Control Algorithm [46.4, Issue 85, 2017, Pages 51-62]
Optimal design
Scaled Charged System Search Algorithm for Optimum Design of Steel Frames [47.1, Issue 86, 2017, Pages 81-90]
Optimal length
Optimization of Pile Length in Earth Slope Stabilization [49.2, Issue 95, 2019, Pages 59-69]
Optimally Actuators Placement
Optimally placement of active tendons with consideration of various uncertainties [(Articles in Press)]
Optimal route
Optimization of Access Routes in Takht Coal Mine for Minimizing Environmental Damages [44.2, Issue 75, 2014, Pages 1-9]
Optimal temperature
The Effect of Initial Temperature of Self-Compacting Concrete on Its Long-Term Mechanical Properties [53.3, Issue 112, 2023, Pages 182-191]
Optimization of the Geometry of Triangular Labyrinth Spillways, Using Fuzzy-Neural System and Differential Evolution Algorithm [45.1, Issue 78, 2015, Pages 81-91]
Optimum mixture
The Effect of Aggregate Gradation on Performance of Asphalt Mixture [45.4, Issue 81, 2016, Pages 45-57]
Organic compound
Performance Evaluation and Comparison of Facultative Ponds in Series and Parallel for Wastewater Treatment (Case study: Delijan WWTP) [53.3, Issue 112, 2023, Pages 10-22]
Organic contaminant
The Comparison of Plastic and Permeability Behavior of Bentonite in the Presence of Organic and Heavy Metal Contaminants [46.4, Issue 85, 2017, Pages 25-36]
Organic oil pollutant
Microstructural Examination of Effects of Organic Crude Oil Pollutant on the Geotechnical Properties and Geo-Environmental of Marl Soil of Mishan Formation [54.1, Issue 114, 2024, Pages 1-12]
Orthotropic Half-Space
Amplification Pattern of Orthotropic Gaussian-Shaped Valley [(Articles in Press)]
Out-of-plane behavior
Parametric Analysis of Out-of-Plane Behavior of Masonry Infilled RC Frames [51.1, Issue 102, 2021, Pages 27-34]
Out-of-plane bending (OPB)
SCFs in multi-planar tubular TT-joints of offshore jacket structures subjected to out-of plane bending (OPB) loads [(Articles in Press)]
Out of plane loading
Investigating the Seismic Performance of Masonry Infills with Opening and Non-Opening by Considering the Interaction of Behavior in Plane and Out of the Plane and Providing the Reduction Factor of Effective Stiffness and Ultimate Strength [54.1, Issue 114, 2024, Pages 56-83]
Output Flow Depth
Calculate the Output Flow Depth from a Coarse-Grained Porous Media with Radial Flow [53.3, Issue 112, 2023, Pages 128-133]
Output hydrograph
Investigating the Effect of Geometrical Changes of Earth Dam Dimensional Parameters on the Assessment of Piping Failure Discharge with Considering Uncertainty in the Mechanical Properties of Materials [52.3, Issue 108, 2022, Pages 93-103]
Determination of Reduction Factor for Reinforced Concrete Structures with Coupling Core Wall and Coupling Beams and Comparing with Reinforced Structures with Shear Wall [44.1, Issue 74, 2014, Pages 67-80]
Overstrength factor
Effect of Vertical Shear Link on the Operation of Elements and Response Modification Factor of Rehabilitated Concrete Structures [47.4, Issue 89, 2018, Pages 85-96]
Overturning Moment
Effects of Floating Wave Barriers with Square Cross Sections on the Wave-induced Forces Exerted to an Offshore Jacket Structure [51.3, Issue 104, 2021, Pages 1-10]
The Effect of Single-Layer Cover System to Control Acid Mine Drainage in Tailings Dam [47.4, Issue 89, 2018, Pages 99-112]
The Application of Ozonation Process for the Treatment of Landfill Leachate [44.3, Issue 76, 2014, Pages 39-45]
Evaluation of treatment processes; recovery and recycling of water from human wastewater in tall towers using automation methods; a case study of the project in the Sepehr Tower, Tehran. [(Articles in Press)]
Ozonation Consumption Rate
Ozone Treatment of Diesel-Fuel Contaminated Soils [50.3, Issue 100, 2020, Pages 45-57]
Ozone Breakthrough Curve
Ozone Treatment of Diesel-Fuel Contaminated Soils [50.3, Issue 100, 2020, Pages 45-57]
Ozone gas
Optimization of Photo-electrochemical Hybrid Process with Polyurethane/Titanium Dioxide-Graphene Electrodes in the Presence of Ozone gas in Landfill treatment [(Articles in Press)]
Ozone Treatment
Ozone Treatment of Diesel-Fuel Contaminated Soils [50.3, Issue 100, 2020, Pages 45-57]
Modeling and Static Analysis of Two-Dimensional Linear Trusses using Graphic Static Method [53.3, Issue 112, 2023, Pages 69-82]
Parametric design equation
SCF distribution along the weld toe in tubular X-joints reinforced with doubler plates subjected to axial loading: Study of geometrical effects and design formulation [(Articles in Press)]
Parametric equation
Investigation of Different Alternatives on Municipal Solid Waste Disposal by Using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Approach (Case Study: Ramsar) [47.2, Issue 87, 2017, Pages 29-38]
Parametric equation
The Effect of Soil Parameters on mechanical Behavior of Soil Nailed Slope [50.1, Issue 98, 2020, Pages 1-8]
Parametric equation
Investigating the Pattern of Progressive Collapse in Double-Layer Dome Space Trusses [52.3, Issue 108, 2022, Pages 203-214]
Pareto front
Efficiency of Particle Swarm Optimization and Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm in Optimal Operation of Agricultural Water Resources [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 163-172]
Pareto optimal points
Sediment Management by Multi-objective Operation of Sefidrud Dam with Respect to Hydropower Generation and Environmental Issues [46.1, Issue 82, 2016, Pages 13-24]
Particle shape
Numerical and Experimental Investigations of the Effect of Gradation and Shape of Particles on the Mechanical Behavior of Granular soils [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 35-48]
Particle size
Study of the Effects of Particle Size on the Pre-Seismic Behavior of Physical Models of Dry Granular Soils [53.4, Issue 113, 2024, Pages 85-99]
Particle size distribution
Numerical and Experimental Investigations of the Effect of Gradation and Shape of Particles on the Mechanical Behavior of Granular soils [52.4, Issue 109, 2023, Pages 35-48]
Particle swarm algorithm
Developing a Robust Damage Detection Method for Offshore Jacket Platform Using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm [46.4, Issue 85, 2017, Pages 37-49]
Particulate matter
Using low-cost sensors to measure PM2.5 pollution in the urban environment [(Articles in Press)]
Particulate matters
Investigation of Emission and Dispersion of PM2.5 Pollutant Emitted from BRT Buses in Tabriz City [50.4, Issue 101, 2021, Pages 33-43]
Passive control
Application of Lead-Rubber Isolators as Shear Dampers [42.2, Issue 67, 2012, Pages 15-26]
Passive control
Application of a New Cylindrical Slit Damper for Mitigation of Structural Vibrations [45.4, Issue 81, 2016, Pages 29-43]
Passive control
Investigating the Effects of Combined Tuned Liquid Damper (CTLD) on Dynamic Behavior of Offshore Jacket-Type Platforms [49.1, Issue 94, 2019, Pages 11-21]
Passive lateral earth pressure
Evaluation of the Static and Seismic Passive Lateral Earth Pressure for c- Soils using the Stress Characteristics Method [47.3, Issue 88, 2017, Pages 81-92]
Laboratory Investigation of Recycled Concrete Aggregates for Use in Subbase Layer of Roads [44.4, Issue 77, 2015, Pages 1-11]
Pedotransfer function
Estimation of Specific Surface Area of Soils Using Pedotransfer Functions [50.3, Issue 100, 2020, Pages 1-8]
Penetration Depth
Determination of Effective Penetration Depth of Stone Column in Earth Slope using Numerical and Experimental method [48.1, Issue 90, 2018, Pages 1-12]
Penetration resistance
Evaluating the Setting Process of fresh Concrete Containing Rice Husk Ash using Ultrasonic Method [44.2, Issue 75, 2014, Pages 35-45]
Performance assessment
Seismic Performance Assessment of RC MRF Buildings on Shallow Foundations Incorporating Soil-Structure Interaction [48.4, Issue 93, 2019, Pages 63-77]
Performance-based design
Comparison of Performance-based Seismic Behavior Parameters of Buckling Restrained Braced Frames for Near and Far Fault Earthquakes [47.3, Issue 88, 2017, Pages 23-32]
Performance based optimum design
Application of Endurance Time Method in Optimum Seismic Design of Steel Frames Using Uniform Deformations Theory [49.4, Issue 97, 2020, Pages 33-45]
Performance limit
Developing Fragility Curves for Precast Concrete Structures [46.3, Issue 84, 2016, Pages 51-61]
The Effect of Steel Fibers and Nano-Silica on the Structural Lightweight Concrete Built with Different Combinations of Leca and Perlite [47.4, Issue 89, 2018, Pages 75-84]
Permanent deformation
The Effect of Aggregate Gradation on Performance of Asphalt Mixture [45.4, Issue 81, 2016, Pages 45-57]
Impact of Heavy Metal Contaminants on Coefficient of Variations of Compression Index, Expansion Index and Permeability Coefficient of Bentonite from Micro-Structural Point of View [45.4, Issue 81, 2016, Pages 7-17]
The Comparison of Plastic and Permeability Behavior of Bentonite in the Presence of Organic and Heavy Metal Contaminants [46.4, Issue 85, 2017, Pages 25-36]